Stakeholder Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS Stakeholder Consultation Draft Date: 2012-07-17 Proposed New, Amended and Removed ISO Rules Definitions (“Core Market Rules Definition Changes”) Date of Request for Comment [yyyy/mm/dd]: Period of Consultation [yyyy/mm/dd]: Comments From: 2012-07-17 2012-07-17 through 2012-08-31 Company Name Contact: Company Contact Phone: Contact Phone Number E-mail: Date [yyyy/mm/dd]: Definitions -New New Proposed Rationale “merit order” means (i) for the energy market, the dispatch down service market or load shed service for imports, a list of operating blocks sorted by price; or (ii) for standby operating reserves, a list of procured volumes sorted by price. The AESO proposes to delete the definitions for “energy market merit order”, ancillary services merit order” and “DDS merit order” and replace them with one consolidated definition of “merit order”. In each specific context in the ISO rules, the AESO will preface the term with a plain language descriptor of which merit order it is referencing. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment #1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply Definitions – Amended Existing “acceptable operational reason” means with respect to an asset, any one or more of the following: i) a circumstance related to the operation of the generating asset which if it operated could reasonably be expected to affect the safety of the generating asset, the environment, personnel working at the generating asset or the public; or ii) re-positioning an asset within the energy market due to the need to meet a dispatch given to that asset from the system controller to serve the stand-by ancillary services market; or iii) re-positioning a generating asset within the energy market to manage physical or operational constraints associated with the asset; or iv) re-positioning an importer’s or exporter’s asset within the energy market to manage physical or operational constraints associated with an interconnection or a neighbouring balancing authority; or Proposed Rationale “acceptable operational reason” means, any one (1) or more of the following: i) a circumstance related to the operation of a generating source asset which if it operated could reasonably be expected to affect the safety of the source asset, the environment, personnel working at the source asset or the public; ii) re-positioning a generating source asset assets, within the energy market due to the need to meet a dispatch given to that source asset from the ISO to serve the stand-by operating reserves market; iii) re-positioning a generating source asset within the energy market to manage physical or operational constraints associated with the source asset; iv) re-positioning a pool asset that is an import asset or an export asset within the energy market to manage physical or operational constraints associated with an The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment # 2: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply Page 2 of 27 interconnection or a neighbouring balancing authority; v) a circumstance directly resulting in the generating source asset not being capable of operation, which circumstance was solely caused by an occurrence of force majeure; or vi) re-positioning a generating source asset for electric energy that is: a) produced on the property of which a person is the owner or a tenant; and b) consumed solely by that person and solely on that property. v) a circumstance directly resulting in the generating asset not being capable of operation, which circumstance was solely caused by an occurrence of force majeure; or vi) re-positioning a generating asset for electric energy that is: a) produced on the property of which a person is the owner or a tenant; and b) consumed solely by that person and solely on that property. “aggregated generating facilities” means an aggregation of generating units, including any reactive power resources, which are:(i) designated by the ISO; and(ii) situated in the same proximate location at one or more point of connections. “aggregated generating facility” means an aggregation of generating units, including any reactive power resources, which: (i) the ISO designates; and (ii) are situated in the same proximate location at one or more point of connections. “allowable dispatch variance” as measured “allowable dispatch variance”, from the energy market dispatch quantity means,for each generating source (MW), means for each generating asset: asset as measured from the dispatch quantity: (i) plus or minus five (5) MW for generating (i) plus or minus five (5) MW for a assets with a maximum capability of two generating source asset with a Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 The AESO proposes to amend this definition to make it consistent with current drafting principles and with the same definition in the Alberta Reliability Standards. Comment # 3: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 4: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Page 3 of 27 hundred (200) MW or less, or maximum capability of two hundred (200) MW or less, or (ii) plus or minus ten (10) MW for a generating source asset with a maximum capability of greater than two hundred (200) MW. (ii) plus or minus ten (10) MW for generating assets with a maximum capability of greater than two hundred (200) MW. “available capability” means with respect to the following: • for a generating asset, the maximum quantity (MW) that the generating asset is physically capable of providing during each settlement interval of the trading day. • for an import source asset, the maximum quantity (MW) that the importer is prepared to provide during each settlement interval of the trading day. • for an export sink asset, the maximum quantity (MW) that the exporter is prepared to consume during each settlement interval of the trading day. • For a bid (excluding an export sink asset), the maximum quantity (MW), after accounting for any restatements to the asset’s availability to which the asset may receive an energy market dispatch in real time operations. “available capability” means: (i) for a generating source asset, the maximum MW that the source asset is physically capable of providing; or (ii) for an import source asset, the MW that the pool participant submits in an offer. