Electronics for large LAr TPC’s F. Pietropaolo (ICARUS Collaboration) CRYODET Workshop LNGS, 13-14 March 2006 Outline The ICARUS front-end electronics Alternatives solutions Layout in T600 module (analogue + digital) Performance and limitations Possible upgrades for multi-kton detectors Front-end inside vs outside LAr Analog-to-digital serial converter Summary 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 2 The ICARUS T600 experience The T600 DAQ system (5·104 channels), designed in Padova, engineered and built by CAEN, has proven to perform satisfactory during the 2001 test run in Pavia. It consists of an analogue front-end followed by a multiplexed AD converter (10 bit) and by a digital VME module performing local storage, hit finding and data compression. From the experience gained with the T600 operation, an R&D phase is underway in view of an upgrade for a multi-kton detector with ~ n·105 channels (better S/N, larger integration, lower cost). 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 3 The ICARUS read-out principle m.i.p. ionization ~ 6000 e-/mm Time Edrift ~ 500 V/cm Drift direction Hit finder Mux 8:1 Low-noise amplifiers Front-end 13-14 March 2006 FADC Memory 400ns n x 4kB multi-event circular buffer Continuous waveform recording Daedalus CryoDet workshop, LNGS To storage 4 The induction signals Electrons path Ionizing track Induced current Edrift Induced charge T=0 Drift u-t view E1 Induction 1 v-t view d E2 Induction 2 w-t view Charge = area d Collection Charge = ampl. p Drift time Drift time • ICARUS T600: three wire planes (pitch 3mm, separation 3mm) 13-14 March 2006 Edrift = 500 V/cm Mip signal ~ 12000 e- (inc. recombinantion) Electron drift velocity ~ 1.5 mm/s Typical grid transit time ~ 2-3 s CryoDet workshop, LNGS 5 Requirements for the preamplifier Need of very low noise amplifier: No amplification around sense wires Induced charge ~ 104 electrons Large input capacitance (CD) Wires (20 pF/m) + cables (50 pF/m) In T600 CD ~ 300-400pF Serial noise (proportional to CD) dominates over parallel noise (proportional only to signal bandwidth) esn 2 High trans-conductance (gm) input device required to ensure acceptable Signal-to Noise level (S/N ~ 10) S /N 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 1 gm q CF q CF esn CD esn CD 6 Choice of the active input device Bipolar transistors VLSI-CMOS gm ≈ 400mS @ Ic ≈ 10 mA (Amplification merit factor gm·Zout ≈ 3-4·105) BUT: parallel noise density ≈ 2 pA / √Hz too high (with a typical LAr signal bandwidth of ~ 1 MHz gives unacceptable noise contribution) Extremely low gm jFET Good gm ≈ 40mS @ Ids ≈ 10 mA (Amplification merit factor gm·Zout ≈ 3-4·104) negligible parallel noise density ≈ 0.001 pA / √Hz ICARUS choice since 1986: charge sensitive preamplifier with high gm jFET input stage 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 7 The ICARUS T600 preamplifier Custom IC in BiCMOS technology Classical Radeka integrator External input stage jFET’s Two IF4500 (Interfet) or BF861/2/3 (Philips) in parallel Two versions: “quasi-current” mode: RfCf ≈ 1.6s (collection + first induction) “quasi-charge” mode: RfCf ≈ 30s (mid induction) Cz R2 R1 to increase gm (50-60 mS) External feed-back network External baseline restorer circuit Identical symmetrical layout guarantees identical electrical behavior 13-14 March 2006 R3 Cu Allow sensitivity and decay time optimization High value f.b. resistor (100M) reduce parallel noise Two channels per IC R4 Cs Rf Ra Cf AGND Rp Sensitivity ≈ 6 mV/fC Dynamic range > 200 fC Linearity < 0.5% @ full scale Gain uniformity < 3% E.N.C. ≈ (350 + 2.5 x CD) el ≈ 1200 el. @ 350pF Power consumption ≈ 40 mW CryoDet workshop, LNGS 8 Layout of front-end electronics UHV Feed-through (18x32ch.) Liquid argon H.V. (<±500 V) VME board (18/crate) Gas Sense wires (4-9m, 20pF/m) 4 Multiplexers (400ns x 8ch.) Twisted pair cables (~5m, 50pF/m) Decoupling Boards (32 ch.) Front-end amplifiers (32/board) F A D C 10bit FADC 400ns sampling 1mV/ADC ICARUS T600: ~ 54000 channels — 1720 boards — 96 crates Cost of the full electronic chain: ~ 80 € / channel 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 9 The ICARUS T600 read-out chain CAEN-V789 board: 2 Daedalus VLSI * 16 input channels (local self-trigger & zero suppression) + memory buffers + data out on VME bus Signal UHV feed-through: 576 channels (18 connectors x 32) + HV wire biasing CAEN-V791 board: 32 pre-amplifiers + 4 multiplexers (8:1) + 4 FADC’s (10 bits - 20 MHz) 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS Decoupling board: HV distribution and signal input 10 The T600 electronic racks 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 