Biology Learning Targets Unit 7 Evolution

Learning Targets
Unit 7 Evolution
History of Evolutionary Thought
a. I can explain Charles Darwin’s contributions to science.
b. I can describe what natural selection is and how natural selection changes what a population looks like over time.
c. I can explain which factors are needed in order for natural selection to work.
- differential reproduction
- struggle to survive
- genetic variation
- survival of the fittest
Vocabulary: natural selection, differential reproduction, fitness
Lines of Evidence for Evolution
a. I can use the fossil record to infer the history and relatedness of life.
b. I can explain how comparative anatomy provides evidence of shared ancestry.
c. I can explain how embryology and development provides evidence.
d. I can explain how the lines of evidence are used to determine relatedness. (phylogenetic tree/cladogram)
e. I can explain how all organisms, including humans, are continuing to evolve today.
f. I can use evidence to describe human evolution.
g. I can explain how the diversity of life has evolved over time.
Vocabulary: homologous structures, (analogous structures), half-life, embryology,
vestigial structures, absolute age/relative age, cladogram/cladistics, phylogenetic tree
Evolution in Action
a. I can identify the mechanism of evolution involved in a written scenario.
b. I can predict how human behavior and climate change can threaten biodiversity
Vocabulary: convergent, divergent, artificial selection, coevolution; Mechanisms: small populations:
(genetic drift: founder effect and bottleneck), nonrandom mating, mutation, gene flow, (natural selection).
History of Life
a. I can explain how the process of science is used to support biogenesis and disprove spontaneous generation.
b. I can explain how the process of science is used to support that the building blocks of life could be produced under
the conditions of the early earth.
Vocabulary: biogenesis, spontaneous generation
Earth’s History and The First Life Forms
a. I can outline the modern scientific understanding of the formation of Earth.
b. I can explain the evidence used to infer that the first cells were prokaryotic, anaerobic, and heterotrophic.
c. I can compare the two types of autotrophy used by early cells.
d. I can explain how eukaryotes evolved.
Vocabulary: chemosynthesis, photosynthesis
Mrs. Loyd 
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