Managing Advances/Prepayments Desk Procedures Page 1 of 84

Managing Advances/Prepayments
Desk Procedures
Page 1 of 84
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 3
Accounting Model (Prepaid Process) ........................................................................................... 3
Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Sub-Business Process ................................................. 4
Financial Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................ 5
Handling of the Advance/Prepayment Received .......................................................................... 6
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................... 6
Advanced Payment Received ............................................................................................... 7
Forwarding the Advanced Payment Information .................................................................... 7
Review Advance Payment Information ......................................................................................... 8
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................... 8
How to Determine if the Prepayment is the First ................................................................... 8
Establishing a Prepayment ......................................................................................................... 11
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................. 11
Create a Prepaid for a Contract ........................................................................................... 11
Associate the Prepayments to the Contract Lines ............................................................... 14
Set Up the Utilization ........................................................................................................... 16
Set Up the Initial Bill Plan for the Prepaid ............................................................................ 18
Set Up the Deferred Revenue ............................................................................................. 23
Activate Prepaid for Contract ............................................................................................... 25
Invoice the Prepayment .............................................................................................................. 32
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................. 32
Run the Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) ........................................................ 32
Update the Pending Transaction ......................................................................................... 38
Run the Billing Interface (BIIF0001)..................................................................................... 40
Create a Proforma Invoice (UMDBI02P) ............................................................................. 45
Approve the Billing Worksheet ............................................................................................ 54
Verify Ready Status and Document Real Invoice Number .................................................. 56
Finalize the Prepayment Invoice (UMDBI02F) .................................................................... 60
Update Projects and Contracts (BIPCC000) ....................................................................... 65
Retrieve billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC)................................................................................ 69
Utilization of the Prepaid Amount ............................................................................................... 77
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................. 77
Subsequent Prepayment Handling ............................................................................................. 81
Roles Applicable to this Process ............................................................................................. 82
Monitor Invoicing Workbench .............................................................................................. 82
Analyze Expenses ............................................................................................................... 82
Expenses are > than Prepayment ....................................................................................... 82
Create Invoice to Equal Remaining Prepayment(s) amount ............................................ 82
Set Up Billing Event (new) ............................................................................................... 83
Create Invoice for Remaining Expenses (for submission to Sponsor) ............................. 83
Expenses are not > than Prepayment ................................................................................. 83
Create Invoice for Available Expenses ............................................................................ 84
Create Invoice Outside of PeopleSoft to Reflect True Balance Due of $0.00 (to be
submitted to the Sponsor) ................................................................................................ 84
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Sponsors sometimes will pay for a portion of expenses before they are incurred on a sponsored
award. In the Financial System these are called Prepayments or Advances. A prepayment, by
the Financial System definition, will only occur on Cost Reimbursable/Rate Based accounts
where the contract requires invoicing of actual expenses. Prior to the prepaid amount being fully
utilized (expenses equal to or greater than the prepaid amount) the expense invoices will have a
balance due of $0.00 dollars. Once the prepaid amount has been fully utilized the invoice
balance due will be equal to the difference between the prepaid amount and the expenses
This document will walk the user through all of the sub-processes that are associated with the
Managing Advances Business Process.
 Handling of the Advance/Prepayment Received
 Review Advance Payment Information
 Establishing a Prepayment
 Invoice the Prepayment
 Utilization of the prepaid Amount
 Subsequent prepayment Handling
As Needed
Contracts and Billing
Documents Used
Prepayment Notification
Approval Points
Accounting Model (Prepaid Process)
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This example shows the accounting implications of a 100,000.00USD prepaid and the
utilization against it. Column headings are abbreviated. Full spellings are as follows:
billed accounts receivable (Billed AR), deferred revenue (Deferred Rev), and unbilled
accounts receivable (UAR).
Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Sub-Business Process
Handling of the Advance/Prepayment Received – SFR A/R Accountant, SPA Grant
Administrator and SPA Support Staff
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Review Advance Payment Information – EFS Award Setup
Establishing a Prepayment – Contract Entry
Invoice the Prepayment – Contract Entry
Utilization of the Prepaid Amount – SFR Accountants
Subsequent Prepayment Handling – SFR A/R Accountants and SFR Accountants
Financial Policies and Procedures
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Handling of the Advance/Prepayment Received
The prepayment could initially be received by the Academic Department, Sponsored Project
Administration, Sponsored Financial Reporting (SFR) or the SFR’s Lockbox at the Bank.
Regardless of where the prepayment is received it must be forwarded to SFR for deposit
preparation and system application. The prepayment information will then be forwarded on for
system set up.
Portion of Business
covered in
Portion of
Flow covered in
this section
Roles Applicable to this Process
SPA Grant Administrator
SPA Support Staff
SFR A/R Accountant
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Advanced Payment Received
Detailed description: This process is accomplished manually outside of the Financial System
The prepayment is received in SPA or SFR.
Copies are made of the payment, all remittance advice and any other
identifying documentation and placed with the Award Entry documentation.
If payment is received in check form it will be forwarded to the lockbox for
Forwarding the Advanced Payment Information
Detailed description: This process is accomplished manually outside of the Financial System
If payment is received with an Award Notification from a sponsor, the copies
will be kept with the award notification for forwarding to Contract Entry.
If payment is received by itself the copies will be forwarded directly to Contract
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Review Advance Payment Information
The prepayment information must be reviewed prior to set up to determine if the Award has
been generated in the Financial System and if it is a first prepayment.
See the
Portion of Business
Process Flow covered in
this section
Roles Applicable to this Process
Contract Entry
How to Determine if the Prepayment is the First
Detailed description:
1. If the prepayment information is received with a Notice of Award and data for initial
contract entry the prepayment is the first as the Award, Project and Contract will
not be established in the Financial System. Before continuing with the
Managing Advances Process see Desk Procedure “Managing Award Setup”.
2. If the prepayment information is received without any other documentation, the
Financial System will need to be accessed to determine if it is a first prepayment.
In order to determine the correct contract number that is associated with the
prepayment general searches will need to be done within the system (i.e. searches
on Sponsor Award Number, Principal Investigator or Award Title).
a) If no Award/Contract can be associated with the Prepayment further
investigation will need to be done to determine if perhaps the Notice of Award
from the Sponsor is still in process in SPA or other circumstance.
Assumption: Contract associated with the prepayment has been identified
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
Contract General Information Page
1. From the “More” drop down list select Prepaids
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Contract Prepaids Page – Result 1 of 2
Is Not a first prepayment
A Prepayment is already established on this Contract. Prepayment Information must be
forwarded to the SFR Accountant for “Subsequent Prepayment Handling” (see sub-process in
this document).
Contract Prepaids Page – Result 2 of 2
Is a first prepayment
There are no prepayments established on this Contract, therefore it is a first prepayment. The
user should continue on with “Establishing a Prepayment” (see sub-process in this document).
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Establishing a Prepayment
The initial prepayment must be established in the system in order to utilize (draw down) against
the prepaid amount as expenses are incurred on the Project(s). The Financial System offers two
different types of prepayments, Inclusive and Not Inclusive. Inclusive means that the prepaid
amount is included in the sponsor awarded amount/budget. Not Inclusive means that the
prepaid amount is over and above the sponsor awarded amount/budget. The U of M standard
will be to only use the Inclusive Prepayment Option. The Financial System will only allow 1
Inclusive Prepaid Amount per Contract, therefore, in the rare instances when multiple prepaids
are received on a single Contract all subsequent prepayments will need to be dealt with in a
manual manner (see sub-process “Subsequent Prepayment Handling” in this document).