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and to correct the impression that sink assets have an available capability. Sink assets more properly have a peak load but regardless, such concept is not referenced in the proposed new ISO rules. Comment # 5: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “day” means the period in Alberta: • in the case of a day on and from which time is to be one hour in advance of mountain standard time (first Sunday in April), 23 hours; or • in the case of aday on and from which time “day” means the twenty-four (24) hour period in Alberta beginning at 00:00:00 and ending at 23:59:59 but which: (i) in the case of the day on which daylight savings begins, is The AESO proposes to amend this definition to make it clearer and to be consistent with plain language drafting principles. Comment # 6: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 4 of 27 is no longer to be one hour in advance of mountain standard time (last Sunday in October), 25 hours; and • in all other cases, 24 hours; beginning and ending at midnight. twenty-three (23) hours; or (ii) in the case of the day on which daylight savings ends, is twentyfive (25) hours. “dispatch down service (DDS)” means a voluntary service offered by a source asset to be dispatched off, in accordance with rule 6.3.6. “dispatch down service” means a service by which a pool participant elects to reduce energy production from a source asset. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to more clearly describe the term and to remove the need for a reader to go to a section of the ISO rules in order to fully understand its meaning. Comment # 7: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 8: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “flexible block” means a block of energy that “flexible block” means an operating may be partially or fully dispatched on. block in an energy offer for which the ISO may issue a dispatch for full or partial amounts of MW. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 9: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “generating asset steady state” means the state of operation that begins the first 10 minute clock period following the period in which a generating asset's output has reached the quantity(MW) specified in an energy market dispatch, plus or minus the ADV for that generating asset. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 10: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “firm load” means the load that the ISO and system members will use reasonable best efforts to supply without interruption. “firm load” means the load to which the ISO and applicable market participants use reasonable best efforts to supply power without interruption. “generating asset steady state” means the state of operation that begins the first 10 minute clock period following the period in which a generating source asset's output has reached the MW specified in an energy market dispatch, plus or minus the allowable dispatch variance for that generating source Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 5 of 27 asset. “in merit” means a designation applied to an asset dispatched by the system controller that qualifies the asset as eligible to set the system marginal price. “in merit” means : (i) for the energy market, an operating block whose price is at or below system marginal price; (ii) for dispatch down service and load shed service for imports, starting from the lowest priced operating block, the number of operating blocks with a sum of MW sufficient to meet the MW requirements for dispatch down service or load shed service for imports as applicable; or (iii) for standby operating reserves, any offer that the ISO accepts. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 11: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “incremental generation costs” means, where the ISO has issued a directive under ISO rule 6.3.5 or 5.3 “incremental generation costs” means, where the ISO has issued a directive: (i) for energy from a long lead time asset; or (ii) to cancel a scheduled generator outage, requiring that a long lead time asset, a generating source asset, a generating unit or aggregated generating facility be made available to, or to actually operate, exchange electric energy or provide ancillary services, those reasonable costs incurred that are reasonably attributed The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 12: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) requiring that the generating unit be made available to, or to actually operate, exchange electric energy or provide ancillary services, those reasonable costs incurred that are reasonably attributed to compliance with the Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 6 of 27 directive and which may be determined to have been avoided but for the directive, and include: (a) the following specific costs as incurred and related to compliance with a directive for long lead time energy under ISO rule 6.3.5:(i) the actual costs of all variable charges from the STS Rate Schedule of the ISO Tariff, including any applicable loss factors charge or credit;(ii) variable operational and maintenance charges;(iii) fuel costs to start and run the generating unit; and,(iv) other related reasonable costs. (b) the following specific costs as incurred and related to compliance with a directive canceling a scheduled generator outage for a generation unit under ISO rule 5.3: (i) those incurred to plan, prepare for and execute the scheduled generator outage, from initial planning and inception to the date of the directive from the ISO canceling the scheduled generator outage; (ii) those incurred subsequent to the date of to compliance with the directive and which the ISO may determine to have been avoided but for the directive, and include: (i) the following specific costs as incurred and related to compliance with a directive for energy from a long lead time asset: (a) the actual costs of all variable charges from Rate STS of the ISO tariff, including any applicable loss factors charge or credit; (b) variable operational and maintenance charges; (c) fuel costs to start and run the long lead time asset or the generating source asset; and (d) other related reasonable costs; (ii) the following specific costs as incurred and related to compliance with a directive canceling a scheduled generator outage for a generating unit or aggregated generating unit: (a) those incurred to plan, prepare for and execute the scheduled generator outage, from initial planning and inception to the date of the directive from the ISO canceling the scheduled generator outage; (b) those incurred subsequent to Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 7 of 27 cancellation by the directive and in accordance with good electric operating practice, and which otherwise would not have been incurred but for the cancellation; (iii) those incurred for re-scheduling personnel, equipment and other materials required for the performance of the work originally to be completed