CLUB SIGNATURE FORM Every year all clubs have to renew activation of their checking accounts by completing this Club Signature Form, and submitting it October 1 to the Student Life Office. The newly elected officers’ names and signatures must be made by at least the treasurer and advisor. I would recommend also including a signature by the President or other officers, if the Treasurer is unable to sign for checks and you would like another officer to be able to do so, they need to have their signature on file with Financial Resources on this form. This form must be received by the Club Coordinator before any disbursements are requested or issued. FYI: All Request for Payment and Deposit Slip forms throughout the year must be signed by the advisor and the treasurer as well. One cannot sign for both. Student Club Name: ___________________________________________________________ Student Club Fund #: __________________________________________________________ Current Officers: President _____________________________________________________________________ (Print Name) (Signature) Vice-President ________________________________________________________________ (Print Name) (Signature) Treasurer ____________________________________________________________________ (Print Name) (Signature) Advisor ______________________________________________________________________ (Print Name) (Signature) Effective Date: ________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE STUDENT LIFE OFFICE BY OCTOBER 1