Academic Affairs Use Only: Response Date: ______________________ Proposal Number: _________________

St. Cloud State University
General Education Goal Area 3 Designation
Natural & Physical Sciences
Academic Affairs Use Only:
Response Date: ______________________
Effective Date: ______________________
Proposal Number: _________________
Prepared by: Annette Schoenberger
Phone: 308-2094
Requesting Unit: Computer Science
Department, Course Number, Title: CSCI 200
New Course
Will this course be flagged as a diversity course?
Already Designated as Diversity
Will this course also satisfy another General Education Goal Area?
If “Yes” specify which goal area.
Course bulletin description, including credits and semesters to be offered:
Existing Course
Diversity Proposal Accompanying This Form
CSCI 200: Elements of Computing. Problem-solving strategies, top-down design, and computer
algorithms. Files and editing. Documentation and testing. Control structures, input and output, and
functions. Boolean functions and circuits. Social considerations. Lab. Coreq.: MATH 112 or test out of
MATH 112 via math placement exam or Prereq: MATH 196. 3 Cr, F, S, Sum.
Indicate the clientele for whom this course is designed. Is the course for general education only, or
does it fulfill general education and other program needs for this or another department? Obtain
signatures from any affected departments.
In addition to a general education course for students interested in the basics of Computer Science, this
course is an introduction to Computer Science for prospective computer science majors and those
wishing to take the introductory computer science course in all our programs, CSCI 201, who have little
background in computing.
Indicate any changes that must be made in offerings or resources in your department or other
departments by offering this course.
For new courses or courses not yet approved for General Education, indicate any other SCSU departments
or units offering instruction that relates to the content of the proposed course.
This is not a new course, we are not changing the content and it was previously approved for General
Education as a lab science.
A search of the SCSU web site indicates that this class is a one of the possible prerequisites for CSCI 201,
is a prerequisite for EAS 485 and is a substitute for CNA 267 in both the Network, Modeling and
Simulation Major and the Network Information Security Systems Major.
Courses designated as General Education are included in the assessment plan for the Goal Area(s)
for which they are approved. Courses for which assessment is not included in the annual GE
assessment report for two years will be removed from the General Education Program.
The Requesting Unit understands and recognizes the above conditions.
Provide a concise explanation of how the following goal is a “significant focus” of the proposed course.
Goal Area 3: Natural & Physical Sciences
Explore scientific knowledge of the natural world. Understand the central concepts and
principles of science; experience the process of scientific inquiry; comprehend science as a
human endeavor and understand the impact of science on individuals and on society.
Understanding algorithms and problem solving, constructing programs, learning to interact with
computers, and understanding the basics of circuit design enhances the students understanding of
complex systems and problem solving.
Verifying the behavior of an algorithm or circuit requires the students to form a hypothesis concerning
the behavior of the circuit or algorithm, design tests to confirm or deny those hypothesis and finally,
change the algorithm based on the results of the tests. The models built by the students can be used to
demonstrate, reveal, refute or verify principles of science.
Building circuits and studying the basic circuitry in computers gives the students an example of the
application of Physical Sciences.
Studying the history of the development of computers and the social aspects of computing helps the
student comprehend science as a human endeavor and understand the impact of science on individuals
and society.
In order for a course to be designated as fulfilling Goal Area 3, it must address at least 5 of the 6 student
learning outcomes (SLOs) below. Check the SLOs below that are focused on in the proposed general
education course.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of concepts, principles, and theories in the physical or natural sciences.
2. Make observations and collect data, design and carry out experiments or other types of scientific
3. Formulate research questions and testable hypotheses, analyze and interpret data, draw inferences and
conclusions, and identify further questions for investigation.
4. Demonstrate awareness of the interdependent relationships of basic science, applied science,
mathematics, and technology.
5. Recognize the human nature of the scientific enterprise, including the importance of curiosity,
creativity, and imagination; the dual nature of scientific knowledge as changeable and durable; and the
impact of a scientist's personal identity on the scientific process.
6. Evaluate societal issues from a science perspective, question the evidence presented, and make
informed judgments about these issues.
Discuss how each Student Learning Outcome checked above is achieved in this course. (Note: Although
descriptions of typical assignments or types of assignments may be part of this discussion, it is not
appropriate to submit copies of actual assignments.)
SLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of concepts, principles, and theories in the physical or natural sciences.
This class includes a hardware component. Students learn basics of electricity, circuits, and switches. In
the lab they assemble the components to create simple Boolean logic circuits. Students model any one
physical logic operator circuit using one of the sole sufficient operator circuits (NAND gates for example).
Students create and test models of systems some of which are physical. These exercises might include
radioactive decay in the context of carbon dating, using Monte Carlo Methods to compute the value of π,
basic unit conversion for units such as temperature and distance, physical simulations such as the
monkey gun. CLO 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7
SLO 2: Make observations and collect data, design and carry out experiments or other types of
scientific investigations.
In the process of testing physical models the students must collect data, compute the relative error in
their approximations and draw conclusions based on the results. CLO 2, 5, 6 & 7
SLO 3: Formulate research questions and testable hypothesis, analyze and interpret data, draw
inferences and conclusions, and identify further questions for investigation.
