I. ... Mr. Harris called the October 18, 2002 meeting of the... p.m. in the SETB 3

Call to Order
Mr. Harris called the October 18, 2002 meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 1:00
p.m. in the SETB 3rd Floor Conference Rom.
Members of the Senate in attendance included: Dr. Warren Anderson, Mr. Steve Benton,
Dr. Betsy Boze, Dr. Steve Chamberlain, Ms. Carol Collinsworth, Mr. Roberto Cortina,
Mr. Victor Fuhro, Ms. Kim Morris-Garcia, Mr. William Harris, Ms. Mabel Hockaday,
Dr. Farhat Iftekharuddin, Mr. Joe Lacher, Dr. Charles Lackey, Ms. Julie Larson, Dr. Jose
Martin, Mr. Domingo Molina, Dr. Eldon Nelson, Dr. Rafael Otero, Ms. Cheryl Phelps,
Dr. Rey Ramirez, Mr. Pat Wade, and Mr. Tom Welther.
Visitors included: Ms. Linda Fossen, and Mr. Jerry Miller.
Approval of the Minutes from the September 20, 2002 Academic Senate
Mr. Harris entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the September 20, 2002
Academic Senate meeting. Before the minutes could be approved, Dr. Martin pointed out
several errors in the minutes. Dr. Martin pointed out two errors in the section entitled,
“Provost’s Report”. Dr. Martin said that under the second bullet in a report he gave about
the Texas Latino Economic Summit, the minutes read, “Dr. Murdoch, according to Dr.
Martin, said that if something is not done in the next couple of years, Texas will be a
developing country.” Dr. Martin said that the correct word should be an
“underdeveloped” country. Thus the corrected copy should read, “Dr. Murdoch,
according to Dr. Martin, said that if something is not done in the next couple of years,
Texas will be an underdeveloped country.” Dr. Martin also pointed out an error in the
last bullet of his report. The minutes misquoted Dr. Martin. Dr. Martin’s comment
regarding people not exercising their right to vote should be deleted as it was taken out of
With the minutes corrected, Mr. Harris once again entertained a motion to approve the
minutes. Mr. Molina so moved, with a second from Ms. Hockaday. The minutes were
approved as corrected.
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) Report-
Mr. Harris
Mr. Harris reported that he and Ms. Collinsworth attended the October meeting of the
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) meeting in Austin, Texas. Mr. Harris reported that the
following items were discussed at this meeting.
The new Chancellor of the UT System, Dr. Mark Yudof addressed FAC. Mr.
Harris said that FAC thinks that the new chancellor is fast tracking, although his
comments conveyed that he is faculty oriented, having been a faculty member not
to long ago. Chancellor Yudof has brought in all new people to fill key positions
and in the past, Dr. Yudof has had an affiliation with the UT Law School. FAC
feels that the Chancellor is leaning towards the UT System flagship- UT-Austin.
Mr. Harris said that Dr. Yudof was the featured speaker but he only had 30
minutes to spent with FAC as he and his staff had to fly to San Antonio. He then
left with his staff, who were also scheduled to speak, leaving FAC without any
further reports from system personnel.
The Executive Directors representing TACT and TFA addressed FAC. Both
reported that they are trying to get legislation for faculty which include: (1) that
all faculty get the state matching rate for optional retirement programs (OPR) of
8.5% not just those who have been with the state for many years, (2) that flagship
Universities be allowed to charge tuition at market value to compete with out of
state rivals. Fifteen percent of the increase would be used for scholarships for
those who could not afford the institution’s tuition but would qualify to attend, (3)
that there should be personal leave days added to faculty sick days or let some
sick days be used for personal leave days, (4) that the delay in depositing ORP
amounts needs to be shortened. It should not take more than 3 days for these
deposits to be made after payday. Both Executive Directors also noted that Texas
is the lowest of the top 10 or 11 states as far as compensation is concerned. The
last year we were competitive was 1982 according to information supplied by the
Coordinating Board. Line items for faculty salaries are no lower in budgets. The
money is now allocated to the institution and they can spend it anyway they want.
The committee on Women and Minorities has been disbanded. Chancellor Yudof
has instead initiated a University Life Committee.
FAC will be conducting a Survey of Faculty Satisfaction. This survey will be
administered by an outside source. It will be given to faculty via their email but
not administered by any office on campus. Local campus administrators will not
have access to the survey. Mr. Harris reported that the survey is do out in the
early part of the spring semester- perhaps January or February. Faculty are urged
to participate in the survey.
Last, Mr. Harris reported that he is co-chair of the FAC Governance Committee.
He said this committee is working on a policy on merit which would be
incorporated into Regents’ Rules. Mr. Harris is fighting this because he does not
want to see a system-wide policy on merit. He said this would destroy UTB’s 2tiered merit process and would not be in the best interest of the faculty. Mr.
Harris would like input on this issue. Please email Mr. Harris with any thoughts
you have on this issue.
Distance Learning Update- Ms. Mabel Hockaday, Mr. Rene Sainz, Mr.
