October 20, 2008 Loss Factor Stakeholder Team: Re: Draft Loss Factors for 2009 The AESO has completed its preliminary calculation of 2009 loss factors and the draft results are attached. The analysis includes the application of the 2009 Generic Stacking Order (GSO) results published earlier this summer to the 2009 Base Cases published on October 15 2008 on the AESO web site. The AESO is hosting a meeting on the draft loss factors October 27, 2008 from 9:30-12:00. The AESO will be posting the final 2008 loss factors on or before November 07, 2008. In order to provide perspective on the draft values, the AESO offers the following: Load treatment: In the 2009 loss factor calculation, only transmission loads were unassigned. Consistent with our methodology, these loads were not included in the loss factor calculation. Therefore the loss factors are based on generation less the behind the fence load levels at all relevant Generation Buses while maintaining the appropriate GSO level at the MPID bus. The load used in the base cases is consistent with the latest AESO load forecast for 2009. Overall results: The Rainbow area has less credit or more charges than in the 2008 Loss Factors. These results are due primarily to lower Ft. Nelson area load levels in the 2009 base cases. The Rainbow area is historically sensitive to load and generation changes. A small deviation in the Rainbow Area net flow can result in a swing in the loss factors on the generators. The loss factor sensitivity in the area is consistent with previous years’ findings. The South area receives more credits/less charges than 2008. Lower generation and higher load has resulted in more favorable loss factors in 2009 than in 2008. The Lake Wabamun area loss factors are lower relative to the 2008 loss factors. The changes are primarily due to the KEG loop energization. Sheerness and Battle River generation are higher and area loads are lower in most of the 2009 base cases and resulting in higher loss factors. The Fort McMurray area loss factors are higher [in general] in 2009 due to higher generation dispatches. The higher dispatches have resulted in higher net flow out of area in the cases. 2500, 330 - 5th Ave SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4 t (403) 539-2450 | f (403) 539-2949 | www.aeso.ca -2 The AESO has included more rigorous voltage thresholds in the base case development than previous years. Please refer to the loss factor web site for details. Inter-Tie Losses Import loss factors in 2009 reflect the implementation of the 2007 Transmission Regulation The tie line losses will be posted prior to the October 27, 2008 meeting. Shift Factor: The preliminary shift factor for 2009 has been determined at 0.85%. The 2008 shift factor was 0.81%, representing a difference of 0.04%. The lower level of the shift factor reflects the improvement in the accuracy of the overall process. The main components in the process are the forecast of losses, the load forecast, the generic stacking order, the base case development, and the determination of the loss factors. Weighting Factor: The AESO has applied unequal weighting factor to the raw loss factors based on historical load levels. The weighting factor will be published with the final results. Generally, the 2009 loss factors reflect changes in the AIES as would be expected through normal generation and load growth and large generator maintenance schedules. Please provide any comments on the draft 2009 loss factors in writing to lossfactor@aeso.ca by October 27, 2008. Yours truly, Robert Baker, P.Eng. Regulatory Forecasting, AESO cc: Doyle Sullivan Ashikur Bhuyia -3- 2009 Alberta Loss Factors - 2008-10-20, Draft MP-ID* 0000016301 0000079301 NX01 BAR BR3 BR4 BR5 BCHIMP BCRK BCR2 BPW BLYR BIG BRA GOC1 0000045411 CES1 CES2 TC01 CAS CR1 EC01 CHIN CMH1 ENC1 ENC2 CRE1 CRE2 CRE3 PKNE CRWD Project692_1_SUP DAI1 DKSN DOWGEN15M DV1 DRW1 Project730_1_SUP FNG1 EC04 0000001511 GN1 GN2 GN3 GHO 0000022911 GPEC HSH HRM INT KAN KH1 KH2 KHW1 IOR1 MATLIMP Project703_1_SUP AKE1 MKRC ProjectISD762SUP MKR1 NX02 Project672_1_SUP NPC1 NOVAGEN15M OMRH WEY1 0000039611 0000035311 POC PH1 PR1 RB1 RB2 RB3 Facility Name PSS/E Bus Normalized and Compressed Loss Factor (%) Loss Factor Asset Difference % in Loss Factor to System Average Amoco Empress (163S) ANG Cochrane (793S) BALZAC BARRIER BATTLE RIVER #3 BATTLE RIVER #4 