Portion of Business
Process Flow covered in
this section
Roles Applicable to this Process
Contract Entry
Create a Prepaid for a Contract
1. Manage Award Set Up is complete
2. The Contract is in active status
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
Contract General Information Page
1. From the “More” drop down list select Prepaids
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Contract Prepaids page – General Tab
The below screen shot is what the prepayment line will look like if the Contract is already
in an Active status (Inclusive checkbox not displayed, system will assume that the first
prepayment is inclusive)
This screen shot is what the prepayment line will look like if the Contract has not been
activated yet (inclusive checkbox is displayed)
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – General Tab
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Values Entered
Pending (defaulted)
Purchased Amount
Expiration Date
Amount equal to
the Prepayment
Remaining Amount
Auto populated
Committed Amount
Auto populated
Depleted Date
Auto Populated
This field is the status of the Prepaid. Available values are;
Pending, Ready, Completed and Cancelled. This field is
updated manually and by prepaid processes.
This field will allow the user to hold the prepayment for
utilization until a future date. Options are selected (held) or
not selected (ready to use). The U of M standard will be
unselected (ready to use)
This field is the amount of funding that was prepaid
This field can be populated so that as of a certain date any
remaining prepaid amount is no longer eligible for utilization.
The U of M standard will be <blank>.
This field is a calculation based on the original prepaid amount
minus the utilized expenses.
This field displays the amount that has been utilized, but the
invoice has not been finalized in Billing. When a bill is
finalized in Billing, the amount for that bill is backed out of the
Committed Amount field and is then reflected in the
Remaining Amount field. The balance available for
subsequent utilization is the remaining amount less the
committed amount.
Displays the system date on which the remaining amount of
the prepaid became zero.
1. Enter values on page based on above Table
2. Click the “SAVE” pushbutton
3. Select the “Utilization Tab”
Associate the Prepayments to the Contract Lines
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
 From the “More” drop down on the Contracts General Information Page select
 Click on the “Utilization Tab”
Page 14 of 84
Contract Prepaids page – Utilization Tab
1. Hyperlink will be
selected after all fields on
Tab have been populated
only IF field Use for All
Lines in Contract is NOT
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Utilization Tab
Values Entered
Use Sequence
1 (defaulted)
Use for All Lines in
Selected or
Contract Line Num
Value is dependent
upon contract
terms and
Utilization Descr for
Initial Prepayment
Displays the number of the Prepayments established. The U
of M will not have a number greater than 1.
Selected – Check the box if the prepaid should be applied
(utilized) against all Contract Lines/Project(s) Expenses for the
Unselected – Leave the field unchecked if not ALL Project(s)
Expenses should apply towards the prepayment
If the Use for All Lines in Contract checkbox is selected this
field will not be visible on the page. If only expenses for
specific (not all) Projects are applicable to the prepayment use
the Look Up Icon to choose the Contract Lines/Project(s) that
the prepayment should be utilized against
The system generates the description for billing by
concatenating the prepaid Use Sequence number with the
Contract number. This field will print on the invoice so to
make the invoice reason clear the user should overwrite the
defaulted value to the stated value. U of M standard will be
“Initial Prepayment”
1. After all values have been entered, click the “SAVE” pushbutton
2. Select the Utilization Criteria hyperlink at the end of the data row only if field Use for All
Lines in Contract is NOT selected. This page will only be used if the sponsor contract
calls for unique utilization of prepaid amounts.
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Set Up the Utilization
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
 From the “More” drop down on the Contracts General Information Page select
 Click on the “Utilization Tab”
 Select the “Utilization Criteria” hyperlink
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Utilization Criteria
Hyperlink page
See “Multiple Data
Row Scenarios”
notes below the
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Utilization Criteria page
Values Entered
Line Num
PC Bus Unit
Value is dependent
upon contract
terms and
% (Always)
Value is dependent
upon contract
terms and
% (Always)
This field is used to select the applicable Contract Line
Number (and therefore Project(s)) that the prepayment should
be utilized against
Project Costing Business Unit (PCBU). The sponsored PCBU
is equal to UMSPR but on this page it will remain “%”. There
is no risk of picking up any other non sponsored Business Unit
as the prepayment will be established at the Contract level.
This field is used to select an individual Project that is
assigned to the Contract Line. If all Projects assigned to the
Contract Line are applicable to the Prepayment the value will
be “%”.
The University only has 1 Project Activity configured per
Project. There is no risk by leaving the value as defaulted.
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Analysis Type
BIL (Always)
Analysis Types are assigned to individual transactions to aid
in the identification of transaction types and statuses.
Utilization of a prepayment should only happen on billable
expenditures. Billable expenditures have an Analysis Type of
1. After all values have been entered, click the “SAVE” pushbutton
2. Select the Return to Prepaids hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
3. Select the “Initial Billing” tab
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Multiple Data Row Scenarios Notes
The user will need to use the +/- (plus/minus) pushbuttons to add additional data rows on the
Utilization Criteria page in either of the below scenarios.
Scenario 1 – The Contract has more than 2 Contract Lines where the prepayment is applicable
to more than 1, but not all, for the utilization of the prepayment.
Scenario 2 – The Contract has more than 2 Projects associated to a single Contract Line where
more than 1, but not all, are applicable to the utilization of the prepayment.
Set Up the Initial Bill Plan for the Prepaid
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
 From the “More” drop down on the Contracts General Information Page select
 Click on the “Initial Billing Tab”
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Initial Billing page
1. Hyperlink will be
selected after all fields
on Tab have been
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Initial Billing page
Values Entered
Billing Plan
Bill Plan Status
Auto populated
This field will automatically populate once the Prepaid Bill Plan
is created
This field states the status of the Billing Plan associated with
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Purchase Order
Prepaid Tax Timing
Value is dependent
upon remittance
Tax on Initial Bill
the prepayment. The field will auto populate as different
values and processes are selected and run on the
This field is not required. If the remittance advice or check
stub references a Purchase Order it can be typed into this
This field is required and selected by using the drop down
button. This field drives when tax is charged on the expenses
that will be utilized against the prepayment. All Contracts will
be established as Tax Exempt so no taxes will be charged,
but the field must be filled in.