Francisco Garcia, Mr. Eduardo Farias, Mr. Albert Guzman, and Mr. Mario
Ms. Hockaday began the presentation on the distance education update by saying that the
Library, Information Systems, and Distance Education have joined forces and resources
to merge their services into one unit. She then introduced Mr. Rene Sainz and the other
members of the Distance Education team. Mr. Sainz addressed the Senate regarding a
new initiative called the Web Enhanced Project which will be offered through the Office
of Distance Education. Mr. Sainz described the Web Enhanced Project. He said the Web
Enhanced Project will provide the following:
Faculty Services
1. Course design/development (The Distance Education staff can assist faculty in
converting their course content into a web-based format).
2. Access to UTB/TSC Web Platform (Platform is a program developed by the
Distance Education staff and can be customized to meet faculty needs).
3. Web hosting.
4. Class rosters (student rosters would include student’s email address).
5. Training and support.
Mr. Sainz said Web Enhancement will provide more student-centered activities.,
supplement classroom activities, and/or could provide a combination of both.
Student Services
1. Student support (technical support and UTB/TSC email set-up).
2. Bookstore online (information on e-books and online bookstores).
3. Digital library (access to UTB/TSC digital library).
4. Companion CD (course information and customized CD).
Reduced Student Fees for Web-Enhanced Courses
Mr. Sainz said that under the current system (UT-Telecampus) students pay the following
MBA- $230.00 per semester,
MEd- $50.00 per semester credit hour,
CRIJ- $25.00 per semester credit hour,
GE- $25.00 per semester credit hour.
Mr. Sainz said that under the new Web-Enhanced System, students would pay $10.00 per
semester credit hour.
Mr. Sainz said that 30 faculty members will be trained in this Web-Enhancement
Initiative and each faculty member participating will receive a $1500.00 stipend.
Participating faculty members will be required to incorporate and implement webenhancement into their spring course offerings. Mr. Sainz said that 8 faculty members
for Liberal Arts, 10 faculty members from Science, Math, and Technology, 4 faculty
from Business, 3 faculty members from Education, 4 faculty members from Health
Sciences, and 1 faculty member from Developmental and General Education will be
Mr. Sainz also pointed out that the Web-Enhancement Project has other advantages as
well. Examples of other advantages include: reduced seat time for students, technology
integration in the classroom, dynamic room scheduling, and may alleviate parking
concerns. Mr. Sainz said that in addition to the Web-Enhancement Project, the Office of
Distance Education provides other services such as videoconferencing, telecourses,
Internet Channel, UT-Telecampus, and new technologies.
Mr. Harris, on behalf of the Academic Senate, thanked the following members of the
Office of Distance Education for a very insightful Distance Education update: Mr. Rene
Sainz, Mr. Francisco Garcia, Mr. Eduardo Farias, Mr. Alberto Guzman, and Mr. Mario
Parking- Questions and Answers
Mr. Jerry Miller, Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs, addressed the Academic
Senate regarding the parking problem at UTB/TSC. Mr. Miller said 1501 parking
citations were written in the month of September. He also said that the RAHC School of
Public Health parking lot which was labeled RAHC Faculty Parking Only was
mislabeled. The parking lot has now been designated as a general faculty parking lot.
Mr. Miller provided some information on the 1501 citations written in September. He
said 741 citations were written for vehicles parked illegally in student areas, 97 citations
were written for vehicles parked without a permit, 252 citations were written for vehicles
parked illegally in faculty lots, 300 citations were written for vehicles parked illegally in
RAHC lot, 22 citations for vehicles parked illegally at Duffy Plaza, etc. Mr. Miller said
that the campus police are issuing more parking citations than in the past.
Dr. Knopp asked, “What happens if students are ticketed but are driving a parent’s
vehicle and the parent is not a registered student?” Mr. Cortina suggested that the ticket
be sent to the Brownsville Police Department for follow-up. Mr. Molina, who serves on
the University Parking Committee, said that the campus police keep track of people
parking without a permit. He said that after several citations, they will be booted. Ms.
Hockaday noted that students with unpaid parking tickets can’t get a library card.
Mr. Harris asked what do we do with students with unpaid tickets when the vehicle is
registered in their name. Mr. Molina said the student can’t register and if the fine is
unpaid and is under $75.00 then a student’s transcripts are frozen.
Mr. Harris once again lamented about gated parking. He reminded the Academic Senate
that gated parking was considered seven years ago at a cost of $30,000 for gated parking
in the faculty education lot. He thought that it might be more expensive now. Mr.
Molina said Chief Cardoza supports gated parking but that decision would have to be an
administrative decision. Mr. Molina also noted that Ms. Rosemary Martinez, Vice
President for Business Affairs, has asked the Chief to more firmly enforce parking
Mr. Cortina asked once again that we invite Chief Cardoza to the next Academic Senate
Mr. Harris thanked Mr. Miller for his answers and insights on the parking issue. Mr.
Harris responded to Mr. Cortina by saying that he will invite Chief Cardoza and Ms.
Martinez to the next Academic Senate meeting.
Other Business
There were two items of “other business”.
