NEW RESEARCHER AWARD The purpose of the New Researcher Award is to support research and scholarly activity that moves the applicant toward peer-reviewed dissemination of their work OR submission of a proposal for external funding. The project described in the application must support the groundwork required to move the applicant towards peer-reviewed dissemination of their research, or towards the submission of a proposal for external funding. The maximum award for an individual project is $4,000. The maximum award for a multidisciplinary project is $8,000. APPLICATION GUIDELINES Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be probationary SCSU faculty and staff within their first five (5) years of service. Applicants may submit one (1) application for each deadline. If an application is denied, an individual may re-apply during the next submission period. Applicants may receive only one (1) University Researcher OR one (1) New Researcher award in any given fiscal year. Applicants can be awarded a maximum of one (1) New Researcher award every two (2) years per principal investigator. Submission Requirements: Electronic submission to is preferred, however, one original can be delivered to AS 210. Application Requirements: Proposal Cover Sheet Proposal Narrative o All sections must be completed within three (3) pages. It should be well written and at a level which allows reviewers, who are not experienced within the applicant’s discipline, to fully understand the proposed work/project. Budget Budget Justification Supporting Documents (if applicable) Budget/Justification: The budget will be judged on how realistic it is in relation to being able to accomplish your project. Therefore, it is important to accurately calculate the direct costs and obtain current rates for all items. Effective FY2016 Correctly place each cost under the appropriate heading and include a notation of how it was computed. The budget justification describes – o Responsibilities for personnel receiving compensation. o Connections between the requested budget expenditures and the strategy of the project. o Concise description of the need for each requested item in carrying out the proposed project. Allowable budgetary items: o Travel related to the project. o Supplies and equipment needed for the project (purchases remain property of SCSU). o Computer services. o Personnel (e.g., clerical/student salary/applicant compensation and fringe costs). o Compensation of up to $2,000 for the applicant is allowed. It should be calculated into the budget as $2,000 compensation + $440 (22% fringe) and should not exceed $2440. o New Researcher funds CANNOT be used to reduce the applicant’s workload. o Multidisciplinary projects may include additional compensation (compensation + 22% fringe) for each co-investigator. The requested compensation must be consistent with proposed project activities. o Other identifiable costs o If you request compensation for an expert outside of SCSU, you must provide the individual’s credentials, justification for the award, and explanation of your relationship with the individual. Award Selection: The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Directors and Assistant Directors will review the proposals. Funding recommendations are then provided to the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, who will make the final funding decisions. Proposals are reviewed using the criteria outlined in the New Researcher Application Evaluation Form at the end of this application. Given proposals of comparable ratings, greater consideration is placed on those applicants who have not received funding. Recipient Responsibilities: Awarded funds are to be used exclusively for the work outlined in the proposal narrative. All recipients of a New Researcher Award are responsible for completing the project outline, and are required to submit a final report to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs within 30 days after the project’s scheduled completion date. The report should clearly demonstrate that the work has moved the applicant towards peer-reviewed dissemination of their work, or the submission of a proposal for external funding. Compensation will be released upon approval of the completed final report. Effective FY2016 NEW RESEARCHER APPLICATION COVER SHEET Applicant: Dept/Center: School/College: No. of Years at SCSU: Project Title: Estimated start and end dates for project: to Total budget requested: Project Activity (select one): A. Submission of proposal for external funding List targeted funding agencies and amounts: B. Peer-reviewed dissemination of work List specific professional organizations and/or journals: Two sentence summary of the project: SIGNATURES: Acknowledge Comments: Department Chairperson/Supervisor Recommend: Yes No Date Comments: School/College Dean or Vice President Date Effective FY2016 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE - NOT TO EXCEED THREE (3) PAGES BACKGROUND: Provide a brief background and explain the need or significance of the project in terms of the applicant’s professional development or continuing preparation and study goals. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Outline the goals and objectives of the project. Explain what the project will accomplish and what measurable outcomes are expected. METHODOLOGY: Based upon the goals and objectives, describe the project activities, responsible person for each activity, and the means for measuring each activity. TIMELINE: Provide a timeline for project activities. PROJECT EVALUATION: Explain how this project will assist in the submission of a proposal for external funding, or towards peer-reviewed dissemination. Describe the significance of the project to your department and the University’s strategic plan. Effective FY2016 DETAILED BUDGET The form provided below is an embedded Excel spreadsheet that may be used as a template in calculating expenses. Please note that the categories provided may differ from your budgetary needs. Total Requested Personnel Compensation (up to $2,000 per applicant) Daily Rate: Describe: # of days Fringe Costs (22% of compensation - (not to exceed $440 per applicant) Students/Staff/Clerical Describe: Rate: 0 0 # of hours 0 Total personnel costs = 0 Supplies and Equipment Describe: Travel Describe: Computer Costs Describe: Other Identifiable Costs Describe: Project Total- (include total on cover sheet) 0 Budget should not exceed $4,000 for individual projects; or $8,000 for multidisciplinary projects BUDGET JUSTIFICATION: Provide any additional information related to budget items and explain the connection to the project. Do you expect funding from any other source? Yes No If yes, please specify: the source, the expected amount, and how it will relate to this request if funded. Budgetary changes of more than 20% between categories requires prior approval by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Effective FY2016 NEW RESEARCHER APPLICATION EVALUATION FORM Applicant: Previous New Researcher Award: YES NO If Yes, list the previous award date: _______________________________ If Yes, has applicant fulfilled all responsibilities associated with the award? 1. Project develops preliminary results needed to move the applicant towards peerreviewed dissemination of their work, or the submission of a proposal submission for external funding. YES Low High 0 1 2 3 4 5 2. Project need is well suited with applicant’s professional goals. 0 1 2 3 4 5 3. Project has clearly formulated goals and objectives. 0 1 2 3 4 5 4. Work will clearly move applicant towards submission of an external grant application, or peer-reviewed dissemination. 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. Project activities are realistic. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. Timeline is appropriate for work to be done. 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. Project aligns with department and University strategic plans. 0 1 2 3 4 5 8. Budget is appropriate and aligns with the scope of the project. 0 1 2 3 4 5 9. Proposal is complete and professionally written. 0 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Effective FY2016 NO