Assessment Steering Committee Meeting MINUTES TYPE OF MEETING FACILITATOR NOTE TAKER ATTENDEES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015 Assessment Steering Committee Lisa Foss, Co-Convener David Switzer Co-Convener Holly Evers HBS: Chris Lepkowski SOE: Kathy Dahlberg, Frances Kayona COLA: Wendy Bjorklund, SOTA: Vacant CETL: Tracy Ore SCEE: Vacant SPA: David Switzer, Shawn Schooley Special Services: Robin Ewing Liberal Ed: Vacant Assessment GA: Afreen Sultana 11:00–11:50 AMC- Mississippi Room Cont. Studies: Michael Penrod Academic Affairs: Lisa Foss COSE: Sandra Johnson SCEE: Vacant Graduate Studies: Melanie Guentzel SHHS: Jill Snippen, Joyce Simones Student L&D: Jen Sell-Matzke UC: Christine Metzo Student: Guest: MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of September 30, 2015 – Sandy Johnson Second- Wendy Bjorklund Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Co-Curricular Webinar: Sandy Johnson and Holly Evers described the cocurricular webinar led by Stephen F Austin University and shared what they learned. 2. Mn Collaborative/ VALUE rubric test: Lisa Foss updated the committee on the Multi State Collaborative (MSC) and the follow up workshop being held during the Fall Workshops on Thursday, October 8. The committee discussed how the structure of the MSC contributed to the assessment plan of Our Husky Compact. Lisa further described the Mn Collaborative which is running parallel to the MSC. It involves both public and private institutions, as well as, two and four-year institutions, so the parameters are broader than that of the MSC. Further, each institution will test 6 rubrics—the same three as the MSC, the oral communication rubric and two that are the choice of each institution. Both the MSC of the Mn Collaborative have grant funding, which we will be able to use to subsidize implementation of Our Husky Compact and its assessment process. 3. IM Projects: Holly Evers stated that there are several ongoing projects around assessment and Tk20 that Information Media students are working on, including one on the new Assessment Policy. IM graduate Students will be DISCUSSION creating training and supporting documents that can be used to make faculty aware of the new policy. HLC QI (Our Husky Compact) Assessment Plan Lisa Foss shared an updated Assessment Plan with the committee. Strategic Planning formalized some of the language. The committee suggested some structural changes as well as substantive clarifications. Next Meeting: October 21, 2015