07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production Full Text Clauses B061 SEGREGATION OF COSTS (AUG 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts.) The Contractor shall segregate all cost associated with any CLIN of this contract from the costs associated with the other CLINs of this contract. D0001 IMPLEMENTATION OF DFARS 252.211-7003 - UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION (UID) (AUG 2012) (Applicable if this purchase order/subcontract requires the Work to contain unique item identification.) The Contractor shall mark the space vehicles with unique identification in accordance with DFARS 252.211-7003. This identification shall include CAGE Code, Manufacturer’s Part Number, and unique Serial Number. D0002 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL PACKAGING (AUG 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts involving the shipment of items.) (a) Items shall be packaged in accordance with the Contractor’s commercial best practice to ensure undamaged arrival at destination. Individual shipments exceeding 150 pounds, 108 inches in length, or 130 inches in girth plus length shall be packaged on skidded crates or palletized to allow handling by forklift. (b) The exterior container shall be marked (readable from 24 inches): “NOT FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE.” DFARS 252.234-7002, EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (May 2011) (Applicable if you are listed in paragraph (k) of this clause in the prime contract. "Government" means "Lockheed Martin and Government." Paragraphs (i) and (j) are deleted.) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause— “Acceptable earned value management system” means an earned value management system that generally complies with system criteria in paragraph (b) of this clause. “Earned value management system” means an earned value management system that complies with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748. “Significant deficiency” means a shortcoming in the system that materially affects the ability of officials of the Department of Defense to rely upon information produced by the system that is needed for management purposes. (b) System criteria. In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall use— Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 1 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production (1) An Earned Value Management System (EVMS) that complies with the EVMS guidelines in the American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748 Earned Value Management Systems (ANSI/EIA-748); and (2) Management procedures that provide for generation of timely, reliable, and verifiable information for the Contract Performance Report (CPR) and the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) required by the CPR and IMS data items of this contract. (c) If this contract has a value of $50 million or more, the Contractor shall use an EVMS that has been determined to be acceptable by the Cognizant Federal Agency (CFA). If, at the time of award, the Contractor’s EVMS has not been determined by the CFA to be in compliance with the EVMS guidelines as stated in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, the Contractor shall apply its current system to the contract and shall take necessary actions to meet the milestones in the Contractor’s EVMS plan. (d) If this contract has a value of less than $50 million, the Government will not make a formal determination that the Contractor’s EVMS complies with the EVMS guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748 with respect to the contract. The use of the Contractor’s EVMS for this contract does not imply a Government determination of the Contractor’s compliance with the EVMS guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748 for application to future contracts. The Government will allow the use of a Contractor’s EVMS that has been formally reviewed and determined by the CFA to be in compliance with the EVMS guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748. (e) The Contractor shall submit notification of any proposed substantive changes to the EVMS procedures and the impact of those changes to the CFA. If this contract has a value of $50 million or more, unless a waiver is granted by the CFA, any EVMS changes proposed by the Contractor require approval of the CFA prior to implementation. The CFA will advise the Contractor of the acceptability of such changes as soon as practicable (generally within 30 calendar days) after receipt of the Contractor’s notice of proposed changes. If the CFA waives the advance approval requirements, the Contractor shall disclose EVMS changes to the CFA at least 14 calendar days prior to the effective date of implementation. (f) The Government will schedule integrated baseline reviews as early as practicable, and the review process will be conducted not later than 180 calendar days after— (1) Contract award; (2) The exercise of significant contract options; and (3) The incorporation of major modifications. During such reviews, the Government and the Contractor will jointly assess the Contractor’s baseline to be used for performance measurement to ensure complete coverage of the statement of work, logical scheduling of the work activities, adequate resourcing, and identification of inherent risks. (g) The Contractor shall provide access to all pertinent records and data requested by the Contracting Officer or duly authorized representative as necessary to permit Government surveillance to ensure that Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 2 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production the EVMS complies, and continues to comply, with the performance criteria referenced in paragraph (b) of this clause. (h) When indicated by contract performance, the Contractor shall submit a request for approval to initiate an over-target baseline or over-target schedule to the Contracting Officer. The request shall include a toplevel projection of cost and/or schedule growth, a determination of whether or not performance variances will be retained, and a schedule of implementation for the rebaselining. The Government will acknowledge receipt of the request in a timely manner (generally within 30 calendar days). (i) Significant deficiencies. (1) The Contracting Officer will provide an initial determination to the Contractor, in writing, of any significant deficiencies. The initial determination will describe the deficiency in sufficient detail to allow the Contractor to understand the deficiency. (2) The Contractor shall respond within 30 days to a written initial determination from the Contracting Officer that identifies significant deficiencies in the Contractor's EVMS. If the Contractor disagrees with the initial determination, the Contractor shall state, in writing, its rationale for disagreeing. (3) The Contracting Officer will evaluate the Contractor's response and notify the Contractor, in writing, of the Contracting Officer’s final determination concerning— (i) Remaining significant deficiencies; (ii) The adequacy of any proposed or completed corrective action; (iii) System noncompliance, when the Contractor’s existing EVMS fails to comply with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748; and (iv) System disapproval, if initial EVMS validation is not successfully completed within the timeframe approved by the Contracting Officer, or if the Contracting Officer determines that the Contractor's earned value management system contains one or more significant deficiencies in high-risk guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748 standards (guidelines 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, or 32). When the Contracting Officer determines that the existing earned value management system contains one or more significant deficiencies in one or more of the remaining 16 guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748 standards, the Contracting Officer will use discretion to disapprove the system based on input received from functional specialists and the auditor. (4) If the Contractor receives the Contracting Officer’s final determination of significant deficiencies, the Contractor shall, within 45 days of receipt of the final determination, either correct the significant deficiencies or submit an acceptable corrective action plan showing milestones and actions to eliminate the significant deficiencies. (j) Withholding payments. If the Contracting Officer makes a final determination to disapprove the Contractor’s EVMS, and the contract includes the clause at 252.242-7005, Contractor Business Systems, the Contracting Officer will withhold payments in accordance with that clause. Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 3 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production (k) With the exception of paragraphs (i) and (j) of this clause, the Contractor shall require its subcontractors to comply with EVMS requirements as follows: (1) For subcontracts valued at $50 million or more, the following subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of this clause: As identified in the PO/subcontract. (2) For subcontracts valued at less than $50 million, the following subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of this clause, excluding the requirements of paragraph (c) of this clause: As identified in the PO/subcontract. H0001 ENABLING CLAUSE BETWEEN PRIME CONTRACTORS AND SERVICE CONTRACTORS (FEB 2013) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts over $1M or 10% of the prime contract value.) (a) The Air Force has entered into contracts with AT Kearney, Linquest, Sparta, Exn Engineering, SAIC, Scitor, Tecolote, and TASC for services to provide technical, evaluation, financial, and acquisition management support. (b) Service tasks involve the application of a broad range of education, skills, knowledge, and experience in many disciplines in support of weapon system acquisition tasks. Tasks involve specialty engineering, engineering support, configuration control management, systems engineering process, requirements compliance, architecture development, horizontal integration and communication across the program, training, repository for program office data, and business operations support to include acquisition and financial management activities. (c) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees to cooperate with AT Kearney, Linquest, Sparta, Exn Engineering, SAIC, Scitor, Tecolote, and TASC by: responding to invitations from authorized personnel to attend meetings; providing access to technical information and research, development and planning data, test data and results, schedule and milestone data, financial data including the Contractor's cost/schedule management system/records and accounting system, all in original form or reproduced; discussing technical matters related to the program; providing access to Contractor facilities utilized in the performance of this contract; and allowing observation of technical activities by appropriate support Contractor technical personnel. (d) The Contractor further