Stakeholder Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS Stakeholder Consultation Draft Date: 2011-04-14 Proposed New, Amended and Removed ISO Rules Definitions Date of Request for Comment [yyyy/mm/dd]: Period of Consultation [yyyy/mm/dd]: Comments From: 2011/04/14 2011/04/14 through 2011/05/06 Company Name Contact: Company Contact Phone: Contact Phone Number E-mail: Date [yyyy/mm/dd]: ISO Rules Definitions – New Existing Proposed Rationale Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal The current defined term ‘prudential requirements’ is, in the opinion of the AESO, overly broad and captures components of financial obligations, financial information and financial security. As a result, it can create interpretation imprecision in trying to understand certain of the requirements of existing ISO rules Section 2, subsection 2.1 “Prudential Comment # 1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply No ISO rules definitions currently exist in the ISO rules for the terms addressed in this section. “financial information” means any information and records about the business, credit and financial standing, condition and viability of a market participant or its credit support provider. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 1 of 16 Requirements”, and ISO rules Appendix 3 “Pool Participant Prudential Requirements”. The defined term also appears in ISO rules Section 8, subsection 8.6.1. The AESO has instead used three more precise and accurate financial definition concepts: “financial obligations”, “financial information” and “financial security”. The AESO has redrafted and relocated the existing authoritative provisions into proposed new ISO rules section 103.3 “Financial Security Requirements” and proposed new ISO rules Section 103.7 “Financial Defaults and Remedies”. In the AESO’s opinion, these proposed new ISO rules sections better articulate the concepts of all basic payments, financial information and security requirements provided to the AESO and use the new definitions accordingly. It should be noted that these proposed new defined terms also take into account their eventual usage under the ISO tariff, and is consistent with AESO’s universal drafting and definition reforms. However, the defined term ‘prudential requirements’ will remain in the AESO’s Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary until all references to ‘prudential Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 2 of 16 requirements’ in the AESO’s authoritative documents have been addressed and removed. “financial security” means sufficient enforceable credit support to secure the financial obligations of a market participant to the ISO. Please refer to the rationale above supporting the proposed new ISO rules definition for ‘financial information’. Comment # 2: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO is introducing the more precise defined term for ‘financial security’, at this time, by referring to the actual credit support to be provided by a market participant. "pool asset" means a generating unit, an aggregated generating facility, a load, an export service or an import service identified by a pool ID and registered to a pool participant. During its overall review of the ISO rules, the AESO determined that the current ISO rules definition of ‘asset’ does not properly reflect how the defined term is actually being used. The concept of “asset” is used throughout the authoritative documents and generally is a reference to any physical asset. However, in relation to the power pool, the concept is not a general one, but is more specifically related to both the numerical identifier that is used to identify a physical asset and the physical asset itself. This has the potential of creating significant ISO rules interpretation confusion. Comment # 3: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Therefore, on a go forward basis, the AESO has discontinued the universal use of ‘asset’ as an ISO rules definition, and instead, have developed more discrete defined Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 3 of 16 terms, including new ISO rules definitions of ‘pool asset’ and ‘pool ID’ to capture the specific power pool practical usage and meanings. The term ‘asset’ will continue to appear in the ISO rules but will be used in its plain language sense where applicable. The AESO will use the proposed new defined terms for ‘pool asset’ and ‘pool ID’ in those sections of the ISO rules that deals with the relevant subject matter, including proposed new ISO rules Sections 103.3, 103.4 “Power Pool Financial Settlement”, and 103.7. It should be noted the defined term ‘asset’ will remain in the AESO’s Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary until all instances of the use of the defined term ‘asset’ in the AESO’s authoritative documents have been addressed and revised to ensure context continuity. “pool ID” means a unique identifier the ISO assigns to a pool asset for the primary purpose of enabling a pool participant to enter into transactions in the power pool. Please refer to the rationale above for proposed new ISO rules definition for ‘pool asset’. Comment # 4: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) ISO Rules Definitions - Amended Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 4 of 16 Existing Proposed Rationale Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal “Act” means the Electric Utilities Act. “Act” means the Electric Utilities Act and any regulations made under it. While the proposed amendment to this ISO rules definition is not financial in nature, it is aligned with the AESO’s 2010 ISO tariff Compliance Filing (1607003 - ID 1074). Although the AESO intends to provide clear references in its authoritative documents to either the ‘Act’ or to specific regulations, on additional review, the AESO has concluded that general references will be required in certain instances and accordingly, has proposed the amended ISO rules definition for ‘Act’. Comment # 5: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "financial obligations" means the power pool financial obligations of a pool participant actually incurred or likely to