1. After all values have been entered, Click the “SAVE” pushbutton
2. Select the Create Bill Plan hyperlink on the data row.
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Create Bill Plan hyperlink
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Initial Billing page
Values Entered
Billing Method
Initial Prepayment
Immediate (default)
This field is the Bill Plan description
This field directs how Invoicing will happen
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Billing Status
Pending (default)
BI Unit
UMSPR (default)
Bill To Customer
Addr Num
Bill To Contact
Bill Type
Bill Source
Template ID
Pre Approved
Direct Invoice
Invoice Form
I_FXPRC (Always)
Bill by ID
Payment Method
Dependent upon
Payment Terms
Billing Inquiry
Billing Specialist
Dependent Upon
201-01 (Always)
Billing Authority
This field indicates the availability of the Bill Plan to generate
This field is the Billing Business Unit that is used when
generating invoices
Equivalent to the Sponsor that is being billed for the Contract
This field directs which Sponsor address the invoice should be
addressed to
This field is the Sponsor Contact that the invoice should be
addressed to
This field is used by Billing to categorize the activity being
billed. The U of M standard for sponsored activity will
always be 002 “Standard - Sponsored”
This field is used by Billing to determine where the billing
activity is coming from. For prepayments this field will always
be 201-CON, which indicates that it is an amount based
invoice (not billing on transactions)
The summarization template defines how bill lines should be
summarized and printed on the invoice. The U of M uses
custom built jobs and templates so this field will always be
Selecting this check box will have the invoice bypass the
billing worksheet review and approval process. The user will
have no chance to review a proforma/draft invoice. For
prepayment invoices this box will always be
Selecting the Direct Invoice check box will bypass the invoice
approval process within Billing. Doing this creates bills in RDY
status and bypasses the billing worksheet. The user will have
no chance to review a proforma/draft invoice. For
prepayment invoices this box will always be
This field assigns the Invoice template to be used, to the
individual Contract Lines within the Contract. This field is
This field groups invoicing for processing by type of receipt
(i.e. Cash, LOC and LOC Direct). This field is required.
This field indicates how the Sponsor remits payment to the U
of M (i.e. check, credit card or electronic funds transfer). This
field is required and is used in Accounts Receivable but is
informational only for Contracts.
This field states the when payment is due on invoices for this
Bill Plan. For Prepayment invoices the option will always be
set to NET30 for consistency purposes. This field is
This field assigns a phone number to the bill plan to display on
delivered Financial System invoice templates. The U of M
uses custom built jobs and templates so this field will not
display on invoices but This field is required, and the U of M
Standard will always be “Sponsored”
This field is used to assign the SFR Accountant that is
responsible for all invoicing for the Contract. This field is
This field indicates the individual designated as the
Institutional Billing Authority and will be printed on the U of M
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Cycle ID
DAILY (Always)
Custom Templates. This field is required, and the U of M
Standard will always be “201-01”
This field indicates on what cycle (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
invoicing will happen and can be used to group processing
together. The U of M will be using Billing Events to drive
invoicing and that will override this field, but this field is
required and the U of M Standard will always be “DAILY”.
1. After all values have been entered on the page click on the “OK” pushbutton and the user
will be brought back to the General Prepaids page.
2. Select the Initial Billing Tab again
3. Select the Billing Plan Description link
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4. Select the Tax Parameters tab
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Tax Parameters page
(because Sponsored Projects are not subject to tax only the fields that need to be
populated will be covered in the below table)
Values Entered
Tax Exempt Flag
Selected (Always)
This will tell the billing module that the prepayment is not
subject to tax during the processing of the prepayment invoice
This is a required field, use SPONSORED to identify that
this is a sponsored project
5. Populate the Tax Parameters page according to the table above
6. Select the Save pushbutton
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Verify that all of the values are populated correctly on the Tax
Parameters page. If the page is not populated tax will be charged on the invoice if there
is a tax code assigned to the sponsor.
7. Select the “Deferred Revenue Distribution” tab
Set Up the Deferred Revenue
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
 From the “More” drop down on the Contracts General Information Page select
 Click on the “Deferred Revenue Distribution” tab
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Deferred Revenue
Distribution page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Deferred Revenue
Distribution page
Values Entered
GL Unit
Distribution Code
UMN01 (defaults)
This field depicts the General Ledger Business Unit
This field represents a high level code that would default
other Chartfield values. This field will not be used
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because key values are not consistent.
Fund Code
Program Code
Will vary based on
Will vary based on
Will vary
Fin EmplID
Chartfield 1
Chartfield 2
Cost Share
Fund Affiliate
DeptID Affiliate
Statistics Code
Valid Comb
This value will be equal to the Fund assigned at the Project
This value will be equal to the DeptID value assigned to the
Primary Project
Program refers to a non sponsored project, the deferred
revenue booked by a prepayment in the UMSPR Business
Unit will always be sponsored
This value will be equal to the Primary Project number
This field represents the chart of account value for sponsored
unearned income/deferred revenue. For Prepayments this
Account value will always be equal to 220200.
This chartfield is not applicable to the prepayment process
This chartfield is not applicable to the prepayment process
This chartfield is not applicable to the prepayment process
This chartfield is not applicable to the prepayment process
This field is used for interunit journal processing, the U of M
only has 1 defined GL Business Unit and therefore this field is
not applicable to the prepayment process.
This field is used for interunit journal processing, the U of M
only has 1 defined GL Business Unit and therefore this field is
not applicable to the prepayment process.
This field is a unit of measurement to calculate statistical data
and is not applicable to the prepayment process.
This field is a verification field of correct application of combo
edit rules on the deferred revenue distribution line.
1. After all values have been entered on the page click on the “SAVE” pushbutton which will
return the user to the General Prepaid page.
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Activate Prepaid for Contract
Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
 From the “More” drop down on the Contracts General Information Page select
Contract Prepaids page – General Tab
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Prepaids General Page
Values Entered
This field is the status of the Prepaid. Available values are;
Pending, Ready, Completed and Cancelled. This field is
updated manually and by prepaid processes. To update it
manually select the drop down next to the field.
1. After the Status is updated to Ready, click the “SAVE” pushbutton.
2. Verify the Contract Status
a. Active – Continue with the next step
b. Pending – Skip forward to Amount Allocation
3. Select the “Initial Billing” tab
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Verify that all of the values are populated correctly in the “Establishing
a Prepayment” Process prior to executing the next step.
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Initial Billing page
4. Select the “Initial Prepayment” hyperlink, the user will then be brought to the Prepayment
Bill Plan
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Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Create Bill Plan hyperlink
Field Values and Descriptions for the Contract Prepaids page – Prepaids General Page
Values Entered
Billing Status
This field indicates the availability of the Bill Plan to generate
invoices. This field can be manually changed by selecting the
drop down next to the field.
This field will allow the user to hold the prepayment for
utilization until a future date. Options are selected (held) or
not selected (ready to use). The U of M standard will be
unselected (ready to use)
5. After the values have been updated on the page, click the “SAVE” pushbutton.
6. Make note of the Contract Number that the prepayment was established on for use in
future processes in this document.
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Amount Allocation
1. Select the ‘Return to General Information’ link
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2. Select the ‘Amount Allocation’ link
3. Note that the Allocation is in a status of Incomplete
4. In the ‘Negotiated Amount’ field, enter the amount of the prepayment
5. Select the “Recalculate” pushbutton
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6. The page will refresh, verify that the Allocation is now in a status of Complete
7. Select the ‘Save’ Pushbutton
8. Select the ‘Return to General Information’ link
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9. Verify that all of the Award Set Up for the Contract has been completed (See Managing
Award Setup Desk Procedure)
10. Change the Contract Status to ‘Active’ by selecting the look up next to the field
11. Select the ‘Save’ pushbutton
The Prepayment has now been established for the Contract
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Invoice the Prepayment
The prepayment must be invoiced to book the Deferred Revenue and Billed AR accounting
transactions and to make the amount available for utilizations as transactions are cost collected
into the Project Resource table. This process follows the same principles as the “Manage
Award Billing” Business Process.
Portion of Business
Process Flow covered
in this section
Roles Applicable to this Process
Contract Entry
Run the Contracts to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC)
Detailed description: This process will stage the prepayment data, using the Bill Plan that was
established, for Billing to use in subsequent processes.
