Vista Murrieta High School Matthew Bean, Room EE28 951) 894-5750 Ext. 6608 Classroom Principles and Policies Senior Seminar Course Philosophy: Senior Seminar is a course designed to help prepare students for entrance into a four-year college. The course will allow collaborative learning opportunities as well as assistance with the college search and application process. Students will learn test taking strategies, study skills, note taking alternatives, and organizational methods. Overall, the course will help alleviate the stress and strain of the senior year, by giving students additional guidance, support and mentoring throughout the year. Course Objectives/ Standards: The student will: A. Write well-focused entrance essays conveying awareness of audience, purpose and progression through the stages of the writing process. (Writing 1.1-1.5, 2.1, 2.3a,) B. Complete the College Application Process (Reading 2.1) C. Master interviewing strategies (Research and Technology 1.6) D. Compile portfolios of essential documents 1. Write job applications, cover letters, resumes (Writing 2.5) 2. Gather letters of reference and samples of work E. Gain effective speaking strategies that convey clear and distinct perspectives and demonstrate solid reasoning. (Listening and Speaking 1.7, 1.8) I. Outline of Content for Major Areas of Study Semester 1: Definition of personal goals and plan of action for the college bound senior. A. Getting into college 1. Applications, entrance essays, interviews 2. Understanding financial aid B. Attaining success while at college 1. Understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work. 2. Managing time, work load, social life and personal health C. Create an Educational Resume 1. Letters of Rec. 2. Interview strategies II. Semester 2: Maintaining success at the next level A. Acceptance Process B. Finalizing Financial Aid (FAFSA/ Pin) C. Scholarship Opportunities D. Create a Professional Resume 1. Cover Letter 2. Professional Interview E. College to Career F. Additional Topics: SAT/ ACT Preparation, College Essays, College Housing, Personality Inventories, Money Management/ Finances/ Public Speaking Discipline Plan: All rules of this school, district and state will be adhered to in this class. This includes attendance, tardiness, dress code, discipline and academic honesty standards. Classroom Rules: - Students will be in seat, ready to work, when the bell rings. Students will come to class prepared with all necessary materials (book, paper, pencil/ pen, notebooks, and homework). - Students will not display any non-school related electronic device during class time. - Students will remain seated and not talk while someone else is talking (SHOW RESPECT). All assignments are due on the assigned due date at the beginning of the period. Students should strive to display C.L.A.S.S. (Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship and Service). Students shall adhere to all class generated rules - Consequences: Failure to comply with the classroom rules will result in one or more of the following: reminder, student and teacher conference, school detention, parental contact, student work/ behavior contract, learning director/ coordinator intervention conference. Academic Dishonesty/ Plagiarism: See Student Handbook for complete details - 1st Offense- Loss of all credit for assignment and scheduled meeting with learning coordinator, teacher and family members. - 2nd Offense- Loss of all credit for assignment and meeting with learning director, Two-day school suspension - 3rd Offense-Dropped from class with no credit given Grading Policy: Student grades will be based on: The quality of and quantity of assignments completed (class work and homework) Performance on quizzes, tests, essays, and projects The quality and quantity of class participation – you must be here to pass In order for students to monitor their progress, grades will be updated and posted bimonthly, using a computer program. Grades are figured on a total points system. At the end of each grading period, all the points earned by the student will be divided by the total points possible. Therefore, a ZERO on an assignment will have a strong impact on the student’s grade. There will be two, six-week progress reports and a final semester grade given each semester. Grades will be assessed based on the following percentage scale: 100-94 = A 93-90 = A89-87 = B+ 86-84 = B 83-80 79-77 76-74 73-70 = B= C+ =C = C- 69-67 = D+ 66-64 = D 63-60 = D59 below = FAIL Classroom Expectations: I am excited about the opportunity to work with you during this school year. All students will be provided with a positive learning environment, where their behavior and academic progress will be closely monitored. The class will follow the pillars of C.L.A.S.S. (Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship and Service). These pillars, promoted by Vista Murrieta High School, should give all students structure in their long-term educational endeavors. It is my intention to structure this course in a manner that will foster critical thinking and analytical challenges. Students, please be open and honest with yourselves and your parents about your educational successes and failures. Parents, please support your child in his/her endeavors and take an active role in the educational process. My door is always open for clarification, assistance, or mentoring. If there are any comments, questions, or concerns, the best way to reach me is through my district email. I will always try to respond in a prompt manner. If email is unavailable, I can be reached through the school at extension 6608. Please read and discuss all policies and expectations with your parents. Your signatures below acknowledge an awareness and compliance with these policies. Please return this sheet for your first homework points of the semester. I, ______________________________/__________________________________, (print parent name) (print student name) have read and understand the policies and expectations set forth in this syllabus. Parent signature _______________________________________ Parental contact number_________________________________ Email_____________________________ Student signature______________________________________ Student contact number _____________________ Email___________________________ Please use the space below to identify any comments or concerns you may have for me. If there are any special circumstances I should be aware of in regard to your child, please identify them here.