agrees to include in each subcontract over $1 million or 10 percent of prime contract value, whichever is less, a clause requiring compliance by a subcontractor and succeeding levels of subcontractors with the response and access provisions of paragraph (c) above, subject to coordination with the Contractor. This agreement does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to manage subcontracts effectively and efficiently, nor is it intended to establish privity of contracts between the Government or the service Contractor(s) and such subcontractors. (e) Service Contractor personnel are not authorized to direct a Contractor in any manner. (f) Service contracts contain an organizational conflict of interest clause that requires the service Contractors to protect the data and prohibits the service Contractors from using the data for any purpose other than that for which the data was presented. Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 4 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production (g) Neither the Contractor nor their subcontractors shall be required in the satisfaction of the requirements of this clause to perform any effort or supply any documentation not otherwise required by their contract or subcontract. H0002 ENABLING CLAUSE FOR GOVERNMENT PROGRAM CONTRACTS REQUIRING INTERFACE WITH AEROSPACE FFRDC CONTRACT SUPPORT (APR 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts.) a. This contract covers part of the SRP program which is under the general program management of the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC). The Air Force has entered into a contract with The Aerospace Corporation, a California nonprofit corporation operating a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), for the services of a technical group that will support the DoD/U.S. Government program office by performing General Systems Engineering and Integration, Technical Review, and/or Technical Support including informing the commander or director of the various Department of Defense ("DoD") organizations it supports and any U.S. Government program office of product or process defects and other relevant information, which, if not disclosed to the U.S. Government, could have adverse effects on the reliability and mission success of a U.S. Government program. 1. General Systems Engineering and Integration (GSE&I) deals with overall system definition; integration both within the system and with associated systems; analysis of system segment and subsystem design; design compromises and tradeoffs; definition of interfaces; review of hardware and software, including manufacturing and quality control; observation, review and evaluation of tests and test data; support of launch, flight test, and orbital operations; appraisal of the contractors' technical performance through meetings with contractors and subcontractors, exchange and analysis of information on progress and problems; review of plans for future work; developing solutions to problems; technical alternatives for reduced program risk; providing comments and recommendations in writing to the applicable DoD System Program Manager and/or Project Officer as an independent technical assessment for consideration for modifying the program or redirecting the contractor's efforts; all to the extent necessary to assure timely and economical accomplishment of program objectives consistent with mission requirements. 2. Technical Review (TR) includes the process of appraising the technical performance of the contractor through meetings, exchanging information on progress and problems, reviewing reports, evaluating presentations, reviewing hardware and software, witnessing and evaluating tests, analyzing plans for future work, evaluating efforts relative to contract technical objectives, and providing comments and recommendations in writing to the applicable Air Force Program Manager as an independent technical assessment for consideration for modifying the program or redirecting the contractor's efforts to assure timely and economical accomplishment of program objectives. 3. Technical Support (TS) deals with broad areas of specialized needs of customers for planning, system architecting, research and development, horizontal engineering, or analytical activities for which The Aerospace Corporation is uniquely qualified by virtue of its specially qualified personnel, facilities, or corporate memory. The categories of TS tasks are: Selected Research, Development, Test and Evaluation; Plans and System Architecture; Multi-Program Systems Enhancement; International Technology Assessment; and Acquisition Support. Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 5 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production b. In the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees to cooperate with The Aerospace Corporation by 1) responding to invitations from authorized U. S. Government personnel to attend meetings; 2) by providing access to technical information and research, development planning data such as, but not limited to, design and development analyses, test data and results, equipment and process specifications, test and test equipment specifications and procedures, parts and quality control procedures, records and data, manufacturing and assembly procedures, and schedule and milestone data, all in their original form or reproduced form and including top-level life cycle cost* data, where available; 3) by delivering data as specified in the Contract Data Requirements List; 4) by discussing technical matters relating