Honors Enrichment Contract Request Form – Lab/Studio/Performance Space Option Honors Enrichment Contract (HEC) requests must be submitted to the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office for review. The final deadline for contracts each semester is the last day of the Add/Drop period. It is expected, however, that students will have their course contracts ready to submit at the end of the semester prior to doing the lab or studio work to which the contract is attached. Note: Course contracts can typically be undertaken by Honors College Juniors only. In cases in which a student is studying abroad for the entire Junior year, the contract can be undertaken by second-semester sophomores or first-semester seniors. You must be in good standing in the Honors College to submit an Honors Contract Request. Student Name: __________________________________________________________ UVM ID Number: _________________________________________________________ UVM Email: _____________________________________________________________ Semester in which the HEC will be undertaken: ________________________________ Professor/Principal Investigator: ______________________________________________ Professor/Principal Investigator UVM Email:_____________________________________ Note: If working in a scientific laboratory, the Principal Investigator must be a UVM faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor Faculty Approval Form Instructor name: Email: Department: Student name: Describe the work that the student will need to complete to earn 3 credits of Honors Enrichment in your lab, studio, or performance space. How often will you meet with the student to review and discuss this honors work? How and when will be this work be assessed?