Assumptions: The Run Control for the CA_BI_INTFC has already been created
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Process
Other Billing Methods
Use the “Process Other Billing Methods” search page to access the already established Run
Population of the fields on the Run Control page drives how narrow or broad the selection
criteria is to kick off the invoice processing. It answers the question: “Do you want to process all
sponsored invoices that are ready, all ready invoices that are assigned to a particular Billing
Specialist or do you want to process just a single invoice?”
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Other Billing Methods Run Control
Field Values and Descriptions for the CA_BI_INTFC Run Control
Process Frequency
Business Unit
Contract Type
Contract Class
Sold To
This field indicates how often the user wants to run this process.
This field is equal to the Contract Business Unit. The U of M Standard
for this process run control will always be UMSPR for sponsored
project data
This field is used for reporting
This field is used when the Contracts Module is used without the Grants
Suite. This does NOT apply to the U of M Sponsored Projects data
This field represents the Sponsor and can be used to vary the data
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Billing Business Unit
Equal to the
Contract Value
that the Prepaid
is assigned to
UMSPR (default)
Bill To
Billing Plan
Billing Method
Billing Specialist
Value Varies
Billing Cycle Identifier
Event Date
Invoice Date
Current Date
Process Milestones
Process Project
selection when running the process. The U of M Standard will be to run
the CA_BI_INTFC at the Contract level, which is a more finite selection
This field refers to the identifying number that is individually assigned to
Contracts that are established in the Financial System
This field is the equivalent of the Billing Business Unit that Sponsored
Projects data uses. The U of M Standard for this process run control
will always be UMSPR for sponsored project data
This field represents the Sponsor and can be used to vary the data
selection when running the process. The U of M Standard will be to run
the CA_BI_INTFC at the Contract level, which is a more finite selection
This field tells billing how the Contract Line is going to be billed (i.e.
Amount Based/Fixed Price or Rate Based/Cost Reimbursable. The U of
M Standard will be <blank> for this process run control on
prepayment invoices.
This field directs in more detail how Invoicing will happen (i.e. By
Milestone completion within an Amount Based Contract Line). The U of
M Standard will be <blank> for this process run control on
prepayment invoices.
This field indicates the responsible person for the invoicing on the
Contract, since the contract has not actually been assigned to an
accountant use the SFR Fiscal Officer that the Contract is assigned to at
This field indicates how often billing should occur. The U of M Standard
will be <blank> for this process run control on prepayment
This field indicates the day that invoicing is to occur based on the value
established on the Billing Plan Event. The field will default in based on
the Invoice Date entered in the next step and should be left as the
defaulted date.
This is the date that will print on the invoice. The U of M Standard will
be the current date (today’s date).
Streamline processing option. By selecting this box the user will kick off
another job that updates Milestone completion data. This process will
be run in batch at night. The U of M Standard will be unchecked.
Streamline processing option. By selecting this box the user will kick off
another job that updates the Project Progress Percent Complete. This
process will not be utilized by sponsored projects. The U of M
Standard will be unchecked.
1. After the data fields have been entered on the run control page, click the “Run”
pushbutton. The user will be brought to the Process Scheduler Request page
Page 34 of 84
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Other Billing Methods Run Control –
Process Scheduler Request page
Field Values and Descriptions for the CA_BI_INTFC process Scheduler Request page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for
“Contracts to Billing
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on to
get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard will be
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance. The
U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
Selected/Checked The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run.
2. After the data fields have been entered on the run control page, click the “OK”
pushbutton. The user will be brought back to the Process Other Billing Methods Run
Control Page.
Page 35 of 84
Process Other Billing Methods Run Control
3. Select the Process Monitor Hyperlink. The User will be brought into the Process Monitor,
Process List page.
Process Monitor, Process List page
4. Locate the most recent Process Name “CA_BI_INTFC” and click on the “Details”
hyperlink at the end of the process row. The user will be brought to the Process Monitor,
Process Detail page
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
Page 36 of 84
5. On the Process Monitor, Process Detail page select the “Message Log” hyperlink. The
user will then be brought to the Process Monitor, Message Log page
Page 37 of 84
Process Monitor, Message Log page
6. On the Process Monitor, Message Log page locate the Log row that states “1 row(s) were
inserted into PS_INTFC_BI with an INTFC_ID of xxxxx”. Make note of the INTFC_ID
that is noted on the row
Update the Pending Transaction
Detailed description: The user must update fields on the transactions that are sitting on the
staging tables for Billing to pick up. This update will ensure that the A/R accounting happens
Assumptions: CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
Page 38 of 84
Navigation: Billing > Interface Transactions > Update Pending Transactions
Review Interface – Pending, Search Page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Review Interface – Pending, Search page
Interface ID
INTFC_ID value
Interface Line
Transaction Type
Transaction Type
Error Status
Business Unit
Bill Source
Bill Type Identifier
This field is equal to the value noted in Step 6 of the “Run the
Contract to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) sub process in this
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
Alternate Search Criteria, not used
1. After the Interface ID (INTFC_ID) value has been populated on the search page click the
“Search” pushbutton. The User will then be brought to the PS_INTFC_BI update page
Page 39 of 84
PS_INTFC_BI page (Note: Picture only depicts the upper portion of the page)
Field Values and Descriptions for the PS_INTFC_BI page (Update Pending Transactions)
PC Bus Unit
1 (Always)
This field is the Project Costing Business Unit used for Sponsored
Projects. The U of M Standard will be UMSPR.
This field is the Project Activity ID. The U of M has only
configured 1 Project Activity per Project and they all have a
Project Activity ID of “1”. The U of M Standard will be 1.
2. After the values have been entered on the PS_INTFC_BI page click the “Save”
Run the Billing Interface (BIIF0001)
Detailed description: The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) process moves the staged data to the
Billing Tables.
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated (If this step was not completed the AR
accounting entries will not be correct)
 The Run Control for the BIIF0001 has already been created
Page 40 of 84
Navigation: Billing > Interface Transactions > Process Billing Interface
Use the “Billing Interface” Run Control Search Page to access the already created Run Control.
Process Billing Interface Run Control page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Billing Interface Run Control page
From Interface ID
INTFC_ID value
To Interface ID
INTFC_ID value
This field is equal to the value noted in Step 6 of the “Run the
Contract to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) sub process in this
This field is equal to the value noted in Step 6 of the “Run the
Contract to Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) sub process in this
1. After all values have been entered on the Billing Interface Run Control page, click the
“Run” pushbutton. This will bring the user to the Process Scheduler Request Page.
Page 41 of 84
Billing Interface, Process Scheduler Request page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Billing Interface Run Control page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for Selected / Checked
Description “Billing
Select Checkbox for Unselected /
“Interface & VAT
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on
to get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard
will be PSUNX.
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it is the Billing
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it would be the Billing
Interface and the Value Added Tax process. The U of M does
not use Value Added Tax on Sponsored Projects so the U of
M Standard is Unselected / Unchecked.
2. After all values have been entered on the page click the “OK” pushbutton. This will bring
the user back to the Billing Interface Run Control page.