to this program; 5) by providing access to Contractor facilities utilized in the performance of this contract; 6) and by allowing observation of technical activities by appropriate technical personnel of The Aerospace Corporation. The Aerospace Corporation personnel engaged in GSE&I, TR, and/or TS efforts: (i) are authorized access to all such technical information (including proprietary information) pertaining to this contract and may discuss and disclose it to the applicable DoD personnel in a program office; (ii) are authorized to discuss and disclose such technical information (including proprietary information) to the commander or director of the various DoD organizations it supports and any U.S. Government personnel in a program office which, if not disclosed to the U.S. Government, could have adverse effects on the reliability and mission success of a U.S. Government program; and (iii) Aerospace shall make the technical information (including proprietary information) available only to its Trustees, officers, employees, contract labor, consultants, and attorneys who have a need to know. c. The Contractor further agrees to include in all subcontracts a clause requiring compliance by subcontractor and supplier and succeeding levels of subcontractors and suppliers with the response and access and disclosure provisions of this Enabling Clause, subject to coordination with the Contractor, except for subcontracts for commercial items or commercial services. This agreement does not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to manage the subcontracts effectively and efficiently nor is it intended to establish privity of contract between the Government or The Aerospace Corporation and such subcontractors or suppliers, except as indicated in paragraph (d.) below. d. The Aerospace Corporation shall protect the proprietary information of contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers in accordance with the Master Non-disclosure Agreement The Aerospace Corporation entered into with the Air Force, a copy of which is available upon request. This Master Non-disclosure Agreement satisfies the Nondisclosure Agreement requirements set forth in 10 U.S.C. §2320 (f)(2)(B), and provides that such contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are intended third-party beneficiaries under the Master Non-disclosure Agreement and shall have the full rights to enforce the terms and conditions of the Master Non-disclosure Agreement directly against The Aerospace Corporation, as if they had been signatory party hereto. Each such contractor, subcontractor, or supplier hereby waives any requirement for The Aerospace Corporation to enter into any separate company-to-company confidentiality or other nondisclosure agreements. e. Aerospace shall make the technical information (including proprietary information) available only to its Trustees, officers, employees, contract labor, consultants, and attorneys who have a need to know, and Aerospace shall maintain between itself and the foregoing binding agreements of general application as may be necessary to fulfill their obligations under the Master Non-disclosure Agreement referred to herein, and Aerospace agrees that it will inform contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers if it plans to use consultants, or contract labor personnel and, upon the request of such contractor, subcontractor, or Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 6 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production supplier, to have its consultants and contract labor personnel execute non-disclosure agreements directly therewith. f. The Aerospace Corporation personnel are not authorized to direct the Contractor in any manner. The Contractor agrees to accept technical direction as follows: 1. Technical direction under this contract will be given to the Contractor solely by SMC. 2. Whenever it becomes necessary to modify the contract and redirect the effort, a change order signed by the Contracting Officer or a Supplemental Agreement signed by both the Contracting Officer and the Contractor will be issued. * Cost data is defined as information associated with the programmatic elements of life cycle (concept, development, production, operations, and retirement) of the system/program. As defined, cost data differs from "financial" data, which is defined as information associated with the internal workings of a company or contractor that is not specific to a project or program. H0006 ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE NETWORK (EDIN) (FEB 2013) (a) The Contractor shall implement a comprehensive and seamless Electronic Data Interchange Network (EDIN) with the Government utilizing Web-based technology at the unclassified and SECRET level for up to 12 locations. Establish and maintain timely and thorough data for the Government to effectively manage the program. EDIN processes will be referenced in the IMP, as applicable. (b) The Contractor shall specify the EDIN tool for exchanging space segment level information; however, the primary means of exchanging SBIRS system level information shall be the SBIRS Integrated Digital Environment. The Contractor shall use IDE to share system level documents with the Government and obtain and maintain certificates for Government approved interactive, web based meeting systems. (c) In accordance with AFSPCI 33-202, the Contractor's specified EDIN tool must be approved by the Designating Accrediting Authority, office symbol: APSPC/A61. The Contractor's specified EDIN tool and the IDE processes shall be