STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes April 12, 2007

Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2007
Members Present
Jim Sherohman, Judy Litterst, Brenda Wentworth, Judy Kilborn, Lisa Foss, John Palmer, David Sikes, Ken,
Jeongmin Byun, Robin Ewing, Annette Day, Mark Nook, Sara Grachek, Jennifer Jay, Debra Leigh, Phil
Thorson, Debra Carlson
Review of feedback
Revisions were based on suggestions from various campus groups
The two primary concerns overall were:
1. the lack of reference to research and scholarship
2. the need for more specific language about global initiative and what that means
The most significant change was the expansion of the Academic Distinction theme and the
change in the wording of the strategic result to read: The University will provide a challenging,
rich, diverse, and global curriculum and learning environment informed by active research
and scholarship. (No objections.)
S4: Enhance Student learning, development and academic performance
 Move Faculty scholarly and creative activity to S2 (tabled)
S6: Increase Access to SCSU
 Change Student Body composition to read: Student body composition including
undergraduate and graduate
 Under student body composition add: Traditionally Underrepresented Groups and Students
of Color
R3: Balance quality, quantity and diversity of programs and services
 Remove the bullet that reads: Evidence of maintaining, not eroding, core academic mission
of liberal arts education in all
R4: Achieve appropriate and realistic enrollment goals
List enrollment management plan goals so as to make a connection (addition)
OP1: Improve communication with internal and external stakeholders
 Reword OP1 to read: Improve overall transparency and communication with internal and
external stakeholders.
 Move General education goals in comparison with national academic standards (tabled)
 Add a bullet for: Internal component of Faculty/Staff satisfaction
OR 2: Recognize and reward employee actions that promote strategic objectives
 Move bullets 4 and 5 that talk about salaries and staff duties down under OR6
 Change wording throughout the document to read faculty and staff when it is referring to
all employees
 Add a bullet for: Reassigned time or grants devoted to support of the strategic objectives
OR 4: Promote an abundant worldview among employees
 Remove the word “abundant” so that it reads: Promote a worldview among employees
OR 6: Ensure all individuals are safe and valued so they can be successful
 Remove last bullet: Official procedures adhered to consistently and applied equally at all
OR 8: Build institutional capacity for change to meet future opportunities and challenges
 Change fourth bullet to read: Support provided to faculty and staff for new projects,
retooling of curriculum and assessment.
Global Initiative Report Revisions
Referred to the Constitutional Review Committee and Gen Ed. Committee by Faculty Senate
Request made to change the title pages of the different versions to reflect whose revisions are
represented until a final combined version is complete