General Education Committee MINUTES Approved 9-8-2006 TYPE OF MEETING FACILITATOR NOTE TAKER ATTENDEES FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2006 11:00-12:30 WICK SCIENCE BUILDING 101 General Education Committee Judy Litterst, Chair Margaret Villanueva General Education Committee (2 members per unit, 3 year staggered) BUS: Vacant (06), Larry Roth (MGMT/08) ED: Semya Hakim (HURL/06) (07) [resigned], Luther Rotto (IM/06)(08) FAH: Carolyn Hartz (PHIL/06), Judy Litterst (CMST/07)* S&E: Maureen Tubbiola (BIOL/06), Mohammad Mahroof-Tahir (CHEM/07) COSS: Margaret Villanueva (CMTY/06), Michelle Hammes (POL/07) SPEC: Susan Motin (LR/TS/06), Vacant (08) General Education Assessment Coordinator: Neal Voelz (BIOL/) Guest: Jennifer (Kate) Peterson (LR/TS) Topics APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION Motion to Approve Minutes of 4/21/06 M-Hartz S-Mahroof-Tahir P CHAIR’S REPORT DISCUSS a. Academic Affairs meeting with Deans, April 25, 2006—provided an update on current status of draft general education goals and encouraged deans to let chairs know of our willingness to visit departments for updates and discussions. b. Submissions to CETL were sent to Frankie Condon regarding GEC workshops for Fall Convocation week. 1) GEC members should watch for convocation brochure for time/location of sessions. One session on update of progress. Another on general education core assessment was proposed. 2) Future “reading circles” related to general education also were suggested for the next academic year through CETL. c. Student Government resolution regarding its position on GEC and recommendation from Faculty Association Constitutional Review Committee d. Regarding Gen Ed assessment, Judy Litterst and Neal Voelz (with the new director of assessment) will be working with Lisa Foss (Institutional Effectiveness) over the summer. COMMITTEE BUSINESS DISCUSS a. The Student Government (SGA) resolution requesting a position on the GEC was discussed, resulting in a decision by this committee. b. To improve relations between this committee and student government, the GEC Chair will offer to attend SGA meetings for input from students. In passing the Motion, the GEC recognizes that student voices are also appropriately heard in the President’s Council. As a committee, GEC values and invites student input. MOTION DISCUSS DISCUSS M-Kukoleca Hammes S-Hartz That the General Education Committee (GEC) concurs with the Faculty Association Executive Committee on their motion regarding Student Government Association (SGA) representation on GEC. The GEC invites SGA to select one nonvoting guest par ticipant and an alternate guest participant to attend GEC meetings. GEC followed up on previous discussions of the draft goals and an explanation of the principles for goals that flow from Gen Ed Mission Statement: 1) Goals and supporting documents will be presented to the Senate as early as possible in the Fall 2006 semester, and faculty groups on goal areas formed 2) Committee discussed plans and timeline for 2006-07 Gen Ed reform efforts 3) The chair will incorporate the draft goals as agreed upon by the end of the Spring 2006 semester into a working document for committee review at the first meetings of Fall 2006. (Attached) 4) For the Fall, GEC has a number of tasks to address, in particular: goal area groups and student learning outcomes visits to deans’ advisory councils, college meetings, departments documenting the process and timeline statement on value of Gen Ed for SCSU bulletin campus communication plan Elections of chair and other officers for GEC in the coming year were discussed, and Judy Litterst was unanimously elected as chair for 2006-2007. Volunteers and elections for other committee positions will be decided during first meeting of Fall 2006. The chair thanked the committee members for their work this academic year. Next meeting time will be decided after schedules of committee members are reviewed, tentatively on Fridays at 3:30 – 5:00 pm, and the place will be WSB 101.