or performed pursuant to the cancelled scheduled generator outage; (iv) in the form of verified damages or liquidated claims dollar amounts incurred or claimed by third parties pursuant or related to: (A) any third party contract terms and conditions for performing repair, retrofit, upgrade or maintenance work on or directly related to the generating unit during the scheduled generator outage, which third party work has been cancelled or otherwise cannot be performed due to the scheduled generator outage cancellation; Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 the date of cancellation by the directive and in accordance with good electric industry practice, and which otherwise would not have been incurred but for the cancellation; (c) those incurred for rescheduling personnel, equipment and other materials required for the performance of the work originally to be completed or performed pursuant to the cancelled scheduled generator outage; (d) in the form of verified damages or liquidated claims dollar amounts incurred or claimed by third parties pursuant or related to: (A) any third party contract terms and conditions for performing repair, retrofit, upgrade or maintenance work on or directly related to the generating unit or aggregated generating facility during the scheduled generator outage, which third party work has been cancelled or otherwise cannot be performed due to the scheduled generator outage cancellation; and Page 8 of 27 (B) any third party market or hedging transactions directly related to participation in the energy or ancillary services market by the generating unit which is the subject of the directive; and (B) any third party market or hedging transactions directly related to participation in the energy or ancillary services market by the generating source asset which is the subject of the directive; and (e) other related reasonable costs. (v) other related reasonable costs. “inflexible block” means a block of energy that may be dispatched on or dispatched off, but not partially dispatched on. “inflexible block” means an operating block in an energy offer for which the ISO may issue a dispatch for only the full amount of MW in the operating block. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 13: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “long lead time generating asset” means a generating asset that: a) requires more than one hour to synchronize or deliver its energy to the AIES under normal operating conditions; and b) is not delivering all of its energy for reasons other than an outage. “long lead time asset” means a generating source asset that: (i) requires more than one (1) hour to synchronize to the system under normal operating conditions; or (ii) is synchronized but has varying start-up times for distinct portions of its MW and which requires more than one (1) hour to deliver such additional portions of its MW; and which is not delivering all of its energy for reasons other than an outage. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 14: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “maximum capability” means: for a generating asset, the maximum quantity (MW) that the generating asset is “maximum capability” means: (i) for a generating unit or aggregated generating facility, The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 15: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 9 of 27 physically capable of providing under optimal operating conditions for that asset while complying with all applicable ISO rules and terms and conditions of the ISO tariff; or • for an import source asset, the available capability. the maximum MW that it is physically capable of providing under optimal operating conditions while complying with all applicable ISO rules and terms and conditions of the ISO tariff; or (ii) for a source asset that is an import asset, the available capability. “operating block” means the discrete MW level as identified within an offer or bid and is the basis by which an asset receives an energy market dispatch. “operating block” means any one (1) of the seven (7) price and quantity pairs the ISO allocates to a pool asset within a settlement interval for the purposes of submitting bids and offers. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 16: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “operational deviation” means: (i) a generating asset is unable to comply with the ramping requirements set out in rule 6.6.3(a) or 6.6.3(b), or “operational deviation” means: (i) a generating source asset is unable to comply with the ramping requirements set out in section 4 of subsection 203.3 of the ISO rules, Delivery Requirements for Energy; or (ii) a generating source asset operating in generating asset steady state varies outside its allowable dispatch variance, due to force majeure or any other circumstances related to the operation of the generating source asset which could reasonably be expected to affect the available The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and cross references to sections of the ISO rules. Comment # 17: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) (ii) a generating asset operating in generating asset steady state varies outside its ADV due to force majeure or any other circumstances related to the operation of the generating asset which could reasonably be expected to affect the available capability or safety of the generating Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 10 of 27 asset, third party facilities, contracts or arrangements, the environment, personnel working at the generating asset or the public. capability or safety of the generating source asset, third party facilities, contracts or arrangements, the environment, personnel working at the generating source asset or the public. “pool asset” means a generating unit, an aggregated generating facility, a load, an export service or an import service identified by a pool ID and registered to a pool participant. “pool asset” means one (1) or more generating units, aggregated generating facilities, load assets, import assets or export assets, identified by a single pool ID the ISO assigns, and registered to a pool participant. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 18: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “pool price” as defined in the Act means the price for each hour, in $/MWh, established and reported by the ISO, in accordance with the ISO rules, for electric energy exchanged through the power pool. “pool price” as defined in the Act means the price for each hour, in $/MWh, established and reported by the ISO, in accordance with the ISO rules, for electric energy exchanged through the power pool. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 19: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ramp rate” means the rate at which an asset will change its level of supply or demand in MW per minute in response to an energy market dispatch or directive. “ramp rate” means the rate at which a pool asset is able to change its level of production, in MW per minute, in response to a dispatch or directive. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 20: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ramping” means the state of operation for a generating asset that begins at the specified effective time indicated on the most current energy market dispatch and continues until the point in time the generating asset has reached the quantity (MW) specified in the energy market “ramping” means changing the production of a generating source asset and begins at the effective time specified in the most current dispatch and continues until the time the source asset has reached the MW specified in the dispatch, plus or The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 21: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 11 of 27 dispatch, plus or minus the ADV for that generating asset. minus the allowable dispatch variance for that source asset. “scheduled generator outage” means the period of time as planned by the owner of a generating unit during which that generating unit is partially or fully removed, derated from, or otherwise is not physically or mechanically available for service by the owner due to planned or scheduled maintenance or repairs to any of the plant, equipment or components of the generating unit. “scheduled generator outage” means the period of time as planned by the legal owner of a generating unit or the legal owner of an aggregated generating facility during which that generating unit or aggregated generating facility is partially or fully removed, derated from, or otherwise is not physically or mechanically available for service due to planned or scheduled maintenance or repairs to any of the plant, equipment or components of the generating unit. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms. Comment # 22: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "sink asset" means a load, export volume or other power pool transaction represented by an ISO identifier that enables a pool participant to submit bids, operating constraints, ancillary service declarations and/or identify net settlement instruction MWh volumes bought from a seller to be settled in the power pool. "sink asset" is a subcategory of pool asset and means one (1) or more load assets or export assets. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 23: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "source asset" means a generating asset, import volume, or other power pool transaction represented by an ISO identifier that enables a pool participant to submit offers, operating constraints, ancillary service declarations and/or identify net settlement instruction MWh volumes sold "source asset" is a subcategory of pool asset and means one (1) or more aggregated generating facilities, generating units, or import assets. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 24: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 12 of 27 to a purchaser to be settled in the power pool. “transmission must-run (TMR)” means a generator is constrained on to operate at a minimum specified MW output level in order to maintain system security. Definitions – Removed Existing “transmission must-run” means a service whereby a generating source asset that is not in merit may receive a directive to operate at a minimum specified MW output level in order to maintain system security. The AESO proposes to amend this definition to update defined terms and provide more clarity. Comment # 25: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Proposed Rationale Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal Comment # 26 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “advance energy dispatch” means a dispatch of one or more blocks of energy for a specified future time. Advance energy dispatches are issued in anticipation of expected demand changes or to spread workload. Under normal operating conditions, interconnected balancing authorities do not allow changing of interchange schedules without an advance energy dispatch. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. “ancillary service declaration” mean the ancillary service declarations identified under rule 3.6. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “an offer for ancillary services”. Comment # 27 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ancillary service directive” means direction given to an ancillary service provider by the system controller with the understanding that the provider must The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “a Comment # 28 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 AESO Reply Page 13 of 27 comply, accepting that the facility owner retains the right and duty to take any action it deems prudent to protect the facility, its personnel, the public or the environment. directive for ancillary services”. “ancillary service dispatch” means direction given to an ancillary service provider by the system controller to request the provider to supply ancillary services within those criteria agreed upon between the system controller and the ancillary service provider. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “a dispatch for ancillary services”. Comment # 29 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ancillary service exchanges” means market entities for the purpose of buying and selling contracts for ancillary services. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 30 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ancillary service merit order” means a list of all qualified ancillary service provider assets and resources for each type of ancillary service sorted in order of preference for ancillary service dispatch. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “merit order for ancillary services”. Comment # 31 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ancillary service provider” means the pool participant holding the ancillary service dispatch rights for an asset. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “a pool participant providing ancillary services”. Comment # 32 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "asset marginal price" means the price in $/MWh of a pool participant's asset determined in accordance with rule The AESO proposes to delete this term as its meaning has been embedded in new ISO Comment # 33 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 14 of 27 rules Section 201.6 Pricing. “automated dispatch and messaging system” means the software and procedures used to communicate between the system controller and market participants for real time management of the AIES. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of its meaning as the proper name of a system and will capitalize all references. Comment # 34 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “bid load” means the price responsive load bid into the ISO that can be dispatched for interruption at a set price to avoid high purchaser energy supply costs. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 35 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “block” see operating block. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “operating block”. Comment # 36 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “constrained down” means, in respect of any generating unit, being directed to a lower MW output than the in merit MW output, as a result of a directive by the system controller. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced by specifically writing out the meaning in any applicable section of the ISO rules. Comment # 37 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “constrained on” means, in respect of a generating unit, being directed on while not in merit, as a result of a directive by the system controller. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced by specifically writing out the meaning in any applicable section of the ISO Comment # 38 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 15 of 27 rules. “current DDS submission” means a valid DDS offer submitted in accordance with rule 3.5.5 and includes any revision of prices and quantities in MW submitted for such DDS offer in accordance with rules and The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 39 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “current submission” means a valid offer or bid submitted in accordance with rule 3.5.1 and includes any revision submitted of prices and quantities in MW for that offer or bid in accordance with rule b),, b) or The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 40 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DDS block” means the discrete MW level as identified within an offer and is the basis by which an asset receives a DDS dispatch. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “an operating block for dispatch down service”. Comment # 41 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DDS dispatch” means a direction given by the system controller to a pool participant to provide DDS. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “a dispatch for dispatch down service”. Comment # 42 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DDS dispatched off” means a DDS dispatch has been issued for the termination of the provision of DDS. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 43 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 16 of 27 “DDS dispatched on” means a DDS dispatch has been issued for the provision of DDS. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 44 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DDS merit order” means a list of all valid DDS offers by DDS providers for a settlement interval consisting of DDS blocks sorted in order of price. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “merit order for dispatch down service”. Comment # 45 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DDS offer” means a submission made by a pool participant in accordance with rule 3.5.5. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “an offer for dispatch down service”. Comment # 46 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “dispatched off” means, when applied to bids in the energy market merit order, a dispatch has been issued for the termination of energy consumption. When applied to offers in the energy market merit order, it means a dispatch has been issued for the termination of energy delivery. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced by specifically writing out the meaning in any applicable section of the ISO rules. Comment # 47 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “dispatched on” means, when applied to bids in the energy market merit order, a dispatch has been issued for the consumption of electrical energy. When applied to offers in the energy market merit order, it means a dispatch has been issued The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced by specifically writing out the meaning in any applicable section of the ISO Comment # 48 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 17 of 27 for the delivery of electrical energy. rules. “DOS One (1)hour” means opportunity service to system access customers who are recallable within one (1) hour and which is provided when sufficient transmission capacity exists to accommodate the capacity scheduled for opportunity service. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 49 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DOS seven (7) minutes” means opportunity service to system access customers who are recallable within seven (7) minutes and which is provided when sufficient transmission capacity exists to accommodate the capacity scheduled for opportunity service. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 50 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “DOS standard” means opportunity service to system access customers which is provided when sufficient transmission capacity exists to accommodate the capacity scheduled for opportunity service. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 51 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “electronic submission facilities” means the electronic facilities through which a pool participant interacts with the ISO, and as described in the pool participant manual. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 52 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “energy consumption” means for all pool participants • not exporting from the AIES through use of an interconnection, the metered MWh value for the settlement interval representing the deemed electric The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of the plain language meaning of the words. Comment # 53 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 18 of 27 energy received by the pool participant as recorded in the ISO data base. • exporting from the AIES through use of an interconnection, the energy market dispatch MW volume to be transferred across that interconnection during the settlement interval and as recorded in the dispatch log. “energy market dispatch” means a direction given by the system controller to a pool participant to cause a specified amount of electric energy to be provided to or taken off the AIES based on the energy market merit order and includes an instruction to synchronize, desynchronize, increase or decrease electrical output. