Course overview :
Foreign language study helps to develop respect for cultural diversity as well as confidence in the basic skills of communication. This course will provide an introduction to the language and culture of the French speaking language.
Goals of the course:
Develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills
Acquire global insight and understanding cultural diversity
Use language skills for purposeful communication
Make interdisciplinary connections
Target language use in the classroom :
To help you learn French faster and more efficiently, we will communicate in target language as much as possible. Here is the % for French language use in class:
Teacher 50%- 75% Students 25% - 50%
Materials needed:
The appropriate level French textbook and homework workbook. You need to bring workbook everyday to class, otherwise grade points will be deducted.
Three-ring binder with dividers labeled as 1) notes and handouts, 2) vocabulary lists, 3) homework and classwork, 4) tests and quizzes
Notebook paper, pen, pencil and a red pen
Grading policy: Participation and classwork 25 %, Homework 25%, Tests/Quizzes 25%,
Projects 15% , Final tests 10%
Homework policy/Make-up work :
Homework is critical to learning a foreign language. Therefore it must be complete upon arrival to class.
Incomplete assignments will receive half credit. However, I will accept late work for a lower grade. If a homework assignment is given on a day you are absent, you have the amount of absent days to make it up.
If absent the day before a test, but already been informed of the test, you will still need to take it with the class. If absent on the day that a project or oral assignment is due, expect to present it immediately upon return.
Arrive on time and quietly get to work right away
Use the restroom and drink water BEFORE class
Remain in your seat at all times, until the teacher dismisses you
Listen and pay attention when the teacher or a classmate is speaking
Follow directions the first time they are given
Raise your hand to be called on (use hand signal)
Keep the classroom clean and pick up your trash
Do not write in the books or on the desks
Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom
Be polite and respectful. Show C.L.A.S.S.
Stay positive and do your best, Broncos!
Verbal warning
Teacher/student conference
Call to parents or parent conference
Additional support:
I am always available for the students for extra help before or after school during the school year.
Favorite quote :
"Ability is what you're capable of doing… Motivation determines what you do… Attitude determines how well you do it"
Please read, sign and return this section only
Your name ______________________________________ Period __________
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Student Signature Parent signature