EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology College of Education (COE) Mission Statement To prepare highly skilled professionals to assume roles and positions in teaching, research, educational leadership, and human development. To provide undergraduate and graduate programs based on proven best practice, knowledge acquisition, reflective inquiry, critical thinking, and respect for the cultural and linguistically diverse learner. To continuously develop a dynamic local, state, national, and international, dimension that promotes innovations and contributes to scientific educational, economic, and social change. College of Education (COE) Vision Statement The vision of the College of Education is to be consistently recognized as fullyaccredited and as a nationally and internationally respected college in the areas of science, mathematics, educational technology and intercultural dimension (language, literacy, culture and interdisciplinary studies in regard to preparing teachers, counselors, administrators, educational researchers, and professional at all levels, not only for the school system but for other economical and service areas which require training, human resources, development and life-long learning. Teacher preparation programs of the College of Education will be central to the mission of the University and will have national prominence. It will be at the forefront in programs for English Language Learners and, through teacher preparation, P-16 and life-long education initiatives will be a model for helping to close the student achievement gap. EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology All of these will require the COE to be noted for the quality of its graduates, the scholarship of its faculty, and the leadership and service they provide to the local, regional, and national educational communities in the previously mentioned areas. Note: Be advised that the College of Education conducts ongoing research regarding the effectiveness of the programs. You will receive one survey in the final semester prior to graduation regarding your program during your time here. A second survey will occur within one year following graduation from or completion of a program, and will be sent to your employer. This survey will focus on the preparation received at UTB. Please remember that your response to these surveys is critical to UTB excellence. EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology EDCI 6302-1: Practitioner Research Methodology Fall, 2012 Instructor: Zhidong Zhang, Ph. D. Telephone: (956) 882-5723 Email: Zhidong.Zhang@utb.edu Office location: EDBC 2.304 Office hour: by appointment Time: Thursday, 4:25 pm –7:05 pm Lecture Location: FTBC Course Description This course is an introduction to practitioner research methodology with an emphasis on the teacher as a researcher and on reflective teaching and teaching as decision-making. This is a field-based course. Rationale "Teachers-as-researchers" is a phrase to describe what teachers do during practitioner research. Practitioner research allows teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices. As a result of this reflection, teachers are in an enhanced position for making instructional and curricular decisions. Consequently, Practitioner Research has the potential for becoming an agent of educational change. It helps to foster democratic approaches to decision making. Course Goals The Students will become familiar with practitioner research methods in an area of interest related to elementary or secondary education. This will involve reading, interpretation and presentation of research through oral and written communication. Students will engage in practitioner research. This will involve planning for their research proposal, synthesizing research and examining their conceptual knowledge. Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of the students involvement in this course he/she is expected to gain knowledge that prepares them to: gain an understanding of practitioner research principles. plan and carry out a practitioner research project. collect quantitative and/or qualitative data. analyze quantitative and or qualitative data. understand the use and limitations of action research. be able to explain practitioner research as an educational tradition. understand the implications of practitioner research. EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology become aware of the various types of qualitative research. build a conceptual framework for practitioner research project. Textbooks: Johnson, A. P. (2012). Short guide to action research (Fourth ed.). New York, NY: Pearson (JAP) ISBN-10: 0-13-268586-8 Reference book: Mertler, C. A. (2009). Teachers as Researchers in the Classroom (2 nd, ed.). Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE. (MCA) ISBN: 9781412968577 American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (APA) Galvan. J. L. (2006). Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. (GJ) Teaching Sessions Introduction to research and practitioner research Editorial styles and action research for solving problems Development of a research problem in an action research Literature review Planning an action research plan and ethical issues and consent form Instruments of collecting data Data collection of action research, reliability and validity Descriptive, inferential techniques and correlation Quantitative practitioner research Qualitative practitioner research Reporting findings Writing a practitioner research report An action research project—thesis MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Article Analysis Students will select an empirical research article and will analyze the article focusing on the research design and the relationships between theory, methods, and claims. Analysis will be conducted to identify research questions, theoretical