The process of verifying an algorithm is an iterative process that requires the development of tests, the
execution of those tests, drawing inferences about the algorithm to determine what needs to be
changed.CLO 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7
The process of building and testing a simple arithmetic circuit requires testing, verification, and design.
CLO 6 & 7
SLO 4: Demonstrate awareness of the interdependent relationship of basic science, applied science,
mathematics, and technology.
Circuits are the physical manifestations of the mathematical operators. The very fact that the students
can build and verify a circuit demonstrates the relationship of basic science, applied science,
mathematics and technology. CLO 4, 6, 7
Students study the history of the development of computing devices. This history illustrates the
interdependent relationships of basic science, applied science, mathematics, and technology. CLO 1
SLO 5: Recognize the human nature of the scientific enterprise, including the importance of curiosity,
creativity, and imagination; the dual nature of scientific knowledge as changeable and durable; and the
impact of a scientist’s personal identity on the scientific process.
While studying the history of computing the students learn the impact of the computing devices on
science as well the impact of science on the development of computing devices. They learn what these
devices have made possible in science, medicine and other areas. They learn that many advances in
computer science are driven by the need to solve a practical problem, some as simple as the need for
scientists to share data. CLO 1
SLO 6: Evaluate societal issues from a science perspective, question the evidence presented, and make
informed judgments about these issues.
Students learn about codes of ethics from computing related professional organization such as the ACM.
Students study the dangers of inappropriate uses of technology. Students also study the consequences of
inadequate testing of software and of hardware. CLO 1
Courses satisfying Goal Area 3: Natural & Physical Sciences must have either a “traditional lab course or
a lab-like experience”. Check which of these apply and supply a brief explanation of how the course is
either a laboratory course or incorporates a “lab-like experience”.
Course includes:
Lab-like experience
The following quote from a National Research Council subcommittee report may help to identify a course
with a laboratory. ”Laboratory experiences provide opportunities for students to interact directly with the
material world (or with data drawn from the material world), using the tools, data collection techniques,
models, and theories of science.” America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science (Free
Executive Summary)
The students spend time in the lab each week. Labs can include but are not limited to the following types
of activities:
1. Explore the implications for random processes such as Pick-4, Slots, Monte Hall Problem, ESP testing,
Dice Roll Simulations, Random Walk
2. Use a Monte Carlo method to estimate the area of a circle inscribed in a square and use the result to
estimate π
3. Convert units such as temperature, length, and currency
4. Use convergent processes to approximate the behavior of systems
5. Compute absolute vs. relative error and use the result to draw conclusions
6. Physically build and test simple circuits using IC chips
7. Determine ages of artifacts using resultant ratios from radioactive decay
8. Implement physical simulations such as ballistic simulation, atmospheric simulations visualizations,
List or attach the Course Outline (adequately described and including percentage of time to be allocated
to each topic). Curriculum Committees may request additional information. Topics larger than 20% need
to be broken down further. Indicate in your course outline where the Student Learning Outcomes
checked above are being met.
CSCI 200: Elements of Computing. Problem-solving strategies, top-down design, and computer algorithms. Files and
editing. Documentation and testing. Control structures, input and output, and functions. Boolean functions and circuits.
Social considerations. Lab. Coreq.: MATH 112 or test out of MATH 112 via math placement exam or Prereq: MATH 196. 3 Cr,
F, S, Sum.
Objectives: Learn to design and implement algorithms and execute the results. Learn to manage and edit files; apply
fundamental programming control structures, loops, branching, and functions; manipulate, build and test simple Boolean
circuits; and examine the social context of computing and its consequences.
Course Outline:
Creating Files, editing and debugging code
Introduction to computers, formal algorithms, strategies for problem solving
Professional, social, historical and ethical considerations
Top-down and modular design techniques, documentation and testing
Control structures: loops, branching, Boolean expressions and cases
Terminal and text file input and output
Functions and sets
Logic gates, Boolean functions, and truth tables
Building and testing simple Boolean circuits
Course Learning Outcomes:
Recognize the ethical and social issues connected to computing with examples from the history of computing
Use software tools to create and organize programs and data files
Use top-down and modular design techniques to develop and implement solutions to problems design and implement
programs to solve problems
Recognize which standard algorithm, functions and control structures apply to the solutions to problems
Appropriately test and document code
Use logic gates, Boolean functions, and truth tables to build and test simple Boolean circuits
Recognize when the developed solution is correct and solves the presented problem
Assessment Plan:
Year 1
Goals 2,3
Year 2
Goals 4, 5
Year 3
Goals 6, 7
Year 4
Goals 1
Year 5
Use feedback from cycle to determine how assessment process can be improved for the next cycle
Each year, student experiences will be constructed that satisfy the learning outcomes being assessed. Student performance
on these experiences will be evaluated. Associated with each experience will be a justification of how the experience
assesses the outcome, the expectation of student performance and an evaluation rubric. Any immediate issues that surface
will be handled by making appropriate changes to the course through the University's curriculum process.