Modules 4-5 Study Guide Neurons

Modules 4-5 Study Guide
Know the parts and what they do—dendrites, axon, cell body, terminal branches/buttons, myelin sheath
Know the sequence of travel of the electrical signal (dendrites______________ axon)
Know what action potential (sodium and potassium), selectively permeable, threshold, “all or none” principle, synapse,
reuptake are
Know what sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons do
o Interneurons are the most common in the “information processing system”
Neurotransmitters—know what they do
o Know the disorders/diseases that are associated with the following
o Know what endorphins are and what they do
o Know what agonists and antagonists are
What is Curare?
Nervous System
Know the major divisions and what each division is responsible for (central, nervous, somatic, etc.)
Define reflex
Endocrine System
Know that it consists of glands
o Hormones
Where are they released?
Know the pituitary gland and what happens if it malfunctions or is damaged
Know fMRI, MRI, PET scan, and EEG
Know the functions of the following
o Medulla
o Hippocampus
o Reticular formation (know location as
o Amygdala
o Hypothalamus
o Thalamus
o Broca’s Area
o Cerebellum
o Wernicke’s Area
Know what happens if these parts are damaged
o Medulla
o Amygdala
o Reticular Formation
o Broca’s Area
o Cerebellum
o Wernicke’s Area
o Hippocampus
What is the cerebral cortex and its functions?
o Parietal Lobes
What would happen if damaged?
o Frontal Lobes
What would happen if damaged?
o Temporal Lobes
What would happen if damaged?
o Occipital Lobes
What would happen if damaged?
Know where the motor cortex and sensory cortex are located
o What are their functions?
o What parts of the body are associated with the most brain tissue in these areas?
Know about association areas (what they are, where they are located, etc.)
Know that the limbic system, especially the amygdala, is associated with emotion
Know what plasticity refers to
Define aphasia
Hemispheres and Corpus Callosum (know what they are associated with)
o What happens if the left or right hemisphere is damaged?
o Split-brain research