11 The analogue board V791 FADC’s Multiplexers Digital link Preamplifiers QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. BiCMOS IC layout Input signal connector Output of analogue sum Shielding of front-end 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 12 Performance of the V791 boards V791C V791Q Collection Mid. Induction 1st Induction 1st Induction 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 128 wires/view 1024 samples 400 ns/sample 13 Performance of the V791C board Single wire waveforms (horiz. axis unit = 400 ns) 60 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 m.i.p. ≈ 12 ADC counts (3 mm) FWHM ≈ 5 µs Collection 50 45 40 35 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 40 1st Induction 35 30 25 20 15 20 Test pulse (6 mm m.i.p) 24 ADC counts FWHM ≈ 5 µs 55 70 120 170 220 25 300 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 120 350 Noise 400 450 RMS ≈ 1.3 ADC counts Coherent noise due to layout not negligible! 170 220 270 320 370 RMS noise on T600 = 1.3 - 1.7 ADC counts (due to difficult environment in Pavia) 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 14 Performance of the V791Q board Single wire waveforms (horiz. axis unit = 400 ns) 60 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 Mid. Induction 55 50 45 40 m.i.p. ≈ 10 ADC counts (3 mm) FWHM ≈ 5 µs 0 50 100 150 200 250 35 30 25 20 200 38 36 Pulse height & shape from mid. plane wires very similar to those from collection plane wires. High frequency S/N also comparable. Low frequency minimized by baseline restorer. Test pulse (6 mm m.i.p.) 24 ADC counts RC ≈ 30 µs 34 250 Noise 300 350 400 450 500 RMS (h.f.) ≈ 1.2 ADC counts 32 30 28 26 24 22 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Low frequency noise visible but not dangerous! 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 15 Drift time (1.5m) Events from T300 semi module Collection view Drift time (1.5m) Wire numbering (4.5m) Induction2 view Wire numbering (4.5m) 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 16 Possible upgrades In a multi-kton LAr-TPC with the ICARUS read-out principle we can foresee S/N close to T600 Larger number of channels (~ n•105) Longer electrodes (larger input capacitance, more electronic noise) But probably larger electrode pitch (more input charge) Require integration, cost reduction Present overall architecture fully satisfactory Improvement will focus on Input stage jFET Review IC design - Integrate more channels BiCMOS technology evolved since last IC design Careful study of layout topology Development of new hybrid sub module 13-14 March 2006 Technology still state of the art Optimization of number of input jFET to larger input capacitance Hosting more amplification channels (e.g. 4 - 8) And, possibly, the analogue-to-digital converter stage CryoDet workshop, LNGS 17 Electronics in LAr Deeply investigated within ICARUS collaboration (since 1988) Limited choice of active devices working at LAr temperature U310 jFET GAs-jFET (High Electron Mobility Transistor technology) Silicon jFET (High Resistive Substrate technology) Expected characteristics: Better S/N due to improved gm at cryogenic temperature Reliability at LAr temperature Availability on the market 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS Carrier mobility decrease Pinch-off increase 18 Pro & Contra Advantages Reduction of input capacitance due to cable absence Reduction of micro-phonic noise (detector = Faraday cage) Intrinsic improvement of S/N due to larger jFET gm at cryogenic temperature Disadvantages Inaccessibility during detector operation Need of careful selection of components, extensive burn-in and temperature cycles before installation to minimize components failure Design architecture and technology restricted by limited choice of active components Limit on power dissipation (< 100 mW/mm2 to avoid LAr boil-off) 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 19 The TOTEM architecture Charge Integrator made on Thick Film Hybrid technology with discrete jFET only (IF1330) Minimum active and passive components Ability to drive long transmission line Reduced power consumption Minimum cable connections V0 R0 qin RL CF Current signal from Positive Power Supply Common Negative polarization Characteristics Optimized for low detector capacitance Sensitivity ≈ 0.45 mV/fC (0.9 A/fC) Dynamic range ±1.5 pC Linearity < 0.5% @ full scale Input impedance ≈ 420 Input capacitance ≈ 20 pF E.N.C. ≈ (390 + 7 x CD) el Power consumption ≈ 11 mW 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 20 Events with electronics in LAr Extensively used on the 50 liter LAr-TPC Wire capacitance: ~ 15 pF (horiz. axis unit = 400 ns) 74 Collection 72 70 68 66 mip ≈ 10 ADC counts (2.54 mm) FWHM ≈ 6 µs Collection 64 62 60 58 200 66 Induction 65 250 300 350 400 450 RMS ≈ 0.7 ADC counts Noise 64 63 62 61 60 59 180 260 340 420 500 Negligible low frequency noise ! 