Page 42 of 84
Process Billing Interface Run Control page
3. Select the “Process Monitor” hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor,
Process List page
Process Monitor, Process List page
4. Locate the most recent instance of the BIIF0001 job that is running. Click the Refresh
pushbutton until;
a) Run Status = Success
b) Distribution Status = Posted
Page 43 of 84
Process Monitor, Process List page
5. Once the process has completed with the above Statuses click on the “Details” hyperlink at
the end of the Process row. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor, Process Details
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
6. Select the “Message Log” hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor,
Message Log page
Page 44 of 84
Process Monitor Message Log page
7. On the Message Log verify;
a) Transactions in Error = 0
b) New Bill Headers Created = 1
c) New Bill Lines Created = 1
Create a Proforma Invoice (UMDBI02P)
Detailed description: The Create Proforma Invoice (UMDBI02P) process will create a draft
invoice for review prior to invoice finalization
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Run Control for the UMDBI02P has already been created
Page 45 of 84
Navigation: Billing > Locate Bills > Bills Not Invoiced
Bills Not Invoiced, Bill Search page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Bills Not Invoiced, Bill Search Page
Values Entered
UMSPR (Always)
Currency Option
Bill To
Currency (default)
Value Varies
This field is the Billing Business Unit. For Sponsored activity
the U of M Standard will always be UMSPR.
This field allows the option of search by types of currency.
Use the default value of “Transaction Currency”
This field gives the user the option of searching by Customer
or by Contract. Use Contract as it will limit the return values
This field will be equal to the Contract Number noted in Step 5
of Sub Process “Activate Prepaid for Contract” in this
1. After the values have been entered on the page, click the “Search” pushbutton. This will
populate the Bill Search Results section of the page with the draft invoices that match the
input criteria.
Page 46 of 84
Bills Not Invoiced, Bill Search page with returned results
2. Verify that the returned data;
a. ID = Contract Number entered
b. Source = 201-CON
c. Invoice Amount = Prepayment Amount that was established
3. Make note of the Full Temporary Invoice number that was assigned (above example:
Page 47 of 84
Navigation: Billing > Generate Invoices > Non-Consolidated > UM
Sponsored Proforma
UM Sponsored ProForma (UMDBI02P) Run Control page
Field Values and Descriptions for the UM Sponsored ProForma Run Control Page
Values Entered
English (Always)
EDI Invoice Options
Selected (Always)
Unselected (Always)
EDI Only (Always)
Invoice Date Option
Section, Field:
Processing Date
Range Selection
Section, Field: Invoice
From Business Unit
To Business Unit
From Invoice
Selected (Always)
To Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 3 on previous
User can select the language for the Invoice. The U of M Standard
will always be “English”
This field is another language option field.
This field is another language option field.
This field indicates the output of the invoice. Because the U of M
uses custom forms and processes this option for this field, on this
run control, will always be “EDI Only”
This allows the search criteria to look at all invoice dates
This field tells the Run Control that the search will be on Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 3 on previous
This field establishes the initial Business Unit criteria
This field establishes the end Business Unit criteria
This field sets the initial Invoice number in the range to create the
proforma for. The U of M Standard for sponsored activity will be
to create a proforma on a single invoice so this field must
match the “To Invoice” field.
This field identifies the last invoice in the range to create the
proforma for. The U of M Standard for sponsored activity will be
to create a proforma on a single invoice so this field must
match the “From Invoice” field.
4. After all values have been entered in the UMDBI02P run control, click on the “Run”
pushbutton. This will bring the user to the UM Sponsored ProForma, Process Scheduler
Request page
Page 48 of 84
UM Sponsored ProForma (UMDBI02P), Process Scheduler Request page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler Request page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for Selected / Checked
Description “Billing
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on
to get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard
will be PSNT for this job.
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it is the Billing
5. After all values have been entered on the Process Scheduler page, click the “OK”
pushbutton. This will bring the user back to the UM Sponsored ProForma Run Control
UM Sponsored ProForma (UMDBI02P) Run Control page
Page 49 of 84
6. Select the “Process Monitor” hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor,
Process List page
Process Monitor, Process List page
7. Locate the most recent Process Instance of Process Name UMDBI02 in the Process List.
8. Click the “Refresh” pushbutton until the process ends with;
a. Run Status = Success
b. Distribution Status = Posted
Page 50 of 84
Process Monitor, Process List page
9. Click on the Process Name “UMDBI02 hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process
Monitor, Process Detail page
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
10. Click on the process line that states UMDBI002 Success. This will bring the user to
another Process Detail page.
Page 51 of 84
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
11. Select the “View Log/Trace” hyperlink. This will bring the user to the View Log/Trace
Process Monitor, View Log/Trace page
Page 52 of 84
12. Right click on the File List process that ends in “.XML” and select ‘Save Target As’. Then
save the file to P:\SFR\Billing_Reporting\2_XML_Output_PS. This XML file is the invoice
data extract. This is the invoice data that was pulled from the Financial System and will
be merged with the Invoice form to populate it.
13. The user now needs to right click on the Windows “Start” button and select Explore
14. Navigate to P:\SFR\Billing_Reporting\1_Blank_Templates Double Click on invoice form
I_FXPRC. This will open the Invoice template in an Excel document.
15. From the Excel Menu selections click on Data > XML > Import. This will bring up an
Import XML window.
16. Using the navigation tools in the Import XML window navigate to the file that was saved in
Step 12 above.
17. Highlight the document in the Import Window then click the “Import” pushbutton. The
data extract that was saved in step 12 will merge with the invoice template to populate all
of the values required by the form.
18. Review the draft invoice to verify that all of the pertinent data has populated correctly
(Invoice amount, sponsor, etc.) and is ready for finalization in the system.
Page 53 of 84
Approve the Billing Worksheet
Detailed description: In order to finalize an invoice in the Financial System the user must
review and approve the invoice details. This is accomplished by approving the Billing
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Proforma/draft invoice has been created (UMDBI02P) and reviewed for accuracy
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing Worksheet
Update Billing Worksheet, Worksheet Search page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Worksheet Search page
Values Entered
Business Unit
UMSPR (Always)
Letter of CR
This field is the equivalent of the Business Unit for which the
invoice was created in. The U of M Standard for sponsored
activity is a Business Unit of “UMSPR”.
This field is calling for the Sponsor. If the user is unsure of the
Contract number or Invoice Number a search could be done
by Customer.
This field is the Letter of Credit ID and provides other criteria
to search on. Since a prepayment is not based on LOC the
field will not be used in this process
This field is the Invoice Number that is assigned by the
system. If the user wanted to search by this field the input
would be the temporary invoice number that is assigned with
the Billing Interface
Page 54 of 84
This field is the Project ID
This field is the Letter of Credit Doc ID. Since a prepayment is
not based on LOC the field will not be used in this process.
This field will be the equivalent of the Contract Number that
the Prepayment was created on. Value noted in Step 5 of the
“Activate Prepaid for Contract” process in this document.
1. After all values have been entered click the “Search” pushbutton.
Update Billing Worksheet, Worksheet Search page with returned values
Prior to completing the next steps verify that all previous steps were
completed. Pay close attention to sub process “Update Pending Transactions” and
verify that the Proforma/draft invoice is correct.
If the Update to Pending Transactions was not completed and saved prior to the
Billing Interface being run. The Billing Worksheet must be deleted and the process
started over.