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and where it is used in the ISO OPPs, there is no bolding so it has the plain language meaning of “energy market” plus the defined meaning of “dispatch”. Comment # 54 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “energy market merit order” means the list of all valid offers and bids for a settlement interval sorted in order of offer and bid price blocks. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “merit order for the energy market”. Where it is used in the OPPs, there is no bolding so it has the plain language meaning of “energy market” plus the defined meaning of “merit order”. Comment # 55 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “energy market suspension” means an action which involves interrupting the normal method of calculating the system marginal The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO Comment # 56 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 19 of 27 price as outlined in the ISO rules, and the system controller issuing generation, load and transmission dispatches and directives in order to return the AIES to a reliable and secure state. OPPs. “energy production” means for all pool participants • not importing to the AIES through use of an interconnection, the metered MWh value for the settlement interval representing the actual electric energy supplied by the pool participant as recorded in the ISO data base. • importing to the AIES through use of an interconnection, the energy market dispatch MW volume to be transferred across that interconnection during the settlement interval and as recorded in the dispatch log. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of the plain language meaning of the words. Comment # 57 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “Energy Trading System (ETS)” means the Internet-based system used to manage electricity market transactions. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of its use as simply a proper name. Any additional detail will be included in information documents. Comment # 58 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “exporter” means a consumer of electric energy for delivery out of Alberta. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and where it is used in OPPs 301 and 302, the plain language meaning of the term is sufficient. Comment # 59 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 20 of 27 “forecast pool price” means the price in $/MWh calculated for each settlement interval in a forecast scheduling period in accordance with rule 5.3.1. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or the ISO OPPs. Comment # 60 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “importer” means an importer of electric energy to Alberta. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or the ISO OPPs. Comment # 61 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “load curtailment priority (LCP)” means that priority be given to interrupting industrial and large commercial customers during supply shortfall events on a provincial basis. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 62 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “long lead time energy” means energy produced by a long lead time generating asset. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “energy from a long lead time asset”. Comment # 63 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “long lead time directive” means a directive issued by the system controller to a pool participant to provide long lead time energy. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “a directive to a long lead time asset”. Comment # 64 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “losses” means the energy that is lost through the process of transmitting electric energy. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of the plain language meaning of the words. Comment # 65 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 21 of 27 “Mega VAr” or “MVAr” means 1 million Vars or 1000 kiloVArs of reactive power. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is a well understood industry abbreviation. Comment # 66 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “MW” means megawatt(s) or means 1 million watts or 1000 kilowatts of real electrical power. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is a well understood industry abbreviation. Comment # 67 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “MWh” means megawatt hour(s). A unit of energy. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is a well understood industry abbreviation. Comment # 68 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “non-zero block” means any block of energy with volume that is not 0 MW. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 69 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “operating constraint” means a constraint as identified in electronic submission facilities. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of the plain language meaning of the words. Comment # 70 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “opportunity service customers” means those system access customers which meet the criteria for opportunity service, as defined in the ISO tariff. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 71 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “physical capacity” means the maximum amount of electric power which a transmission facility, as rated by a TFO, is The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO Comment # 72 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 22 of 27 able to transmit. OPPs. “pool participant manual” means the ISO reference document that provides both technical guidance to pool participants wishing to execute ISO electronic interactions with the ISO and specific directions in using ISO sanctioned software and procedures. The AESO proposes to delete this term and where necessary, simply refer to the proper title of applicable documents. Comment # 73 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “power purchase arrangement” as defined in the Act means a power purchase arrangement included in Alberta Regulation AR 175/2000, but does not include:(i) the power purchase arrangement that applies to the H.R. Milner generating unit;(ii) the power purchase arrangement that applies to the Sturgeon generating units;(iii) a power purchase arrangement that expires in accordance with the unit effective term completion date specified in the power purchase arrangement;(iv) a power purchase arrangement that is terminated under section 15.2 of the power purchase arrangement;(v) a power purchase arrangement that is terminated by the balancing pool. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules. Where it is used in ISO OPP 601, it is a well understood industry term. Comment # 74 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “PPA buyer” means the entity holding energy rights as acquired from the original purchase of a power purchase arrangement as contemplated in the Act, or as subsequently transferred or assigned in whole per Article 18 of the thermal power purchase arrangements. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules. Where it is used in ISO OPP 601, it is a well understood industry term. Comment # 75 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 23 of 27 “price block” means the discrete block identified in $/MWh for which a pool participant has placed an offer or bid within a defined MW level (see operating block). The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 76 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “price responsive load” means load which, by owner discretion, may be removed or connected to the AIES as a function of the system marginal price for electricity. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs Comment # 77 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “ratchet level” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in rate schedule DTS. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 78 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “rated capacity” means the state of operation for a generating asset that begins at the specified effective time indicated on the most current energy market dispatch and continues until the point in time the generating asset has reached the quantity (MW) specified in the enrgy market dispatch, plus or minus the ADV for that generating asset. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 79 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “reference price” means the price in $/MWh calculated and determined by the ISO in accordance with rule 3.10. The AESO proposes to delete this term as its meaning has been embedded in the new ISO rules Section 201.6 Pricing. Comment # 80 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "registered aggregate asset" means: - in relation to multiple generating The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer Comment # 81 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 24 of 27 - - assets physically located at a single site, that a single offer must be submitted for the cumulative capability of the generators located at the site; or in relation to certain run of river hydro generation schemes that a single offer must be submitted for the cumulative capability of the registered group of generators; or in relation to certain generating assets or demand management processes that are operated via a single command and control scheme, that a single offer or bid must be submitted for the cumulative capability of the management scheme. used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. “review committee” means the committee formed under rule The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 82 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “rules” see ISO rules. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules and has been replaced with “ISO rules”. Where it is used in ISO OPP 1304, there is no bolding and its meaning is clearly understood to be the ISO rules. Comment # 83 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “settlement zone” means the collection of sites that are jointly settled by a load The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer Comment # 84 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 25 of 27 settlement system and over which UFE is calculated and allocated. used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. “software and procedures” means any and all technical software used for ISO communications and specific directions in applying such software. The AESO proposes to delete this term in favour of the plain language meaning of the words. Comment # 85 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “standing offer or standing bid” means those offers or bids submitted in accordance with rule 3.7. The AESO proposes to delete this term as its meaning has been embedded in the new ISO rules Section 203.1 Offers and Bids for Energy. Comment # 86 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “supply shortfall” is a condition when there is insufficient energy offered in the energy market to meet the requirements of load in Alberta. The AESO proposes to delete this term as its meaning has been embedded in the new ISO rules Section 202.2 Supply Shortfall and Short Term Adequacy. Comment # 87 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “supply shortfall directive” means a directive issued for supply shortfall energy as part of the ISO supply shortfall operating policy and procedures. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs and has been replaced with “a directive for supply shortfall energy”. Comment # 88 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “supply shortfall energy” means a generating asset’s maximum available electric energy in excess of what is offered in operating blocks and active ancillary services, the asset is providing, which could be made available to the AIES for each The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 89 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 26 of 27 settlement interval. “system marginal price” means the price in $/MWh determined for each minute of a settlement interval in accordance with rule The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 90 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “VArs” means volt-amp reactive, a measure of reactive power. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is a well understood industry abbreviation. Comment # 91 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “virtual metering point” means an effective point of measurement, that may or may not be physically locatable, where active energy or reactive energy is deemed to have been transferred through the point that is derived from one or more metering points. The AESO proposes to delete this term as it is no longer used in the ISO rules or ISO OPPs. Comment # 92 Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2012-07-17 Page 27 of 27