Chapter 16 Practice Quiz Answers

Chapter 16 Practice Quiz Answers
1. C – only in Holland (Netherlands) were food prices generally stable
2. B – Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685, with the aim of creating religious uniformity
in France. State power rather than the Inquisition was used to enforce it.
3. E – Spain’s supplies of gold and silver, on which the economy was dependent, began to
dwindle as the mines ran out.
4. D – Cromwell sought the king’s execution and purged Parliament to avoid a negative vote.
It was the Rump Parliament that approved the execution.
5. B – All three governments promoted shipbuilding and the merchant marine through
6. C – Don Quixote, forever tilting at windmills, can be used to demonstrate the idealistic but
impractical nature of 17th century Spain.
7. A – The Kings of Spain in the 17th century lacked the will to reform and to lead Spain out of
difficulties and were suspicious of ideas from other countries.
8. D – The crown of Spain was given to a Bourbon but with the proviso that it could never be
unified with the crown of France. The balance of power was restored when French
ambitions were checked.
9. A – Hobbes argued that men formed governments to protect themselves from their own
selfishness and aggression. Without powerful governments, those traits lead society
into disorder and chaos.
10. C – The English Civil War was fundamentally fought over Parliament’s assertion of its right
to control royal revenues and taxes, that is, its political power against Charles I’s
attempt to rule without it.
11. D – Although Charles II’s treaty with France and James II’s Declaration of Indulgence
ranked with most of the English, it was the birth of a male heir to James II and his
Catholic wife that led Parliament to offer the crown to Mary, James’s Protestant
12. C – The city councils, particularly of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, promoted prosperity by
Guaranteeing deposits in their banks, stabilizing food prices, and promoting the
merchant marine. There was no unified government of the seven provinces that made
up the Netherlands.
13. B – The dramatic and monumental qualities of Baroque art appealed to the absolute
monarchs because they could use them to impress and enhance their prestige.
14. C – Whereas the older view was that Louis XIV tamed the nobles and weakened both their
wealth and their power, the new view is that he cooperated with them as well as coopted them.
15. C – Armies became bigger, more professional, and more expensive. Nobles, who held to
traditional ideals of honor, suffered high death tolls. Standing armies, that is , armies
that exist in peacetime as well as wartime, were the norm everywhere except in