AP European History: Summer Assignment 2015 Welcome to Mr. Quinn’s A.P. European History class, an accelerated and demanding introduction to European History and culture from 1450-present. Because this class is similar to a college freshmen-level course, students should expect, for example, that the reading and writing load will be heavier than most high school history classes. With that in mind, it requires seriously committed students who are willing to work far above the level required in a “regular” high school history class. To that end I prepared a summer assignment that will ensure that you are adequately prepared for the rigors of this course from day one. It is your responsibility to work on this assignment over the summer and come to the first day of school with the assignment completed. Failure to do so may result in you being dropped from the class, more than likely it will result in an extremely low grade on the first quiz and exam. Lastly, to ensure that everyone does their own work, the summer assignment must be handwritten and in your own words (quoting or paraphrasing text is acceptable). I look forward to meeting you this upcoming year. Enjoy your summer. For any questions regarding the completion of the summer assignment: e-mail me at the following address cquinn@murrieta.k12.ca.us Webpage: vmhs.net – teachers link: Quinn (copy of this assignment & resources are available) Required Course materials: Check out both from school library before the start of summer break! * If you add the class late you will need to get the text & reader from the library during summer registration. 1. Text Book: A History of Western Society (since 1300), Eighth Edition 2. Primary Source Reader: Sources of the Western Tradition, Fifth Edition *Reminder – ALL WORK MUST BE HAND WRITTEN! Complete your work in the following order: Title and number all work accordingly I. Using the Primary Source Reader (Sources of the Western Tradition) A. Prologue (pg. xvi-xvii) 1. Read the Examining Primary Sources Prologue 2. Write a one paragraph essay that addresses the following: discuss the difference between a primary and secondary source, issues faced by historians when studying primary sources, the levels in which the sources in this anthology can be read. B. Middle Ages and the Modern World (pg. xviii-xxi) *Write out questions & answer using complete sentences. 1. The ways in which the modern world is linked to the middle ages. 2. The ways that Christianity influenced Western society. 3. How feudalism led to the modern practice of limiting the authority of the head of state. 4. How the Medieval view of the individual’s relationship to the universe was different from the modern view. C. The Rise of Modernity (pg. 2-5) *Write out questions & answer using complete sentences. 1. How the Renaissance individual differed from that of the Middle Ages. 2. The two important differences between the period called the Twelfth-Century Awakening and the Renaissance. 3. The studies of Renaissance humanists included. 4. The differences between medieval art from Renaissance art. 5. The ways John Wycliffe and John Huss challenged the papacy and orthodox Catholic theology? 6. The ways in which the Reformation, exploration, and the commercial revolution impacted European society. 7. The various aspects of the modern state. *Reminder: ALL WORK MUST BE HAND WRITTEN! II. Read Chapter 13 in the text book: A History of Western Society (pg. 413-446) and complete the following A. ID-Sigs: Read Chapter 13 (pg. 413-446) 1. Renaissance 8. Laura Cereta 2. communes 9. Niccolò Machiavelli 3. Italian City States 10. Printing Press 4. Individualism 11. Christian Humanism 5. Humanism 12. Desiderius Erasmus 6. Secularism 13. Thomas More 7. Baldassare Castiglione 14. Royal Council 15. Hermandades 16. Girolamo Savonarola 17. Lorenzo de Medici 18. Pope Leo X 19. Ferdinand & Isabella 20. Reconquista *Use the sample format below for each ID-sig (Note: you must include two significant facts for each term in addition to an identification.) *Every term must be numbered & the ID/Sigs listed as separate sentences! ID-SIG Format A. Identification-The ID is the traditional definition of a term (Always list the date when applicable) B. Significance-This is the importance of an event or person. This may represent a far more encompassing concept or pattern. Included in the Significance would also be the effects of the event or person. Sample ID/SIGs 1. Cesare Borgia (1475 -1507), The Italian Duke of Valetinois and son of Pope Alexander VI of Spain. He was a condottiero (soldier), nobleman, politician, and cardinal. SIGs: 1. As the son of Pope Alexander VI, Cesare was instrumental in the consolidation of the Papal States, and has been considered the prototype of Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince – intelligent, cruel, treacherous, and ruthlessly opportunistic. 2. The name Borgia became synonymous with political corruption, including adultery, Simony, theft, rape, bribery, incest, and murder. B. Free Response Questions: answer each of the following questions in a one page or more essays * The questions below can be answered using the reading content from Chapter 13 in the text book, but you are also welcome to use other resources (No citing of resources is required) 1. What characteristics (political, economic) of Italian cities in the 15th century created an environment that fostered the development of Renaissance culture (art, literature)? Use specific evidence to support your answer. 2. Machiavelli suggested that princes needed to be both foxes and lions, both clever and fierce. To what degree and in what ways were the kings of France, Spain, and England foxes and lions during the 15th and early 16th centuries. Use specific evidence to support your answer. III. Extra Credit Assignment: View one of the following films and complete a 2 page paper summarizing the content of the film and discuss how the film relates to the subject matter covered in the summer assignment above. 1. The Agony and the Ecstasy – Charleston Heston (1965) NR: life of Michelangelo 2. The Plague (2005) NR: Documentary about the bubonic plague 3. Empires: The Medici, Godfathers of the Renaissance (2003) NR: PBS documentary I was able to locate each of the above films on Netflix (Non-rated films may have graphic images that may need to be approved by a parent before viewing). This is EXTRA CREDIT - NOT a required assignment!