VISUAL ART 1 Art & Design 1

L. Hayes E-111
Art & Design 1 is an introductory class allowing students the opportunity to
develop skills of visual representation, experimentation with different artistic media,
and learn the value of artistic developments. Required assignments include lessons &
skill building in areas of line, value, texture & form with emphasis in composition. The
class will incorporate the following visual & performing Arts Standards:
1.0 Artistic Perception
2.0 Creative Expression
3.0 Historical & Cultural Context
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing
5.0 Connections, Relationships & Applications
THIS IS A PARTICIPATION CLASS—Students are expected to be performing.
**Due to the severity in budget cuts, we may request that students contribute
______to be used for supplies/materials. Students are required to supply their own
pencils, erasers and black pens. Without contribution, students will not be able
to take home any work, & some projects may be different from the rest of the
the final grade will be determined by averaging the total of project
assignments along with weekly participation grades.
Attendance & class participation will make up roughly 40% of your grade.
Class participation points will accumulate on a daily basis. Lose points by not
doing what you’re supposed to be doing &/or disruption of the
learning/teaching environment. This includes tardiness. *should disruptive
behavior require being removed from this class, or suspension because of any
other class or reason, you forfeit points of participation for said week or time
Incomplete projects and/or those without names will not be graded
Projects will be graded on a set rubric including craftsmanship, effort, design
& expression. *other specific points on rubric change according to
Anything relating to sex, drugs, alcohol &/or gangs are inappropriate for
school & this class and will not be graded or accepted.
Students must complete over 50% of assigned projects to receive a passing
grade in this course.
All projects must be completed IN class
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 =D
59-below = F
Come prepared every day with your own pencil & eraser
All school policies in regards to tardiness, absences & discipline will be
 There are NO PASSES from this class—bathroom usage is expected to be
taken care of on student’s time—during breaks, before or after classes.
 Food &/or drinks are not permitted during class
 It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with teacher for any/all
make up work due to extended absences (please email me)
 Projects have set due dates and deadlines must be followed. *(sick or slower
students will have until the following WED. to turn work in without penalty
[unless other arrangements have been made] however, it must be done on
their own time.)
 Late work is only accepted due to extended illness &/or teacher approval.
Unexcused absenteeism or disciplinary removal from classes (OCD) are not
valid excuses for make up work—contact teacher
 Students are responsible for cleaning up their work areas & supplies along
with occasional assigned duties for the class
 Students are to observe all safety rules & common sense when using
equipment or tools or while simply being in this classroom
 Headphones are allowed only as long as I can’t hear the music & student
assumes all responsibility while in this classroom-- *all digital, music media is
NOT allowed on campus as a school rule—students who bring them anyway do
so at their risk—I assume NO responsibility.
 I will collect all digital media (cell phones, game players etc) & give to
administration if they are being used or just in plain sight. All phones are
expected to be off/silent and put away during class time.
 Return any/all borrowed items or supplies to Mrs. Hayes
**Please note—this information is discussed on the first or second day of class.
Students are given a CLASS ROOM RULES sheet that parents are to review
with student and sign. It is to be returned…in signing off, it is my understanding
that you understand my expectations and rules and will help to reinforce those
expectations with your students. Thank you for your support. I look forward to a
fabulous year. Please call me or email me any time…