Unit 6 Ch. 13-15
“DNA” “PROTEIN SYNTHESIS” and “Control of Gene Expression”
 Lab: -4(Mon) Pour plates, -2(Wed) Streak starter plates, -1(Thur): check bacteria, set up stations, (Fri) Lab Day: before school: start hot
water bath, before class: aliquot Ca++, LB, bleach water in flasks, ice in cups, set out plates. +1(Mon): read results, transfer
efficiency, art plates, +2(Tues) Lab Quiz, look at art plates.
 Print Work:  labs, lab quiz, test, essay
 Student Print Work:  assign.sheet,  study sheets,  Photo 51 study guide for class use day 1.
CHAPTER thirteen:
“DNA: The molecular basis of inheritance”
day 1:
DUE: Ch.13.1 (Campbell 7e: Ch.16 obj.1-4)
Lecture: nucleotide structure, Discovery of DNA, Researchers’ experiments (study sheet)
Video: “DNA: Secret of Photo 51” 56 min. NOV (study guide due end of class)
Hand out “Transformation” lab
day 2:
DUE: Ch.13.2 (Campbell 7e: Ch.16 obj.5-16)
Lecture: DNA leading/lagging strands, replication enzymes involved (study sheet), proofreading & repair, telomeres,
evolutionary significance of mutations.
day 3:
DUE: read “Transformation” lab and Completed study sheets (researchers and enzymes)
Demo: sterile technique, Pre-lab: use DVD and in-class tour
day 4:
Lab: “Transformation” (ice, hot-water bath, incubator)
(Incubate plates overnight in the incubator or over the weekend in a cupboard.)
day 5:
Lab: read plates, finish lab, discuss, correct, turn in.
Quiz, correct, turn in.
Study for lab quiz
day 6:
DUE: Ch.13.3,4
Lecture: DNA supercoiling, genetic engineering, gene cloning, restriction enzymes, gel electrophoresis, PCR, DNA
Animation: DNA coiling: http://www.biostudio.com/demo_freeman_dna_coiling.htm,
DNA Replication: http://www.dnai.org/lesson/go/25129/
CHAPTER fourteen:
“gene expression: From Gene to protein“
day 7:
Lab Quiz (20 min.)
DUE: Ch.14.1-2 (Ch.17 obj.1-14)
Lecture: comparing DNA-RNA, information flow, transcription and translation, universal genetic code
Animation: Using the genetic code: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/units/basics/transcribe/transcribe-translate.swf
Translation: http://www.dnai.org/lesson/go/25129/
day 8:
DUE: Ch.14.3-5 (Ch.17 obj. 15-30)
Lecture: enzymes, promoters, 3-steps of translation, modification of RNA, introns, tRNA, rRNA,
polypeptide modification, versatility of RNA, prokaryotes / eukaryotes, mutations.
Chapter fifteen:
day 9:
“Control of Gene Expression”
DUE: Ch.15.1
Lecture: promoters, operons. Repressible and inducible (examples of negative gene regulation), CAP: an example
of positive gene regulation.
day 10: DUE: Ch.15.2-4
Lecture: eukaryotic gene regulation: histone acetylation, DNA methylation, mRNA degradation, transcription factors,
RNA processing, initiation factors, protein processing and degradation, noncoding RNA, DNA microarrays.
day 11: Review: Use MasteringBiology Study Area, researchers and enzymes worksheets, study guides, lab.
day 12: Ch.13-15 Test 50 m.c. questions plus essay.
essay: “Replication, Transcription, and Translation”
Mrs. Loyd 
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