

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent


The System Profile form offers the Market Participants an opportunity to provide input into the analysis phase of the e-LSI project. It also gives all the Market

Participants the same level of understanding of the system requirements. This form is a major source of information that will provide input into making decisions relating to how e-LSI impacts each of the Market Participants. The data required relates to the current transfer of Load Settlement transactions and operations around Dropchute.

The information required for this profile is from a system perspective. If a Market

Participant processes Load Settlement data on behalf of other Market

Participants the information provided should relate to the system providing the service (i.e. Billing Agent).

Your Organization Name:

Current DropChute Environment :

(This section will be used to determine if any operating conflicts exist if DropChute is replaced with the e-LSI client software.)


(Shared with other applications?)

Software/Operating System:

Internet Connection:

(Max ISP connection speed, VPN, transmission bandwidth between Data Exchange partners, Internet Browser supported)

Integrated Software:

(Software/tools directly connected to DropChute processing) e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 1 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent


(Understand the data flow requirements that interface into e-LSI client software.)

Data Flow:

(How is DropChute used?)

Internal system to DropChute:

Manually transfer files in?

Files transferred from a single location?

Scheduling software used to transfer files in?

Files transferred from multiple locations?

Files transferred from applications other than Load Settlement?

Outbound (from DropChute to external systems):

Activated when asked? Activated 24/7?

Activated at specific times?

Automated notification (email)? Manual notification (phone)?

Multiple Outboxes (sending)?

Inbound (from DropChute to internal systems):

Automated notification? Manual notification?

Multiple Inboxes (receiving)?

Manually transfer files out?

Files transferred to a single location?

Files transferred to applications other than Load Settlement?

What are they:



Scheduling software used to transfer files out?

Files transferred to multiple locations? e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 2 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent

Other methods used to transfer Settlement data:

(Email, ftp, CD, etc.)

Assessment of Current Data

Indicate the current state of the Load Settlement data (i.e. the most common data errors) and if any clean up activities have been performed and completed.

Data Transfer Statistics e-LSI Capacity Planning

Number of data exchange partners:

Data transferred in batch: real-time: or both:

* Definition of real time: e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 3 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent

Capacity and Network Traffic Planning

The following information will be used as a guide to determine when the data transfer load is at its greatest as well as the data integrity of the transactions.

Frequency :

Time of Day – Business vs.

Non-Business Hours:

Indicate if the transactions are sent Daily,

Weekly, Monthly, or as required.

Indicate if the transactions are sent during business hours (8:00am – 5:00pm) or nonbusiness hours (5:00pm to 8:00am)

Transaction Analysis: Average # of Transactions - Indicate the average # of transactions sent at any one time.

# of Errors Returned:


File Size - Indicate the average file size of transactions sent at any one time.

Peak Volume : - Indicate the largest # and file size of transactions sent.

Indicate the approximate number of Level 1 and

Level 2 errors returned from a transaction set.

Level 1 - Validations are based on the structure of the transaction itself, and require no crosschecking with other databases. The rules for each transaction, which specify requirements such as correct file length, data type and length, and mandatory fields, will be the basis for this level of validation.

Level 2 - Validations are based on the content of the transaction, and will require crosschecking to information stored in the database. These validations will be transaction specific. e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 4 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent

Transactions Sent:



Market Participant Response






Meter Data






Time of Day

– Business vs. Non-



Transactions Analysis



File Size




Transactions Received:

Market Participant Response

# of Errors


Level 1 Level 2





Time of Day

– Business vs. Non-



Transactions Analysis



File Size




# of Errors


Level 1 Level 2 e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 5 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.

Completed By:

Contact Number:

Contact Email:

Approved By: e-LSI Market Participant System Profile

MDM Independent

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the Profile, please contact:

Rob Coutts

Direct Phone: 403-539-2558

Email: Rob.Coutts@aeso.ca

e-LSI Market Participant System Profile 4/18/2020 Page: 6 of 6

The information provided by the Market Participants will be regarded as confidential and will not be distributed or communicated in any form to other Market Participants or any individuals external to AESO.
