Module 46 Worksheet

Name: __________________________ Period: ____
Module 46 Worksheet
1. Define trait:
2. Define Social-Cognitive Perspective:
3. What is the difference between the perspective of a trait psychologist and the perspective of a socialcognitive psychologist?
4. Describe Gordon Allport’s three levels of traits. Give an example (not from the notes) of each.
5. Describe the development of trait theory by Raymond Cattell.
6. Define factor analysis:
7. Describe Hans Eysenck’s approach to personality.
8. What “Big Five” traits were agreed upon by psychologists?
9. What is the difference between projective tests and objective tests?
10. What are some criticisms of “trait perspective”?
11. What is Albert Bandura’s theory on personality?
12. Define Reciprocal Determinism:
13. What are the three influences in reciprocal determinism?
14. Describe the difference between external locus of control and internal locus of control.
15. How does learned helplessness occur?
16. What is positive psychology?
17. Give an example of a pessimistic explanatory style.
18. Give an example of an optimistic explanatory style.
19. What happens if we have too much optimism?
20. Why do social-cognitive psychologists prefer experiments and simulating actual conditions in assessing
21. What is the Barnum effect? The Hawthorn effect? The Halo Effect? (might need to look at other sources)