framing, research design and methods for participant selection, data collection and data analysis. By analyzing research methodology as reported in the article, the students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research report and the claims the author(s) make. AERA research reporting standards should be used in evaluating the research article. Research proposals EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology An practitioner research proposal is a detailed plan for a practitioner research project. It describes the aims of the project, why the research project is important and how the project will be carried out. It is a written document that summarizes the prior literature, identifies the research topic area and the research question to be answered, and specifies the procedure that will be followed in obtaining an answer to these research questions. A research proposal follows a simple, logical form of presentation. It is the formal description of the procedure to be used in the study. Although there are many ways to arrange the items within the proposal, the following is a common format used in the proposals. This practitioner research proposal is a double-spaced, 15 -20 page document. You have to follow APA writing style with the list of references. Class and homework assignments, quizzes, tests In addition to the main assignments listed in the syllabus, students are responsible for completing all in-class and homework assignments as well as taking tests and/or quizzes as required by the course instructor. Sample assignments might include group work on developing a research question, carrying out a mini-observation or interview, doing a statistical analysis or its interpretation, completing assignments from the textbook, or those developed by the professor. Quizzes and tests may also be used by the professor to monitor student learning for each course unit, at midterms and/or the finals. Students are required to fulfill all the assignments and tests or quizzes as required by the professor for the course. Contributions to the course & participation Students are expected to come to all classes prepared and to participate in appropriate ways. Contributions and participation will be in the form of discussions in class and/or online as well as through writing responses. Appropriate participation and contributions include, for example, sharing your knowledge and insights on topics being discussed, posing questions, providing constructive critiques and feedback to the classmates and the professor, posting comments on the course blackboard, and taking responsibility for your own learning. EVALUATION AND GRADE ASSIGNMENT (can be adjusted) Research proposal Homework/ assignments Contributions to the course & participation Test and examination 25% 37 % 13% 25% Late assignments are not accepted except in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the instructor. If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade, the assignment can be resubmitted within a week of receiving the grade. The resubmitted assignment can receive 90% of the full score of the assignment. Grading system EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology 98-100 93-97.9 90-92.9 87-89.9 83-86.9 80-82.9 77-79.9 73-76.9 70-72.9 67-69.9 63-66.9 60-62.9 < 60 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF In this class attendance and participation are especially important. When deciding your grade for this class, these factors will be considered: 1) Regular attendance, being on time to class and participation. Coming prepared and ready to discuss the assigned readings and work consistently. 2) Participation in class discussion. (Contribute appropriately without straying too often or dominating.) 3) Turning in all written assignment on time. See the professor if you do not turn in a paper. 4) Papers showing depth, thought and careful effort. Course grades: A Outstanding scholarship. Performance that significantly exceeds the requirements and qualitative expectations of the course. Superior mastery of subject matter. Initiative and self-direction leading to significant study and related activity beyond course requirements. B Good Scholarship. Performance that fully meets all the requirements and qualitative expectations of the course. Solid mastery of subject matter. C Marginal Scholarship. Performance that barely meets the requirements and qualitative expectations of the course. Marginal mastery of subject matter. Does not meet the expectations of graduate course work. Note: Students are to turn cellular phones and pagers off during classroom sessions. Note: Course assignments, due dates, etc are subject to change at the discretion of the professor. Changes will be announced with ample time. UTB/TSC Policies SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) UTB/TSC monitors academic progress every fall and spring semester to identify those students who are experiencing difficulty with their courses. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is based upon two components: GPA of 2.0 or higher and successful course completion of at least 70% of course work attempted. EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology Students remain in good standing with the university and Financial Aid when both criteria are met. Students who do not maintain these required minimum standards will be placed on probation or suspension as appropriate. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and the Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid policy can be found in the current Undergraduate Catalog. For more information, please visit http://www.utb.edu/vpaa/sap/Pages/Home.aspx SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations) All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students. Do not allow your peers to pressure you to cheat. Your grade, academic standing and personal reputation are at stake. For a brief informative video on cheating and its consequences click on “Academic Integrity at UTB/TSC” at this link: http://www.utb.edu/sa/judicial/Pages/academicIntegrity.aspx STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to be diligent in their studies and attend class regularly and on time. Students are responsible for all class work and assignments. On recommendation of the instructor concerned and with the approval of the Dean, students may, at any time, be dropped from courses. This may result in a “W” or “F” on the student’s permanent record. EMERGENCY POLICY STATEMENT In compliance with the Emergency UTB/TSC Academic Continuity Program, academic courses, partially or entirely, will be made available on the MyUTBTSC Blackboard course management system. This allows faculty members and students to continue their teaching and learning via MyUTBTSC Blackboard http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com, in case the university shuts down as a result of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. The university will use MyUTBTSC Blackboard to post announcements notifying faculty members and students of their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches our region. If the university is forced to shut down, faculty will notify their course(s). To receive credit for a course, it is the student’s responsibility to EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology complete all the requirements for that course. Failure to access course materials once reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall grade in the class. To facilitate the completion of class, most or all of the communication between students and the institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place using the features in your MyUTBTSC Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore, all students must use Scorpion Online to provide a current email address. Students may update their email address by following the link titled “Validate your e-Mail Account” in MyUTBTSC Blackboard Portal. In the event of a disaster that disrupts normal operations, all students and faculty must make every effort to access an internet-enabled computer as often as possible to continue the learning process. Emergency Notification System UTB/TSC has implemented an emergency communication system to provide students, faculty, staff and visitors with important information in the event of an impending threat. This system allows UTB/TSC to send time sensitive notifications via telephones, computers, indoor speakers in classrooms and laboratories, outside speakers, e-mail messages, and announcements on the University’s home page: www.utb.edu. The notification methods used will vary depending on the level of the emergency. Messages will communicate the current situation and provide guidance for what action needs to be taken immediately. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Disability Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor. For more information, visit Disability Services in the Lightner Center, call 956-882-7374 or e-mail steve.wilder@utb.edu. EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology ___________________________________________________________________ Week One: Aug. 29, 2013 Topic 1: Introduction to action research ______________________________________________________________________ Week Two: Sept. 5, 2013 Topic 2: Editorial styles Action research for solving problems ______________________________________________________________________ Week Three: Sept. 12, 2013 Topic 3: Research problems ______________________________________________________________________ Week Four: Sept. 19, 2013 Topic 4: How to Use Library and Web Resources to Collect Research Information? Literature review ______________________________________________________________________ Week Five: Sept. 26, 2013 Topic 5: Planning an action research plan Ethical issues and consent form ______________________________________________________________________ Week Six: Oct. 3, 2013 Topic 6: Instruments of collecting data Assignment six is due Oct. 10, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________ Week Seven: Oct. 10, 2013 Topic 7: EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology Data collection of action research Validity ______________________________________________________________________ Week Eight: Oct. 17, 2013 Topic: Mid-term exam ______________________________________________________________________ Week Nine: Oct. 24, 2013 Topic 8: Experimental research Quasi-action research ______________________________________________________________________ Week Ten : Oct. 31, 2013 Topic 9: Descriptive and inferential techniques Correlation ______________________________________________________________________ Week Eleven: Nov. 7, 2013 Topic 10: Non-experimental research Correlational research Causal-comparative research Reading and Activities: Chapter eight (JAP) ______________________________________________________________________ Week Twelve: Nov. 14, 2013 Topic11: Qualitative action research overview (four qualitative research methods) EDCI 6302: Practitioner Research Methodology ______________________________________________________________________ Week Thirteen: Nov. 21, 2013 Topic12: Reporting findings Writing a report ______________________________________________________________________ Week Fourteen: Nov. 28, 2013 (Thanksgiving Day, Web-enhanced session) Topic 13: Action research as Master’s thesis—from a report to a thesis _____________________________________________________________________ Week Fifteen: Dec. 5, 2013 Topic 14: Review ______________________________________________________________________ Week Sixteen: Dec. 12, 2013 Topic: Final Examination ______________________________________________________________________