Unit 1 Review Sheet Northern vs. Southern Colonies

Unit 1 Review Sheet
Northern vs. Southern Colonies
Great Awakening
French and Indian War
How did it benefit the colonists?
What was British Policy afterwards?
Proclamation Line of 1763
Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
Intolerable Acts
Taxation without representation
Boston Tea Party
Thomas Paine
Sons of Liberty (Leader?)
John Locke – Natural Rights
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation (What was it and what
were the weaknesses and strengths?)
Shay’s Rebellion
The Constitution
The Great Compromise
3/5 Compromise
Bill of Rights
Powers of the 10th Amendment
Whiskey Rebellion
Washington’s Farewell Address - Neutrality
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
What was the Revolution of 1800?
Louisiana Purchase
Alien and Sedition Acts
What did Marbury v. Madison decide?
Significance of John Marshal’s Court
War of 1812
Monroe Doctrine
Henry Clay – “The American System”
What was the theory of Nullification?
Trail of Tears
Manifest Destiny
Popular Sovereignty
Mexican-American War
What was the treaty to end the war?
What did the US get from the treaty?
2 Great Awakening
** Study Portfolios, Notes, Worksheets
Reform – Abolition / Temperance / Women
Where did the Mormon’s settle?
William Lloyd Garrison – The Liberator
Seneca Falls Convention
“King Cotton”
Cotton Gin
Transportation – RR, Canals, Steamboats
How did these lead to the Market Revolution?
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Case
Underground Railroad
Harpers Ferry
John Brown
Election of 1860
Causes of the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee
Ulysys S. Grant
Radical Republicans
William T. Sherman
Frederick Douglas
Harriet Tubman
Andrew Johnson
Battle of Bull Run
Emancipation Proclamation
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Black Codes
Jim Crow Laws
Freedman’s Bureau
10% Plan
Military Districts