If the Proforma/Draft invoice was incorrect a determination needs to be made as to if
the error was related to the Financial System or a template/form issue. If it is a
Financial System issue work with your Supervisor to determine the next steps. If it is
a template/form issue see your Business/Data Analyst for resolution.
Update Billing Worksheet, Worksheet Search page with returned values
Page 55 of 84
Field Values and Descriptions for the Worksheet Search page Header Level Detail section
Values Entered
Worksheet Action
Value Varies
Add to Bill
The option selected in this field will either set the invoice up for
finalization or it will remove the invoice from billing and send the info
back to Projects and Contracts to be re-invoiced. Please see
pertinent notes directly above this table. Options available for
selection are Approve (to continue on with finalization) or Delete to
start the process over. The values are select by clicking on the drop
down next to the Worksheet Action field
This functionality will not be used for this process
2. After the Worksheet Action has been updated with the appropriate value select the “Save”
pushbutton. The Invoice row will be removed from the Header Line Detail section of the
Verify Ready Status and Document Real Invoice Number
Detailed description: In order to finalize an invoice the pending “Real” invoice must be in a
Ready Status. The “Real” invoice number must also be documented for future processing.
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Proforma/draft invoice has been created (UMDBI02P) and reviewed for accuracy
 The Billing Worksheet has been approved
Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Review Contract/Project
Manage CA/PC Bills, Search page
Page 56 of 84
Field Values and Descriptions for the Worksheet Search page
Values Entered
Business Unit
UMSPR (Always)
Job Overrides
Included Invoiced
Letter of CR
This field is the equivalent of the Business Unit for which the
invoice was created in. The U of M Standard for sponsored
activity is a Business Unit of “UMSPR”.
This field will be the equivalent of the Contract Number that
the Prepayment was created on. Value noted in Step 5 of the
“Activate Prepaid for Contract” process in this document.
This field will not be used
This field is the Invoice Number that is assigned by the
system. If the user wanted to search by this field the input
would be the temporary invoice number that is assigned with
the Billing Interface
This field is the Project ID
This field will allow the user to search for invoices that have
already been finalized
This field is calling for the Sponsor. If the user is unsure of the
Contract number or Invoice Number a search could be done
by Customer.
This field is the Letter of Credit ID and provides other criteria
to search on. Since a prepayment is not based on LOC the
field will not be used in this process
This field is the Letter of Credit Doc ID. Since a prepayment is
not based on LOC the field will not be used in this process.
1. After values have been entered into the fields click on the “Search” pushbutton. This will
kick off the search process and the Contract/Project Bills section of the page will be
populated with the returned data that meets the selection criteria entered.
Manage CA/PC Bills, Search page with returned data
Page 57 of 84
2. Make note of the “Real” invoice number that was assigned.
3. Verify that the Bill Status is equal to “RDY”.
NOTE: If the Invoice is not in “RDY” status continue to the next step, otherwise skip to sub
process “Finalize the Prepayment Invoice (UMDBI02F)” located in the next section of this
4. If the Bill Status in not equal to “RDY” click on the Invoice number hyperlink. This will
bring the user to the Invoice Header – Info 1 page.
Invoice Header – Info 1 page
5. Click on the look up icon next to the “Status” field and from the list of values displayed
select RDY.
Page 58 of 84
Invoice Header – Info 1 page with updated status field
6. Click the “Save” pushbutton.
7. Select the CA/PC Bills hyperlink. This will return the user to the Manage CA/PC Bills
Manage CA/PC Bills, Search page with returned data
8. Verify that the Bill Status is equal to “RDY”,
Page 59 of 84
Finalize the Prepayment Invoice (UMDBI02F)
Detailed description: Finalizing the Invoice is the process that will stage all of the accounting
transactions for the General Ledger and Accounts Receivable. This process also creates the
final version of the invoice, making it a permanent record in the Financial System
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Proforma/draft invoice has been created (UMDBI02P) and reviewed for accuracy
 The Billing Worksheet has been approved
 The Invoice status has been verified
 The Run Control has been created for the Finalized an Invoice process (UMDBI02F)
Navigation: Billing > Generate Invoices > Non-Consolidated > UM
Sponsored Finalize
Use the Run Control Search page to locate the already established run control for this process.
UM Sponsored Finalize (UMDBI02F) Run Control page
Page 60 of 84
Field Values and Descriptions for the UM Sponsored ProForma Run Control Page
Values Entered
English (Always)
EDI Invoice Options
Selected (Always)
Unselected (Always)
EDI Only (Always)
Invoice Date Option
Section, Field:
Processing Date
Range Selection
Section, Field: Invoice
From Business Unit
To Business Unit
From Invoice
Selected (Always)
To Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 2 of the
previous section
User can select the language for the Invoice. The U of M Standard
will always be “English”
This field is another language option field.
This field is another language option field.
This field indicates the output of the invoice. Because the U of M
uses custom forms and processes this option for this field, on this
run control, will always be “EDI Only”
This allows the search criteria to look at all invoice dates
This field tells the Run Control that the search will be on Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 2 of the
previous section
This field establishes the initial Business Unit criteria
This field establishes the end Business Unit criteria
This field sets the initial Invoice number in the range to create the
proforma for. The U of M Standard for sponsored activity will be
to create a proforma on a single invoice so this field must
match the “To Invoice” field.
This field identifies the last invoice in the range to create the
proforma for. The U of M Standard for sponsored activity will be
to create a proforma on a single invoice so this field must
match the “From Invoice” field.
1. After all values have been entered/updated on the Run Control page, click the “Run”
pushbutton. This will bring the user to the Process Scheduler Request page.
UM Sponsored Finalize (UMDBI02F), Process Scheduler Request page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on
to get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard
will be PSNT for this process.
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
Page 61 of 84
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for Selected / Checked
“Finalize – Invoice
Data Extrct”
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it is the Finalize
Invoice process.
2. After the values have been entered/updated on the Process Scheduler Request page
click the “OK” pushbutton. This will bring the user back to the UM Sponsored Finalize
Run Control page.
UM Sponsored Finalize (UMDBI02F) Run Control page
3. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor,
Process List page.
Page 62 of 84
Process Monitor, Process List page
4. Locate the most recent Instance of Process Name UMDBI02F that is listed. Click the
“Refresh” pushbutton until;
a. Run Status = Success
b. Distribution Status = Posted
5. Click on the Process Name (UMDBI02F) hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process
Monitor, Process Detail page.
Page 63 of 84
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
6. On the Process Detail page click the hyperlink that is titled UMDBI002 Success. This will
bring the user to another Process Detail page.
Process Monitor, Process Detail page
Page 64 of 84
7. Click on the View Log/Trace hyperlink. This will bring the user to the View Log/Trace
Process Monitor, View Log/Trace page
8. To continue with the merge of the data extract xml output with the template see
Appendix I of this document.
9. After merge is complete and invoice is saved and printed continue on to the next section
of this document.
Update Projects and Contracts (BIPCC000)
Detailed description: After an invoice has been finalized in the Billing Module the data needs
to be sent back to update Projects and Contracts with the information. Almost always, the next
2 sections of this document will be handled in batch job overnight. Due to the sensitive timing
issues of prepayment invoices and the subsequent utilization of the expenses as they are
incurred these processes will have to be run manually.
Page 65 of 84
The process described in this section (BIPCC000) takes the Billing information at places it on
staging tables for Projects and Contracts to retrieve.