Dr. Chamberlain talked to the Academic Senate about Accessibility Awareness
Week. He said Accessibility Awareness Week runs from October 21-25, 2002.
Dr. Chamberlain said events are scheduled throughout the week but pointed out
two special events. Dr. Chamberlain said that on Monday, October 21, 2002
administrators, faculty, staff, and students will take part in “Experience a
Disability Day”. In addition, on Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Mr. Alan Muir will
speak to the campus community on “Career Employment and College Students
With Disabilities”. Mr. Muir, who has a disability, is a nationally recognized
authority on the promotion of career employment for college graduates with
disabilities. Mr. Muir will speak on the best preparation for the world of work,
how the university and local employers can help, and the American with
Disabilities Act- what is means to both employer and employee. Dr. Chamberlain
all students, staff, faculty, and administrators are invited to attend.
Dr. Chamberlain said that a colleague of his in the School of Education
approached him about a workload problem. Dr. Chamberlain said his colleague
told that HOOP policy says the normal workload is 12 hours and Regents’ Rules
says a graduate course counts one and one-half times or 3.5 hours instead of 3
hours. Thus if you teach 2 graduate courses it amounts to 7 hours instead of 6
hours. Dr. Chamberlain said his colleague has been asked to teach two graduate
courses and additional undergraduate courses, bringing his/her workload over the
normal 12 hours. He/she feels that this is unfair and over a normal load.
Dr. Lackey responded by saying that graduate hours are optional. He also said
that the hours in Regents’ Rules are permissive rather than restrictive. Dr. Martin
said that the normal workload is a 12 credit hour load, although lecturers and
technical faculty typically teach 15 hours. Dr. Martin also said that some schools
and colleges have faculty vacancies which must be addressed by current faculty.
Dr. Martin said we must meet the needs of our students.
Senate President’s Report
Mr. Harris had five items in his report.
Mr. Harris reported that Dr. Olivia Rivas has donated UTB/TSC Anniversary Tshirts to Academic Senators. Please grab a T-shirt as you leave today’s meeting.
Mr. Harris reported that Dr. Lucy Willis and Ms. Karen Fuss-Sommer are making
arrangements for this year’s holiday party. The Academic and Staff Senates are
co-sponsoring this event.
Mr. Harris reported that Father Armand Mathew has put together a Service
Learning Steering Committee. He would like this committee to represent a cross
section of the campus. Contact Father Mathew if you are interested in serving on
this committee.
Mr. Harris said the Welfare Committee is addressing the issue of an ombudsman.
Both he and Dr. Hymson have drafted material for the Welfare Committee to
Mr. Harris reported that several people have voiced their concern over the
disconnection of dial-in service. Dial-in service is a service available that
connects home computers to the Internet via the university. Mr. Ferrier, in a
email, to Mr. Harris said that dial-in service is not a reliable service and requires
the university to maintain a number of portals. Many campuses are moving away
form this system. Mr. Harris asked people to email him if they have strong
feelings about the disconnection of dial-in service.
Provost’s Report
Dr. Martin had six items in his report.
Dr. Martin introduced Ms. Linda Fossen to the Academic Senate. Ms. Fossen is
the new Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services. Ms. Fossen is from
Skagit Valley College in the State of Washington. She will be reporting to the
Division of Academic Affairs. Welcome Ms. Fossen.
Dr. Martin reported that the University recently received a lengthy report from the
Texas Human Rights Commission. He also reported that the University received
the results of an university audit conducted by the State of Texas auditors. Dr.
Martin reported that the auditors found no major negative findings.
Dr. Martin reported that the School of Health Sciences has signed an agreement
with five valley hospitals in which the School of Health Sciences would provide
training while the hospitals would provide the resources. Dr. Martin also noted
that the College of Math, Science, and Technology received a 5.7 million dollar
grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the
creation of a Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy which will be housed in
the Department of Physics and Astronomy. In addition, Dr. Martin said external
funds have been generated to create a new position- pre-med advisor. Dr. Martin
said all three examples are great news in terms of external funding resources
Dr. Martin reported that student housing will be available on the UTB/TSC
campus starting in the spring semester.
Dr. Martin reported on the progress of the Task Force on the Dual Language
Initiative. Dr. Martin said that Dr. Pearson is spearheading this program. Dr.
Martin reported that the university has a green light from the UT System to go
forward with this program. Dr. Martin added that this initiative will provide more
opportunities for our students.
Dr. Martin thanked Mr. Molina and the other members of the Parking Committee
for the hard work they have done in the creation and dedication of new parking
lots. Under the guidance of the Parking Committee, 380 new parking spaces were
opened for general parking.
There were two announcements.
Dr. Boze extended an invitation to everyone to join her and Dr. Sylvia Pena at
groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday morning, October 22, 2002 for the new
$22 million Education and Business Complex. The new Education and Business
Complex will be located across the reseca from the Student Union.
Mr. Wade announced that E2 Day activities are scheduled for Saturday, October
19, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Student Union veranda. Everyone is
invited to attend.
Mr. Harris entertained a motion to adjourn. Dr. Knopp so moved, with a second by
acclamation. The meeting stood adjourned at 3: 05 p.m.