Office Use Only TEAM ASSESSMENT FORM 2012-2013 Please complete and return this form to: Attn: Adventure Program, University Recreation, MSC 3901 James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 E-mail: Phone: 568-8713 FAX 568-8701 Scheduled & Confirmed: ________________ Program review Coordinator Client Organization Participant Paperwork: Contact Person E-mail Position Phone ________________ FAX Facilitators: ________________ 3 Prefered Program Dates ________________ Prefered Program Starting Times ________________ ________________ Prefered Program Length _________ ________________ ________________ Program Fees: ________________ Student Groups: Half day 2-4 hours -$10 per person Full Day 5-8 hours - $18 per person Non- Profit: Half day 2-4 hours - $20 per person Full day 5-8 hours - $30 per person JMU Faculty/Staff: Half day 2-4 hours -$15 per person Full day 5-8 hours - $25 per person Corporate: Half day 2-4 hours - $30 per person Full day 5-8 hours - $40 per person For JMU Departments Only: Information for ATV (Account Transfer for Payment) Organization Code: Account Code: Process 1) Complete and return the assessment form – including group information 2) Agreeement and confirmation regarding date and time 3) Participants will be required to sign waivers – if you would like a copy of this ahead of time we will be happy to send it to you 4) One week from trip you will receive a reminder/confirmation about numbers of participants, location of program, and what participants should wear and bring 5) Following the program you will receive a program evaluation and a request for payment. 6) You may contact the adventure office for any questions, conflicts, or changes in scheulde Group Information Please complete the following to help us design your program How many participants? Approximate age range? If applicable, how many adult chaperones? Are there any special needs or requirements necessary for participation? Please explain Please check the group development stage or stages that best represents your group. Forming…members’ are striving to become oriented towards each other. Storming…members’ are confronting their various differences. Norming…members’ have developed consensus regarding group norms and values. Performing…members’ work as a unit to achieve group goals. Adjourning…memebrs’ task is complete or has ended. What are the recognized goals for this experience Group bonding and getting to know each other Planning and effective communication (resource utilization, engaged communication, defining a goal, inviting imput, directing activity towards goal ) Creative thinking and Problem solving ( brainstorming, recognizing group members invidual strengths, adapting, drawing on inviduals or groups previous knowledge or expreince and applying it to new situations, Conflict Resolution ( listening, compromise, defining goals, trust, dealing with fear and uncertainty, entrusting oneself to the physical/emotional care of others, willingness to become vulnerable, surrender of self for the group cause Other : please list Explain any possible group issues or conflicts Do you want these issues to be addressed? Any questions or concerns?