be incurred, including the net dollar value of the transactions plus any charges expected or to be owed to the ISO. "financial obligation" means any debt, payment or similar obligation of a market participant actually incurred or likely to be incurred under the ISO rules, the reliability standards, the ISO tariff or as a counterparty to any contract with the ISO. Comment # 6: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) "net settlement instruction" means a direct sales agreement or forward contract registered with the ISO by a pool participant or forward "net settlement instruction" means an electronic instruction: (i) to the ISO from two (2) counterparty pool The proposed amendment provides a more precise ISO rules definition of what is meant by such obligations and broadens it to make reference to market participants instead of only pool participants. As well, the proposed amendment contemplates the use of the amended defined term in the Alberta Reliability Standards and the ISO tariff, which is consistent with the AESO’s intent to develop universal definitions for application in its authoritative documents. The proposed amendments remove references to a ‘direct sales agreement’ and ‘forward contract’. The existing ISO rules definition includes the misleading concept of Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 AESO Reply Comment # 7: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Page 5 of 16 market operator under the requirements of rule 4.2, which will be netted out of meter volumes for purposes of calculating power pool settlements. participants; and (ii) containing transactional information including volumes, start and end times and applicable pool assets, which enables the ISO to perform netting of metered energy for purposes of calculating power pool settlements. the agreements being registered with the AESO, as the actual agreements are not, in fact, submitted to the AESO. In the AESO’s opinion, the amended language more accurately reflects the current ‘net settlement instruction’ process of electronic registration and is consistent with the AESO’s standard structure for drafting defined terms. "settlement interval" means a period beginning on the hour and ending 60 minutes later and is the time increment that MWh amounts are settled financially by the ISO. A settlement interval is the time increment at which distinct load estimates are calculated by load settlement systems. "settlement interval" means a period beginning on the hour and ending sixty (60) minutes later and is the time increment for which: (i) the ISO financially settles energy amounts; and (ii) the load settlement system calculates distinct load estimates. The proposed amendments to this defined term have been made to provide additional clarity and to be consistent with the AESO’s standard structure for drafting defined terms. Comment # 8: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) ISO Rules Definitions – Removed Existing Proposed Rationale Stakeholder Comments and/or Alternate Proposal “bank value” means that the power pool has sufficient funds in its bank account on the date of settlement in order to meet obligations relating to payment of funds. The defined term ‘budget’ appears in existing ISO rules Section 8, subsections 8.4.3 and 8.4.4, which the AESO has redrafted and relocated into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. Comment # 9: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) AESO Reply The proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4 does not use the defined term ‘bank value’. Therefore, the AESO Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 6 of 16 has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘bank value’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary “budget” means the budget prepared by the ISO under rule 2.2. The defined term ‘budget’ appears in existing ISO rules Section 2, subsection 2.2, certain of the authoritative provisions of which the AESO has transitioned into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.6 “ISO Fees and Charges”. However, the defined term has not been included into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.6, for reasons explained below. Comment # 10: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The defined term ‘budget’ is also currently used in existing ISO rules Section 8 “Power Pool Financial Settlement”, the authoritative provisions of which the AESO has transitioned into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. Neither of these new ISO rules requires the use of the formal definition. Where a reference to the ISO “budget’ is necessary in any authoritative document, the AESO has proposed to use plain language text. In the AESO’s opinion, use of the term budget is well understood and does not require a specific ISO rules definition. As a result, the AESO has proposed to remove this defined term from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 7 of 16 ““direct sales agreement” has the same meaning as that provided in section 19 of the Act. The AESO has removed the reference to the defined term ‘direct sales agreement’ in the proposed amendment to the ISO rules definition ‘net settlement instruction’. Therefore, since this is the only reference to ‘direct sales agreement’, the AESO has proposed to remove this defined term from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Comment # 11: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) “dispute submission period” means the 20 business days after the final pool statement is issued for a settlement period. The only reference to the defined term ‘dispute submission period’ is currently found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 12: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO is of the view that this is another “one-time” definition usage and can be removed. However, the AESO will continue to use the common phrase in proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4 and to set out the periods on the AESO website. The AESO therefore has proposed to remove this defined term from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. "energy production uplift" means an amount that may be paid to a pool participant with a source asset that has received an energy market dispatch, subject to the conditions and calculations provided for in rule 8.1.2. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 The only references to ‘energy production uplift’ are currently found in existing ISO rules Section 8. This therefore is another definition with very limited universal applicability and is a candidate for removal. Comment # 13: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned the Page 8 of 16 authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4, and is proposing to embed the meaning of the term “uplift payment” by sufficiently explaining the relevant criteria and using plain language text in proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. The AESO therefore has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘energy production uplift’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “final statement” means the accounting statement issued pursuant to a default action in accordance with rule 8.5.1. The only reference to the defined term ‘final statement’ is currently found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Essentially, it is a reference to the final statement the ISO prepares for a final accounting post-termination. The successor provision appears under subsection 10 of proposed new ISO rules Section 103.7 Comment # 14: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO proposes to delete the defined term because it is another one-time ISO rules definition. It further is confusing in the context of the continued use of the phrase “final statement” for ordinary course settlement periods, which the AESO will continue to specify in proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘final statement’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 9 of 16 “financial year” means the 12 calendar month period beginning on January 1 in each year and ending on December 31 in the same year. The references to the defined term “financial year” are currently only found in existing ISO rules Sections 2.2 and 8. Comment # 15: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned key authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 2, subsection 2.2 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.6, and the authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. In both cases, the AESO simply uses the plain language term ‘calendar year’” to accurately reflect the intended meaning. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘financial year’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “forward market operator” means a person that provides net settlement instruction MWh volumes on behalf of pool participants, and has entered into an operating agreement with the ISO. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 The reference to the defined term ‘forward market operator’ is currently another limited use definition, only found in existing ISO rules Sections 4 and 8. Comment # 16: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned the key authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 4 into a proposed new ISO rules Section 103.5, and the authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. Neither of the proposed new sections use the defined term Page 10 of 16 ‘forward market operator’, referring instead to pool participants or market participants, as appropriate. The AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘forward market operator’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “load settlement calculations” are the calculations conducted by a load settlement agent. The reference to the defined term ‘load settlement calculations’ is another limited use definition, currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 17: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned the key authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4 and does not use the defined term ‘load settlement calculations’ in these new sections. Rather it has incorporated language that makes it clear that the calculation will be based on data provided from load settlement agents. The AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘load settlement calculations’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “MAP buyer” means the entity purchasing a MAP product from the Balancing Pool under a Balancing Pool Power Sale Agreement of December 2000 and any permitted assignee or transferee of those rights. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 The reference to the defined term ‘MAP buyer’ is currently found only in existing ISO rules Section 4. Comment # 18: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) As the AESO has transitioned key authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 4 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.5, and Page 11 of 16 does not use the defined term ‘MAP buyer’” in these new sections, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘MAP buyer’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. ““MAP product” means the energy rights purchased, under a Balancing Pool Power Sale Agreement of December 2000 for the Market Achievement Plan, by a MAP buyer. The reference to the defined term ‘MAP product’ is currently found only in existing ISO rules Section 4. “metering data” means the data associated with a metering point. The reference to the defined term ‘metering data’ is another “one-time” limited use definition, currently only found in existing ISO rules section 8. Comment # 19: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) As the AESO has transitioned key authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 4 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.5, and does not use the defined term ‘MAP product’” in these new sections, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘MAP product’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Comment # 20: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned the authoritative key provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4. While the AESO has retained references to ‘metering data’ in these new sections, in the AESO’s opinion the plain language meaning of the phrase “metering data” is sufficiently clear. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 12 of 16 defined term for ‘metering data’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “net settlement instruction MWh volume” means net settlement instruction quantities of energy in MWh, registered with the ISO that a seller has agreed to sell or to provide a purchaser for a specified settlement interval. The references to ‘net settlement instruction MWh volume’ are currently only found in existing ISO rules Sections 4 and 8. “pool settlement date” means the business day on which financial settlements relating to the pool statement will occur in accordance with rule 8.4.3. The reference to the defined term ‘pool settlement date’ is currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 21: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Both of proposed new ISO rules Sections 103.4 and 103.5 “Net Settlement Instructions” do not use the formal term ‘net settlement instruction MWh volume’ but rather refers to ‘volumes of net settlement instruction’. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘net settlement instruction MWh volume’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Comment # 22: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) In proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4, the AESO has simply used the plain language meaning of ‘settlement’ and has Information Document 2011-002R - Power Pool Financial Settlement, which explains the settlement process and dates. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term ‘pool settlement date’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 13 of 16 “pool statement” means the accounting statement issued pursuant to rule 8.4. The reference to the defined term ‘pool statement’ is currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 23: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) As the AESO has transitioned the authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4 and has combined the existing ISO rules definition of ‘power pool’ and the plain language meaning of the term “statement” to replace any references to the ‘pool statement’ in these proposed new ISO rules sections with ‘power pool statement’, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘pool statement’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “post final adjustment mechanism (PFAM)” is a process that market participants must follow when final settlement data is being disputed and the market participants are requesting financial adjustments be made as a result of the dispute. The reference to the defined term ‘post final adjustment mechanism (PFAM)’ is currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 24: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) The AESO has transitioned the authoritative provisions of existing ISO rules Section 8 into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4, and has not used the defined term ‘post final adjustment mechanism (PFAM)’ but rather refers to post final adjustments using plain language text in these new ISO rules. Proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4 has specified that the AESO Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Page 14 of 16 must calculate and process post final adjustments in accordance with Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) Rule 021 System Settlement Code which provides any additional clarity that might be required. As such, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘post final adjustment mechanism (PFAM)’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “signoff letter” an official ISO correspondence detailing power pool settlement dispute information including, but not limited to: • ISO dispute number; • settlement period in dispute; • settlement summary of adjustments and pool participant signoff provision. The reference to the defined term ‘signoff letter’ is currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. “total trading charge” means the amount calculated pursuant to rule 2.2.3. The AESO has redrafted and consolidated all authoritative provisions related to ISO fees and charges from existing ISO rules Sections 2.2, and 8, relocated these provisions into proposed new ISO rules Section 103.6 “ISO Fees and Charges” as, in the AESO’s opinion, it is more convenient and logical for stakeholders that ISO fees and charges are centralized in one section of the ISO rules. The AESO has not used the defined Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 Comment # 25: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) In proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4, the text simply refers to written notice rather than a “signoff letter”. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘signoff’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Comment # 26: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) Page 15 of 16 term ‘total trading charge’ in proposed new ISO rules Sections 103.6 and 103.4, but rather refers to the charge by the plain language phrase “energy market trading charge’ which is the term the AESO uses when calculating these annual charges and posting them on its website. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘total trading charge’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. “trading limit” means the maximum financial obligations to which a pool participant is or is expected to be owing the ISO where such limit is determined by the ISO or is the amount of financial security provided in accordance with Appendix 3. Issued for Stakeholder Consultation: 2011-04-14 The reference to the defined term ‘trading limit’ is currently only found in existing ISO rules Section 8. Comment # 27: Insert Comments / Reason for Position (if any) In proposed new ISO rules Section 103.4, the AESO has not used the defined term “trading limit” but rather refers to a credit limit using plain language text. Therefore, the AESO has proposed to remove the defined term for ‘trading limit’ from its Consolidated Authoritative Documents Glossary. Page 16 of 16