referenced in the IMP and SOW as applicable. The Contractor shall establish and maintain the capability for access to all draft or completed items on the Data Accession List (DAL) and the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) as well as all other working data, including software code, developed to support the management and engineering efforts of the program. The Contractor shall keep all information current and move the current versions to the Contractor specified EDIN tool and IDE within one week or more frequently as dictated by the program needs. All previous versions shall remain accessible for the life of the contract. The program office will provide a list of authorized personnel for electronic access to the Contractor's database after contract award. The Contractor's database shall be compatible with typical Government PC-based systems using the MS Office suite of applications (e.g., Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) as well as Adobe Acrobat. The Contractor shall establish the aforementioned data interchange systems capable of fully supporting Government access information within ten (10) days of contract award. (d) The Contractor and all other team members shall use the Contractor's specified EDIN tool to maintain and manage its SBIRS requirements documentation. At a minimum, the Contractor's specified EDIN tool Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 7 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production shall be used to maintain and show traceability of the SBIRS requirements from the Requirements Document down to all of the requirements documents that will be generated from the Requirements Document as required by the Contract DD Forms 1423 in the CDRL. The Contractor shall also maintain and deliver applicable CDRL items using the Contractor's specified EDIN tool Automated Commercial Product, as required by the Contract DD Forms 1423, and allow Government representatives to remotely access the Contractor's SBIRS Contractor's specified EDIN tool database on a real-time basis. The initial Contractor's specified EDIN tool version to be used by the Contractor for SBIRS shall be coordinated with the Government at contract start and all future changes to the Contractor's specified EDIN tool version shall be coordinated with the Government. Access to the Contractor's specified EDIN tool database shall be provided within thirty (30) calendar days of contract award on the Contractor's specified EDIN tool. (e) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall provide to the Government the results of and data associated with managing the engineering effort to support the SBIRS segment, element, and software and hardware item engineering and risk reduction efforts, as well as risk management. The Government shall have access to copies of the Contractor's and all other team member's measurement data in a format, such as Excel, to which the Government has agreed on the Contractor's specified EDIN tool. (f) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall provide to the Government the results of and data associated with tracking problems and failure reports. The Government shall have access to copies of the Contractor's problem and failure data in a format such as Excel, to which the Government has agreed, in order to conduct reliability analysis, system safety analysis, and space mishap event reporting on the Contractor's specified EDIN tool. (g) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall provide to the Government on the Contractor's specified EDIN tool the results of and data associated with the SBIRS Space Segment, element, and software architectures. The Government shall have access to copies of the Contractor's system and software architecture artifacts in a format to be agreed to by the Government based on the Contractor's architecture tools. The Contractor shall also maintain and deliver applicable CDRL items using the Contractor's architecture tools, as required by the Contract DD Forms 1423. The Contractor shall provide updated or archived artifacts weekly. (h) Name of Contractor's specified EDIN tool is Livelink. (i) The Contractor shall separately track the costs associated with this effort and make them available to the Government through the EDIN on a continual basis. H0008 CROSS-UTILIZATION OF GOVERNMENT-OWNED PROPERTY (GP) AMONG CONTRACTS F04701-02-C-0002, FA8808-10-C-0002, F04701-95-C-0017, FA8810-08-C-0002, FA8810-12-C-0001, AND FA8808-12-C-0010 (FEB 2013) (Applicable if the purchase order/subcontract includes the use of Government-owned property.) (a) Authorization is given for the cross-utilization of all Government Property (GP) including ContractorAcquired/Government-owned Property (CAGP) (CAGP includes special tooling, special test equipment, plant equipment, and facilities) accountable to Contract Nos. F04701-02-C-0002 (AEHF SV 1-5/6 LL), Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 8 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production FA8808-10-C-0002 (MOO & LSS), F04701-95-C-0017 (SBIRS EMD), FA8810-08-C-0002 (SBIRS SFP), FA8810-12-C-0001 (SBIRS Initial NRE), and FA8808-12-C-0010 (AEHF 5/6 Production) on a rent-free non-interference (RFNI) basis, unless use is otherwise restricted (e.g. restricted rights software and COMSEC equipment/material). In the event of a usage conflict between the owning contract and the using contract, the owning contract shall have precedence. (b) Since scheduling the RFNI use of and maintenance of GP/CAGP is controlled by the Contractor, no claim for