Faculty Course Proposal Instructions

Faculty Course Proposal
Complete this form to propose a new Advanced Integration level course. All the following information is required.
Submitted proposals will be forwarded to the Medical Education Leadership Team for approval.
Course Title
Click here to enter text.
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Faculty Sponsor/Course Director
Course Admin./Coordinator
Click here to enter text.
(If applicable) Click here to enter text.
Contact Information Include: Name, Address/City/State/Zip, Phone, Email (and if applicable, Fax)
Click here to enter text.
Course Information:
Supply general information for each item here. The course administrator will configure specific dates and enrollment
limits for each rotation in Oasis once the course has been approved.
Length of Course:
☐ 2 weeks
☐ 4 weeks
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
Months Course is offered:
Academic Calendars specific to class years are located on the Vermont Integrated Curriculum website.
☐ January
☐ February
☐ March
☐ April
☐ May
☐ June
☐ July
☐ August
☐ September
☐ October
☐ November
☐ December
Maximum number of students per month:
Click here to enter text.
Number of Contact Hours (face to face faculty and resident/student interaction):
Click here to enter text.
First Day Information:
Include the following information for the student: Where to go, when to be there, who to meet, what to bring.
Click here to enter text.
Course Description:
Please include course importance to student, such as mastery of basic science or clinical skills.
Click here to enter text.
Course Objectives:
The observable student learning performance of knowledge, skills and behaviors achieved by the end of the course
expressed in the AAMC Competency outcomes-based objectives. You do not need to use the same wording as the
Institutional Objectives; however, please try to incorporate as many competencies as possible. For each of the six
competencies, select the Institutional Objectives that are addressed in your elective/selective from the list. Then in the
narrative box that follows add any other objectives that your elective/selective covers. Begin each objective with an action
verb to indicate a behavior that is measurable and can be evaluated.
I. Patient Care
☐ A Demonstrate skills in core activities required for patient care including establishing rapport, collecting a patient
history and performing a physical examination.
☐ B Interpret clinical findings, make appropriate use of tests and procedures, formulate assessments, and develop
effective plans to diagnose, treat, and prevent health problems and to promote patient health.
☐ C Demonstrate compassion, courtesy, and respect for the social and cultural perspective of the patient.
Add any other objectives for the competency of Patient Care that are utilized in your educational experience below.
Click here to enter text.
II. Medical Knowledge
☐ A Demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral
sciences related to the practice of medicine.
☐ B Apply scientific knowledge to explain determinants of health, mechanisms and consequences of diseases, and
principles underlying methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and health promotion, at individual and population
levels in current and evolving health care settings.
☐ C Interpret and analyze information to develop appropriate diagnostic assessments and plans for treatment, disease
prevention, and promotion of health.
☐ D Locate, evaluate, and synthesize information required for patient care from the medical literature using appropriate
resources and technology.
☐ E Demonstrate behaviors of life-long learning guided by continuous self-assessment and improvement.
Add any other objectives for the competency of Medical Knowledge that are utilized in your educational experience
Click here to enter text.
III. Practice-Based Learning
☐ A Apply principles of evidence-based medicine to inform patient care in current and evolving health care settings,
including for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of health problems and for promotion of health.
☐ B Teach and perform research to contribute to the education of other health professionals
☐ C Demonstrate practices of self-assessment and continuous improvement, based on reflection and feedback, of the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for patient care in current and evolving health care settings.
Add any other objectives for the competency of Practice-Based Learning that are utilized in your educational experience
Click here to enter text.
IV. Interpersonal and Communication Skills
☐ A Communicate and collaborate effectively with patients, families and health professionals to provide compassionate,
appropriate, and effective patient care.
☐ B Communicate appropriately and effectively with patients, families, and the public across a broad range of
socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
Add any other objectives for the competency of Interpersonal and Commination Skills that are utilized in your educational
experience below.
Click here to enter text.
V. Professionalism
☐ Behave in accordance with professional and ethical principles, including but not limited to altruism, compassion and
empathy, accountability and responsibility, excellence and scholarship, duty and service, social responsibility, honor and
integrity, respect, humility, and cultural competence.
Add any other objectives for the competency of Professionalism that are utilized in your educational experience below.
Click here to enter text.
VI. Systems-Based Knowledge
☐ A Demonstrate awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context of systems of health care through effective use of
system resources, coordination of care, and practices that enhance quality and safety.
☐ B Participate in the care of patients as an integrated member of an effective health care team.
Add any other objectives for the competency of Systems-Based Knowledge that are utilized in your educational
experience below.
Click here to enter text.
Learning Activities:
Include, as appropriate, the following:
☐ Conferences (include conference name, day of week, time and venue)
☐ Lectures (include lecture name, day of week, time and venue)
☐ Schedule (include average start and stop time, call coverage if applicable)
☐ Other (include log books, student presentations, papers, etc.)
Click here to enter text.
Student Assessment – Formative:
The purpose of formative assessment is to improve student learning by providing feedback on how well the student is
learning the instructional content during the course. Formative assessment does not provide grades. Please describe what
formative feedback the student will receive during the course (e.g. during course non-graded quizzes, presentations,
exercises, projects to provide feedback to student on their progress). Required if this is a 4 week elective.
Click here to enter text.
Student Assessment – Summative:
The summative evaluation assesses the learning and development of a learner by the end of the course. Summative
assessment proves student learning and is graded. Please describe what will be included in determining the final grade
(such as course evaluation, papers, log books, etc.).
Click here to enter text.
Required Readings:
Click here to enter text.
Course Grades:
Clinical rotations under the supervision of UVM College of Medicine faculty during Advanced Integration are graded as
Honors/Pass/Fail. Research and reading electives are graded as Pass/Fail. Only UVM faculty can award a grade of
Student Evaluation of Course:
All students enrolled in this activity will have an online opportunity to evaluate the course and faculty member AFTER
the experience ends. Constructively evaluating the curriculum ensures the best possible education for current and future
LCME Hot Topics List:
The LCME requires UVM to report courses that involve the following topics. Please check as many of these topics as
apply to your course.
☐ Biomedical Informatics
☐ Health Care Financing
☐ Biostatistics
☐ Health Care Systems
☐ Clinical/Translational Research
☐ Health Care Quality Improvement
☐ Communication Skills
☐ Health Disparities
☐ Community Health
☐ Human Development/Life Cycle
☐ Complimentary/Alternative Healthcare
☐ Human Sexual/Gender Development
☐ Cultural Competence
☐ Human Sexuality/Sexual Functioning
☐ Domestic Violence/Abuse
☐ Medical Ethics
☐ End-of-Life Care
☐ Medical Genetics
☐ Epidemiology
☐ Medical Humanities
☐ Evidence Based Medicine
☐ Medical Jurisprudence
☐ Global Health Issues
☐ Medical Socioeconomics
☐ Nutrition
☐ Population Based Medicine
☐ Occupational Health/Medicine
☐ Prevention/Health Maintenance
☐ Pain Management
☐ Rehabilitation/Care of the Disabled
☐ Palliative Care
☐ Research Methods
☐ Patient Safety
☐ Substance Abuse
Thank you for your work on this syllabus
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