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 21 The ICARUS experience Electronics in LAr studied for sake of completeness Not a viable solution for large scale detectors Inaccessibility, poor integration, cost However TOTEM design could be improved HEMT replacing silicon jFET jFET matrix on single chip 13-14 March 2006 Technology commercially available for low temperature application E.g. INTERFET IPA300 amplifier (serial noise density = 0.6 nV / √Hz, 80 mW dissipation) CryoDet workshop, LNGS 22 Analog-to-digital conversion Present architecture Serves sets of 16 channels through analogue multiplexers and 10 bit FADC’s Trade-off between sampling speed and price Two sets per V789 board (32 ch.) Total bandwidth = 800 Mbit/s FADC sampling rate 20MHz interleaved 400 ns sampling time / channel 40MHz digital output Dissipated power ~ 500 mW Components cost ~40 € / 16 channels 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 23 Compact serial AD converter New architecture based on 1-bit serial converter Interesting characteristics Basic structure No need for multiplexing Very low number of components Resolution better than 10 bit Commercially available chip Low price (< 1 € / channel) Four QUAD FLATPACK 4x4 mm2 components plus few glue logic Sampling rate = 16 MHz Dissipated power = 400mW Data reconstruction Simple FIR filters could be implemented In pipeline on FPGA / DSP Off line after data storage Test underway of 16 channel prototype boards fully compatible with present ICARUS data link Total bandwidth = 256 Mbit/s Serving multiples of 16 channels 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS Upgradable to 800 Mbit/s if sampling rate increased to 25 MHz and 32 channels 24 Serial ADC frequency response 16 sample FIR comb filter equivalent to 10 bit resolution 8 sample FIR comb filter equivalent to 8 bit resolution 25 MHz 16 MHz Typical ICARUS signal bandwidth (~ 1 MHz) better matched in 25 MHz case. Marginal in the 16 MHZ case 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 25 Simulations Typical ICARUS signal waveform (~3 s width) digitized with Serial AD converter FIR comb filter applied to recover signal shape (16 sample width) 10 bit equivalent resolution 1 bit quantization noise Continuous reconstruction (useful feature for signal analysis) Input waveform 16 MHz Continuous reconstruction 25 MHz 400ns sampled (cfr. FADC) Slight pulse height reduction but area (= charge) unchanged 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 26 Signals from LAr LAr signal waveforms (from oscilloscope) digitized with Serial AD converter simulator FIR comb filter applied to recover signal shape (16 sample width) Quantization noise well within analogue noise level Input waveform 16 MHz Continuous reconstruction 25 MHz 400ns sampling 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 27 Prototype board 16 channels 16 MHz sampling rate Data link compatible with ICARUS DAQ Effective throughput 256 Mbit/s Charge sensitive preamplifiers Digital link 13-14 March 2006 4 x 4 channel serial AD converters CryoDet workshop, LNGS 28 First signals from prototype Test pulse injected on on-board preamplifiers Digitized signal recorded with ICARUS DAQ Off-line signal reconstruction with FIR comb filter (16 sample width) Input waveform 16 MHz Continuous reconstruction Zoom of gray shaded area 400ns sampling High preamp. noise due to present board layout (analogue/digital interference) 13-14 March 2006 CryoDet workshop, LNGS 29 Summary The ICARUS R&D on electronics for large LAr-TPC’s Upgrade of the analogue front-end Possible alternative solution Development of a completely new cold amplifier (hybrid based on TOTEM structure with jFET matrix or HEMT) for better S/N Major drawback: inaccessibility, component reliability, cost Upgrade of Analogue-to-digital conversion VLSI-CMOS technology for high channel integration excluded by simple S/N requirements Review of amplifier IC design could allow integrating more than two channel per chip Use of HEMT at input could help improving S/N Serial-converter: promising alternative to Multiplexer + Flash ACD Intrinsically simpler,more compact, cheaper Comparable bandwidth and signal resolution Review of the data link with digital buffers 13-14 March 2006 Study the recent optical link development at LHC experiments to help defining a suitable solution for the LAr-TPC environment CryoDet workshop, LNGS 30