unavailability or unsuitability for use will be recognized by the Government as defined in the clause of this contract entitled "Government Property". (c) All shipments and transfers will be documented by a DD Form 1149. Government approval is not required for changes in location of GP/CAGP accountable to the aforementioned contracts. Government approval shall be obtained for each transfer of accountability. (d) The Contractor is authorized to transfer residual Government-owned material items among these contracts in accordance with Government-approved company material management accounting system procedures. Records related to transfers of residual material among these contracts are subject to periodic Government review and/or audit. (e) This special contract requirement shall be flowed down to all lower tier subcontracts that include the use of Government-owned property. FAR Clauses 52.203-7, Anti-Kickback Procedures (Oct 2010) 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards (Jul 2013) 52.209-6, Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Aug 2013) 52.216-7, Allowable Cost and Payment (Jun 2013) 52.216-16, Incentive Price Revision – Firm Target (Oct 1997) (Applicable if your purchase order/ subcontract is a fixed price incentive contract. "Contracting Officer," "contract administrative office" and "Government" mean "Lockheed Martin". Paragraph (i) is deleted. The blanks in the clause are completed with the amounts specified in the purchase order/subcontract.) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Jul 2013) 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jul 2013) 52.222-54, Employment Eligibility Verification (Aug 2013) Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 9 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production 52.223-15, Energy Efficiency in Energy – Consuming Products (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be delivering energy consuming products to the Government, acquired by the Contractor for use in performing services at a Federally-controlled facility; furnished under the prime contract for use by the Government; or specified in the design of a building or work, or incorporated during its construction, renovation, or maintenance.) 52.223-18, Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (Aug 2011) 52.227-3, Patent Indemnity (Apr 1984) and Alternate I (Apr 1984) (Alternate I paragraph (c), Items To Be Excluded Are "None.") 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards (May 2012) 52.232-16, Progress Payments (Apr 2012) (Applicable where progress payments will be paid to Seller. "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed Martin" except in paragraph (g) where it means "Lockheed Martin or Contracting Officer." "Government" means "Lockheed Martin" except: (1) in paragraphs (d), (e) and (j)(5) where the term is unchanged and (2) in paragraphs (g) and (i) where it means "Lockheed Martin and the Government.") 52.232-17, Interest (Oct 2010) (Applicable if your purchase order/subcontract contains any clauses which refers to an Interest clause, “Government” means “Lockheed Martin.”) 52.232-40, Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors (Dec 2013) (Applicable if Seller is a small business concern. Note 1 applies. This clause does not apply if Lockheed Martin does not receive accelerated payments under the prime contract. Not all agencies provide accelerated payments.) 52.232-99, Providing Accelerated Payments to Subcontractors (Deviation 2012-O0014) (Aug 2012) (Applicable if Seller is a small business concern. "Government" means "Lockheed Martin" and "small business subcontractors" means "Seller's small business lower tier subcontractors." For the avoidance of doubt the parties understand that the government is not obligated to make accelerated payments to the contractor and the government may discontinue making accelerated payments at any time. The payment terms of this contract are not modified notwithstanding the issuance of any accelerated payments under this clause.) 52.243-2, Changes – Cost Reimbursement (Aug 1987) and Alternate II (Apr 1984) 52.244-6, Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Dec 2013) 52.245-1, Government Property (Apr 2012) and Alternate I (Apr 2012) 52.245-9, Use and Charges (Apr 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts where government facilities will be provided. Communications with the Government under this clause will be made through Lockheed Martin.) 52.246-2, Inspection of Supplies – Fixed Price (Aug 1996) and Alternate I (Jul 1985) Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 10 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production 52.246-15, Certificate of Conformance (Apr 1984) (Applicable if you will be making direct shipments to the Government and there is no intervening acceptance by Lockheed Martin.) 52.248-1, Value Engineering (Oct 2010) 52.249-2, Termination for the Convenience of the Government (Fixed Price) (Apr 2012) 52.249-6, Termination (Cost-Reimbursement) (May 2004) DFARS Clauses 252.203-7002, Requirement to Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights (Sep 2013) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts.) 252.203-7003, Agency Office of the Inspector General (Dec 2012) 252.203-7004 Display of Fraud Hotline Poster(s) (Dec 2012) 252.204-7000, Disclosure of Information (Aug 2013) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts. In paragraph (b) "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed Martin" and "10 days" means "20 days.") 252.204-7010, Requirement For Contractor To Notify DoD If The Contractor’s Activities Are Subject To Reporting Under The U.S.