OBJECTIVE 11-8 Death and Dying

Death and Dying
Death and Dying
Most of us will suffer and cope with the
deaths of relatives and friends.
Usually, the most difficult separation is
from one's spouse
- A loss suffered five times more women
than men
Expected deaths are much more shortlived than sudden deaths, such as the
death of a child.
Grief is especially severe when the death of a loved one
comes suddenly and before its expected time on the
social clock.
The normal range of reactions to a loved one's death is
wider than most suppose.
- Some cultures encourage public weeping and wailing,
others hide grief.
Those who express the strongest grief immediately do
not purge their grief more quickly.
For most people, bereavement therapy and other coping
methods do little to help the adjustment to deaths.
Ill people do not go through predictable
stages, such as denial, anger, etc.
AIDS has left countless grief-stricken partners
experiencing bereavement, as well as millions of
- AIDS so often strikes down people in midlife and
In 2004, the disease killed more than 3 million people
One study, following more than 1 million Danes over the
last half of the twentieth century, found that more than
17,000 people had suffered the death of a child under
Death is inevitable, and affects every individual
differently, regardless of outward expressions of
emotions towards it.