BATTLE RIVER #5 BCH - Import BEAR CREEK G1 BEAR CREEK G2 BEARSPAW BELLY RIVER IPP BIGHORN BRAZEAU BRIDGE CREEK BUCK LAKE CALPINE CTG CALPINE STG CARSELAND CASCADE CASTLE RIVER CAVAILIER CHIN CHUTE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT CLOVER BAR PEAKER (STAGE 1 - LM6000) CLOVER BAR PEAKER (STAGE 2 - LM6000) COWLEY EXPANSION 1 COWLEY EXPANSION 2 COWLEY NORTH COWLEY RIDGE WIND POWER PHASE1 COWLEY RIDGE WIND POWER PHASE2 Dapp Power Westlock Expansion DIASHOWA DICKSON DAM 1 DOW GTG DRAYTON VALLEY PL IPP DRYWOOD 1 ENMAX Crossfield Energy Centre FORT NELSON FOSTER CREEK G1 FT MACLEOD GENESEE 1 GENESEE 2 GENESEE 3 GHOST GLENWOOD GRANDE PRAIRIE ECOPOWER CENTRE HORSESHOE HR MILNER INTERLAKES KANANASKIS KEEPHILLS #1 KEEPHILLS #2 KETTLES HILL WIND ENERGY PHASE 2 MAHKESES, COLD LAKE MATLIMP Maxim Power Deerland Peaking Station McBRIDE McKAY RIVER Meg Energy MUSKEG NEXEN OPTI Northern Prairie Power Project NORTHSTONE ELMWORTH NOVA JOFFRE OLDMAN P&G WEYERHAUSER PINCHER CREEK PLAMONDON POCATERRA POPLAR HILL PRIMROSE RAINBOW 1 RAINBOW 2 RAINBOW 3 262 191 290 216 1491 1491 1469 56765 10142 10142 183 447 103 56153 19145 80 187 187 5251 175 234 247 406 680 516 516 264 264 264 264 264 21 1088 4006 61 4332 4226 503 1016 1301 4237 525 525 525 180 4245 1101 171 1147 376 193 420 420 402 56789 451 432 901 1274 405 1236 1241 1120 19134 383 230 1141 4224 4304 214 1118 1302 1031 1032 1033 0.94 3.68 -0.41 -1.46 5.07 5.07 4.16 -0.62 -1.44 -1.44 -1.37 0.00 2.49 2.07 0.00 2.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.54 -2.22 1.40 -0.43 0.00 -0.32 4.19 4.19 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 0.00 -2.03 0.00 3.97 0.00 1.26 0.80 7.55 7.04 0.71 5.72 5.72 5.72 -1.53 0.46 -1.88 -1.48 2.34 -1.06 -1.37 5.72 5.72 1.56 4.68 0.68 4.10 1.12 6.59 6.06 6.76 6.85 -4.79 -5.05 1.25 2.09 -3.02 1.52 2.87 -1.45 -4.81 5.46 2.79 2.73 2.93 DOS DOS Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Imp Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Imp Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen -3.61 -0.87 -4.96 -6.01 0.52 0.52 -0.39 -5.17 -5.99 -5.99 -5.92 -4.55 -2.06 -2.48 -4.55 -2.22 -4.88 -4.88 -5.09 -6.77 -3.15 -4.98 -4.55 -4.87 -0.36 -0.36 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -4.55 -6.58 -4.55 -0.58 -4.55 -3.29 -3.75 3.00 2.49 -3.84 1.17 1.17 1.17 -6.08 -4.09 -6.43 -6.03 -2.21 -5.61 -5.92 1.17 1.17 -2.99 0.13 -3.87 -0.45 -3.43 2.04 1.51 2.21 2.30 -9.34 -9.60 -3.30 -2.46 -7.57 -3.03 -1.68 -6.00 -9.36 0.91 -1.76 -1.82 -1.62 -4RL1 RB5 RYMD TC02 RG10 RG8 RG9 RUN SH1 SH2 SHCG SCTG GWW1 SPCIMP SPR 0000038511 STMY 0000006711 ST1 ST2 IEW1 SCR1 SCR3 SCR2 SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 SCL1 341S025 TAB1 TAY1 TAY2 THS VVW1 VVW2 WB4 WTRN WST1 EAGL RAINBOW 4, RL1 RAINBOW 5 RAYMOND RESERVOIR REDWATER ROSSDALE 10 ROSSDALE 8 ROSSDALE 9 RUNDLE SHEERNESS #1 SHEERNESS #2 SHELL CAROLINE 378S SHELL SCOTFORD SODERGLEN SPC - Import SPRAY SPRING COULEE ST MARY IPP STIRLING STURGEON 1 STURGEON 2 SUMMERVIEW 1 SUNCOR SUNCOR HILLRIDGE WIND FARM SUNCOR MAGRATH SUNDANCE #1 SUNDANCE #2 SUNDANCE #3 SUNDANCE #4 SUNDANCE #5 SUNDANCE #6 SYNCRUDE Syncrude Standby (848S) TABER WIND TAYLOR HYDRO TAYLOR WIND PLANT THREE SISTERS VALLEYVIEW VALLEYVIEW # 2 WABAMUN #4 WATER IPP WESGEN WHITE COURT Notes: * MP-ID - point where loss factors assessed For loss factors, "-" means credit, "+" means charge Loss factors effective from January 01, 2009 to December 31 2009. System Average Losses, %: 4.55 For more information, please visit www.aeso.ca 1035 1037 413 50 507 507 507 197 1484 1484 3370 43 358 1473 310 4246 3448 4280 1166 1166 336 1208 389 251 135 135 135 135 135 135 1205 1200 343 670 670 379 1171 1172 133 3449 14 410 3.26 2.72 0.00 4.15 4.43 4.43 4.43 -1.60 3.81 3.81 -0.72 4.36 1.46 1.35 -1.59 0.36 0.00 0.60 -0.28 -0.28 2.01 6.69 -0.17 0.54 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.71 -4.45 -0.72 1.68 1.68 -1.43 0.79 0.77 5.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Imp Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen DOS Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen -1.29 -1.83 -4.55 -0.40 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -6.15 -0.74 -0.74 -5.27 -0.19 -3.09 -3.20 -6.14 -4.19 -4.55 -3.95 -4.83 -4.83 -2.54 2.14 -4.72 -4.01 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.16 -9.00 -5.27 -2.87 -2.87 -5.98 -3.76 -3.78 1.18 -4.55 -4.55 -4.55