-International Atomic Energy Agency Additional Protocol (Jan 2009) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts that are subject to the provisions of the U.S.International Atomic Energy Agency Additional Protocol.) 252.211-7003, Item Unique Identification and Valuation (Dec 2013) 252.211-7005, Substitutions for Military or Federal Specifications and Standards (Nov 2005) (Applicable for purchase orders/subcontracts where subcontractor Single Process Initiative block changes have been approved for use and exceed the micro-purchase threshold, when procuring previously developed items.) 252.211-7007, Reporting of Government-Furnished Property (Aug 2012) (Applicable if Seller will be in possession of Government property for the performance of this purchase order/subcontract.) 252.211-7008, Use of Government-Assigned Serial Numbers (Sep 2010) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts where the contractor will be in the possession of Government property for the performance of the purchase order/subcontract. If Lockheed Martin will assume responsibility for marking the property, the clause may be excluded from the purchase order/subcontract.) 252.215-7000, Pricing Adjustments (Dec 2012) 252.219-7003, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (DoD Contracts) (Aug 2012) Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 11 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production 252.219-7004, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Test Program) (Jan 2011) (Applicable if Seller participates in the DoD Test Program described in DFARS 219.702.) 252.225-7001, Buy American and Balance of Payments Program (Dec 2012) 252.225-7009, Restriction on Acquisition of Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals (Jun 2013) 252.225-7012, Preference for Certain Domestic Commodities (Feb 2013) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts with any deliverables of items covered by this clause.) 252.225-7013, Duty-Free Entry (Oct 2013) 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data--Noncommercial Items (Jun 2013) 252.227-7014, Rights in Noncommercial Computer Software and Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation (Feb 2014) 252.227-7015, Technical Data -- Commercial Items (Feb 2014) 252.227-7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends (May 2013) 252.227-7037, Validation of Restrictive Markings on Technical Data (Jun 2013) 252.227-7038, Patent Rights--Ownership by the Contractor (Large Business) (Jun 2012) 252.234-7004, Cost and Software Data Reporting System (Nov 2010) (Applicable if your purchase orders/subcontracts in excess of $50,000,000. In paragraph (b), "Government" means “Lockheed Martin.”) 252.239-7000, Protection Against Compromising Emanations (Jun 2004) (Applicable if classified work is required. "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed Martin." "Government" means "Lockheed Martin and the Government" in paragraphs (c) and (d).) 252.239-7001, Information Assurance Contractor Training and Certification (Jan 2008) (Applicable if you will be accessing DoD Information Systems.) 252.243-7002, Requests for Equitable Adjustment (Dec 2012) (Applicable to all purchase orders/ subcontracts over $150,000. “Government” means “Lockheed Martin”.) 252.244-7000, Subcontracts for Commercial Items and Commercial Components (DoD Contracts) (Jun 2013) (Applicable if your purchase order/subcontract is for commercial items or commercial components.) Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 12 of 13 07/07/2014 07/07/2014 Document No. SBIRS006, Rev. 1 Flowdowns for Prime Contract FA8810-13-C-0001, SBIRS GEO 5/6 Production 252.245-7001, Tagging, Labeling, and Marking of Government-Furnished Property (Apr 2012) (Applicable for purchase orders/subcontracts where the items furnished by you will be subject to serialized tracking.) 252.245-7004, Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal (May 2013) (Applicable to all purchase orders/ subcontracts containing the clause at 52.245-1, Government Property. "Contracting Officer" means “Lockheed Martin.”) 252.246-7000, Material Inspection and Receiving Report (Mar 2008) (Applicable if direct shipments will be made to the Government.) 252.246-7001, Warranty of Data (Dec 1991) (Applicable if you will be delivering data. "Government" means "Lockheed Martin or the Government." "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed Martin." The last sentence in paragraph (b) is changed to read as follows: The warranty period shall extend for three years after completion of delivery of the data to Lockheed Martin, or if the data is delivered to the Government, either by Lockheed Martin or Seller, the warranty period shall extend for three years after delivery to the Government.") 252.246-7003, Notification of Potential Safety Issues (Jun 2013) 252.247-7023, Transportation of Supplies by Sea (Jun 2013) AFFAR Clauses 5352.223-9000, Elimination of Use of Class I Ozone Depleting Substances (Nov 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts. The blank in paragraph (d) is completed with "None." In paragraph (d) "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed Martin.") 5352.242-9001, Common Access Cards (CACS) for Contractor Personnel (Nov 2012) (Applicable if you will be performing work on a government installation. All communication with the government required by this clause shall be conducted through Lockheed Martin.) 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