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Proforma/draft invoice has been created (UMDBI02P) and reviewed for accuracy
 The Billing Worksheet has been approved
 The Invoice status has been verified
 Finalize an Invoice process (UMDBI02F) has been completed, the invoice saved and printed
 The Update Projects and Contracts process run control has already been established
Navigation: Billing > Generate Invoices > Utilities > Update
Contract/Projects Data
Run BI PC/CA Intrfc. Run Control page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Run BI PC/CA Intrfc. Run Control Page
Values Entered
English (Always)
Range Selection
Section, Field: Invoice
Business Unit
From Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 2 of the “Verify
Ready Status and
Document the Real
Invoice Number” sub
process of this
User can select the language for the Invoice. The U of M Standard
will always be “English”
This field tells the Run Control that the process will be on Invoice
This field establishes the initial Business Unit criteria
This field sets the initial Invoice number in the range to run the
update for. When running this process Adhoc it will only be for a
single invoice at a time. This invoice number must match the “To
Invoice” field below
Page 66 of 84
To Invoice
Invoice number noted
in Step 2 of the “Verify
Ready Status and
Document the Real
Invoice Number” sub
process of this
This field identifies the last invoice in the range to run the update for.
When running this process Adhoc it will only be for a single invoice
at a time. This invoice number must match the “From Invoice” field
It is very important at this point to verify the stated fields in the run
control are populated and correct. If they are left blank the job will run for all invoices
that have been finalized which could significantly impact user environment response
time. If the values are incorrect the job could pick up someone else’s invoice for update.
1. Once the values populated on the run control have been verified click the “Run”
pushbutton. This will bring the user to the Process Scheduler Request page.
Process Scheduler Request page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler page
Values Entered
Server Name
Run Date
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on
to get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard
will be PSUNX.
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
Page 67 of 84
Run Time
Time Zone
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it is the Billing to
PC/CA Interface.
This controls the output
This controls the output
Select Checkbox for Selected / Checked
Description “Billing
to PC/CA Interface”
2. After the values have been verified/entered click the “OK” pushbutton. This will bring
the user back to the Run BI PC/CA Intrfc. page.
Run BI PC/CA Intrfc. Run Control page
3. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process Monitor,
List page.
Page 68 of 84
Process Monitor, Process List page
4. Locate the most recent Instance of Process Name BIPCC000 in the Process List.
Click the “Refresh” pushbutton until;
a) Run Status = Success
b) Distribution Status = Posted
Retrieve billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC)
Detailed description: Once the Billing Module has staged the data, the Contract and Projects
Modules must retrieve the invoice information to update its records.
 CA_BI_INTFC process has already been run
 The PS_INTFC_BI page has been updated
 The Billing Interface (BIIF0001) has been run
 The Proforma/draft invoice has been created (UMDBI02P) and reviewed for accuracy
 The Billing Worksheet has been approved
 The Invoice status has been verified
 Finalize an Invoice process (UMDBI02F) has been completed, the invoice saved and printed
 The Update Projects and Contracts process (BIPCC000) has been run
 The Retrieve Billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC) run control has been established
Navigation: Grants > Awards > Award Profile
Use the Award Profile Search Page to locate the Award that the Prepayment was established
on, Award ID = Contract Number. Bring the Award page to the screen.
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1. Make note of all Projects that are associated to the Award.
Navigation: Project Costing > Revenue Collection > Retrieve Billing Items
Retrieve Billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC) Run Control page
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Field Values and Descriptions for the Retrieve Billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC) Run Control
Values Entered
Process Frequency
Business Unit/Project
Business Unit
UMSPR (Always)
Date Option
Value Varies
This field tells the system when it should run this process
The options in this field tell the system at what level the process
should run (i.e. pick up all invoices for the Business Unit or just the
one(s) for this Project)
This field is the Business Unit that the Invoice was created in. The
U of M Standard for sponsored activity will by UMSPR.
This field can be used to narrow the run criteria to date ranges
This field will be the equivalent to the Project ID noted in the
previous step.
It is very important at this point to verify the stated fields in the run
control are populated correctly. If they are left blank the job will run for all invoices that
have been staged which could significantly impact user environment response time. If
the values are incorrect the job could pick up a wrong invoice for update.
2. After all values have been input and verified click the “Run” pushbutton. This will bring
the user to the Process Scheduler Request page.
Retrieve Billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC) Process Scheduler page
Field Values and Descriptions for the Process Scheduler page
Values Entered
Server Name
This field indicates the Server that the process should run on
to get the proper output. For this job the U of M Standard
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Run Date
Run Time
Time Zone
Select Checkbox for Selected / Checked
Description “Billing
to Projects”
will be PSUNX.
This field will assign the Date Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field tells the system how often to run this process. This
field will only be used for batch processing. For Adhoc
processing The U of M Standard will be to leave this field
This field will assign the Time Run to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to accept the default value.
This field will assign the Time Zone to the Process Instance.
The U of M Standard will be to leave this field blank.
The Select Checkbox is telling the Financial System which
process or processes to run; in this case it is the Retrieve
Billing Items
This controls the output
This controls the output
3. After all fields have been entered/updated click the “OK” pushbutton. This will
bring the user back to the Retrieve Billing Items run control page.
Retrieve Billing Items (PC_BI_TO_PC) Run Control page
4. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink. This will bring the user to the Process
Monitor, Process List page.
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Process Monitor, Process List page
5. Locate the most recent Instance of Process Name PC_BI_TO_PC
6. Click the “Refresh” pushbutton until;
a) Run Status = Success
b) Distribution Status = Posted
7. Select the “Details” hyperlink on the process row; this will bring the user to the
Process Details page.
8. Select the “Message Log” hyperlink; this will bring the user the Message Log page.
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9. Verify that the process picked up your Billing row that was staged.
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page for
the Contract that the Prepayment was established and invoiced on.
Contract General Information Page
2. From the “More” drop down list select Prepaids
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Prepaid General page
3. Select the “Initial Billing” tab
Prepaid Initial Billing page
4. Verify that the Billing Plan Status is equal to “Completed”
The Process for Invoicing a Prepayment is now complete
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Utilization of the Prepaid Amount
The utilization of the prepaid amount happens through the process of regular cost collection of
expense transactions from the feeder modules and invoicing per the contracts terms and
The SFR Accountant will monitor their workbench for invoices due on the prepaid account.
When then billing event is processed the sum of the transactions available for invoicing will need
to be analyzed. Due to the manner in which the U of M custom extract process works multiple
invoices may need to be created to utilize (spend down) the prepayment and create an invoice
that has the correct balance due for submission to the sponsor.
Until the prepayment is completely utilized when the invoiced expenses are brought back to
Project Costing they will have an Analysis Type of UTL (utilization) instead of BLD (billed) and
will reduce the remaining amount on the prepaid accounting line. This process will continue until
the full amount of the prepayment has been spent.
Portion of Business
Process Flow covered
in this section
Roles Applicable to this Process
SFR Accountant
1. The SFR grant accountant should follow the Manage Award Billing – Desk Procedures for
Rate based invoicing until the expense transactions are appended to the Billing
Worksheet. This means that they will run all processes through the Billing Interface
(BIIF001) job.
