Project Choices: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Option One (Required):

Project Choices: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Option One (Required):
Create a diagram with a flow chart or map showing the four pairs of lovers-Theseus/Hippolyta, Oberon/Titania, Lysander/Hermia, and Demetrius/Helena--and
explaining how their relationships change throughout the play, ending with the final
pairings. Illustrate the charts with images. Use high-visibility font.
Option two (Choose One):
Choice 1: Explain how Lysander's statement, "the course of true love never did run
smooth" (I,i,134) applies to each of the four pairs of lovers AND in modern times.
You may communicate your ideas with a power point (or other presentation form),
through some sort of display (poster, Prezi), art, film, poetry, or song. The format
through which you communicate is not important. What is important is that you
discuss specific details from the text AND from modern timesthat show how the
course of love is not smooth.
Choice 2: Helena says, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And
therefore is winged Cupid painted blind" (I, i, 234-235). Explain how this
statement applies to each of the four pairs of lovers AND to modern times. You may
communicate your ideas with a power point (or other presentation form), through
some sort of display (poster, Prezi), art, film, poetry, or song. The format through
which you communicate is not important. What is important is that you discuss
specific details from the text AND from modern times that show how love is blind.
Choice 3: Show how Bottom's line, "reason and love keep little company nowadays"
(III,1,144-45) fits his relationship with Titania. Then, show how the line fits the other
lovers--Theseus and Hippolyta, for instance, AND how it fits into modern times. You
may communicate your ideas with a power point (or other presentation form),
through some sort of display (poster, Prezi), art, film, poetry, or song. The format
through which you communicate is not important. What is important is that you
discuss specific details from the text AND from modern times that show how love
defies reason.
Choice 4: Explain how Puck's statement, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
(III,ii,115) applies not only to the mortals in the woods, but also to the fairies, and to
people in modern times. You may communicate your ideas with a power point (or
other presentation form), through some sort of display (poster, Prezi), art, film,
poetry, or song. The format through which you communicate is not important.
What is important is that you discuss specific details from the text that show how the
characters behave foolishly both in the text AND in modern times.