2. The expense transactions need to be analyzed, split and/or deferred so that the balance
to be included on the invoice is equal to the remaining prepayment amount. This balance
can be obtained by;
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
Contract General Information Page
3. From the “More” drop down list select Prepaids
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4. Make note of the value listed in the Remaining Amount field. This is the amount of the
prepayment that has NOT been utilized and the amount of expense transactions that
should be picked up on the invoice.
5. Continue to follow the Manage Award Billing desk procedures all the way through
6. If no transactions were split or deferred on the Billing Worksheet this process is complete
until the next billing event is reached. If there were transactions split or deferred continue
on with this process.
At least 1 business day must lapse before creating an invoice for
submission to the sponsor for the remaining transactions (split and deferred).
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Navigation: Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information
Use the General Information search page to access the Contract General Information Page
Contract General Information Page
1. From the “More” drop down list select Prepaids
2. Verify that the Remaining Amount is equal to 0.00.
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3. Follow the Manage Award Billing Desk Procedures – Update Billing Events to established
another Billing Event that is a duplicate of the Billing Event that was processed to utilized
the remaining balance in the previous steps.
4. Follow the Manage Award Billing Desk Procedures for Rate Based invoicing to create and
finalize an invoice for submission to the sponsor.
Subsequent Prepayment Handling
The Financial System only allows a single prepayment to be considered as “Inclusive” (part of
the award amount) on any contract after it has been activated. For this reason all subsequent
prepayments will have to be handled in a different manner in order to get the correct accounting
entries within the system and to ensure that an invoice for the correct amount is generated for
the sponsor.
When a subsequent prepayment is received the SFR A/R Accountant will apply the payment
against the Customer Account. They will then forward all of the prepayment information to the
SFR Accountant that is assigned to the specific Contract that the prepayment is for. The SFR
accountant will file the documentation in the file and flag it so it is readily available for the next
scheduled invoicing event.
Portion of Business
Process Flow covered in
this section
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Roles Applicable to this Process
SFR Accountant
Monitor Invoicing Workbench
Detailed description: The user will monitor their workbench for invoices coming due. When a
scheduled invoicing event is ready to be worked on that has a subsequent prepayment posted
on the Customer Account special analysis will need to be done in order to determine which subprocess to complete.
For specifics on Monitoring the Invoicing Workbench see Desk Procedure “Manage Award
Billing – Monitor SFR Workbench”
Analyze Expenses
Detailed description: The user will need to run a query against the financial system to
determine the sum of all expenses (by Contract) that are available to be invoiced. The result of
this query will determine which of the below processes (Expenses are > than Prepayment or
Expenses are not > than Prepayment) should be executed.
If the sum of all billable transactions is greater than the remaining subsequent prepayment
amount execute the “Expenses are > than Prepayment” sub-process below.
If the sum of all billable transactions is less than or equal to the remaining subsequent
prepayment amount execute the “Expenses are not > the Prepayment” sub-process below.
Expenses are > than Prepayment
Detailed description: If the sum of all billable transactions for the contract is greater than the
prepayment amount the user will have to create 2 invoices within the Financial System to ensure
that the appropriate accounting transactions happen within the system and that an invoice is
generated for the correct dollar amount to be submitted to the sponsor. Each step will have to
be completed in this process before continuing on to the next.
NOTE: Both invoices cannot be created on the same day.
Update Billing Event
Detailed description: The user will need to update the existing Billing Event to reflect an Event
Date that is equal to the current date (today’s date) and put the Billing Event into Ready Status.
Create Invoice to Equal Remaining Prepayment(s) amount
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Detailed description: The user will need to execute all of the steps needed to create a regular
invoice. Once the available transactions are populated on the Billing Worksheet the Accountant
will need to split the transactions to equal the remaining subsequent prepayment(s) amount,
keeping in mind F&A where appropriate as another invoice will be created for submission to the
sponsor. This invoice will need to be taken all the way through the invoicing process
(finalization, xml merge and EDMS archive). A copy of this invoice should be given to the SFR
A/R Accountant with the prepayment information so that the remaining prepayment can be
applied to the invoice. This invoice will need to be submitted to the sponsor, but a note should
be added to the invoice stating that there is no balance due because of the remaining
prepayment. The invoice must be submitted to the sponsor in case they are tracking the
expenditures for the award.
For specifics on invoicing process see Manage Award Billing Desk Procedures.
Set Up Billing Event (new)
Detailed description: In order to create an invoice for the remaining expenses to be submitted
to the sponsor an additional Billing Event row will need to be established with the current date
(today’s date) and be in Ready Status.
For specifics on Setting up Billing Events see Desk Procedure “Managing Award Set Up –
Maintain Contract – Set Up Billing Events”
Create Invoice for Remaining Expenses (for submission to Sponsor)
Detailed description: Another invoice must be created for submission to the sponsor that
shows the correct balance due to the University. This invoice will be equal to the expenses
available for invoices that are in excess of the prepayment amount. Note: This invoice can’t be
created on the same business day as the invoice that is equal to the prepayment amount.
The user will need to execute all of the steps needed to create a regular invoice. Once the
available transactions are populated on the Billing Worksheet the Accountant will need to split
the transactions to equal the remaining subsequent prepayment(s) amount, keeping in mind
F&A where appropriate as another invoice will be created for submission to the sponsor. This
invoice will need to be taken all the way through the invoicing process (finalization, xml merge
and EDMS archive and sponsor submission).
For specifics on invoicing process see Manage Award Billing Desk Procedures.
Expenses are not > than Prepayment
Detailed description: If the sum of all billable transactions for the contract is less than or equal
to the prepayment amount the first thing that the SFR Accountant should do is contact the
sponsor and explain the circumstances and request an extension for billing to allow time for
additional expenses to accumulate on the Project(s).
If the sponsor approves an extension the user will need to update the Billing Event to reflect an
Event Date that was agreed upon with the sponsor.
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If the sponsor does not approve an extension the user will need to create 2 invoices (1 within the
Financial System and 1 outside of the system for submission to the sponsor) to ensure proper
accounting and accurate invoicing to the sponsor.
Create Invoice for Available Expenses
Detailed description: The user will need to execute all of the steps needed to create a regular
invoice for all expense transactions that are available to be billed. This invoice will need to be
taken all the way through the invoicing process (finalization, xml merge and EDMS archive). A
copy of this invoice should be given to the SFR A/R Accountant with the prepayment information
so that the appropriate amount of the remaining prepayment can be applied to the invoice. This
invoice will NOT be submitted to the sponsor.
For specifics on invoicing process see Manage Award Billing Desk Procedures.
Create Invoice Outside of PeopleSoft to Reflect True Balance Due of $0.00
(to be submitted to the Sponsor)
Detailed description: The SFR Accountant will need to open a copy of the invoice form that is
assigned to the contract (sponsor approved invoice form) and save it to
P:\SFR\Billing_Reporting\4_Finalized_Bills_Reports following the standard naming conventions,
making sure to include the contract number in the file name. The invoice form will then be
manually populated using the previously created invoice detail and adding a row, if necessary, to
reflect the prepayment amount that is equal to the expenses. The balance due will reflect $0.00.
The SFR file should be updated to make note of the new remaining prepayment balance and the
process should be duplicated, according to the billing event schedule, until a time that the
available expenses are greater than the remaining prepayment amount (see Expenses are >
than Prepayment sub-process above).
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