DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS West Chester University of Pennsylvania [Assessment Report Title] [Department Name] Prepared by [Your Name] Type of Assessment: [Type of Assessment - e.g. satisfaction, needs, learning] Dates of Administration: [Dates of project. Is it ongoing, one-time?] Audience/Group Assessed: [Audience] ASSESSMENT PROJECT OVERVIEW [Include a brief description of the project and your goals. Describe your methodology (full survey can be appendix). Elaborate on learning outcomes expected or desired.] Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Use critical, reflective and analytical thinking in decision-making and reasoning; 2. Respond thoughtfully to social responsibly and diversity; 3. Exhibit a commitment to civic engagement and an awareness of global responsibility; 4. Demonstrate a sensibility, understanding, and perspective of lifelong leadership; 5. Develop, enhance, clarify, and communicate one's personal and professional values, ethics, and integrity; 6. Display the ability to integrate and apply knowledge, ideas, and experiences to one's daily life; 7. Achieve academic success and persist to graduation. [Include DOSA outcomes from above list as well as any outcomes specific to your department. Delete list if not a learning assessment, or delete unused outcomes from list.] SUMMARY OF RESULTS & KEY FINDINGS [Provide a brief summary of the results, describing significant outcomes and key findings. Attach Campus Labs detailed reports as appendix.] LESSONS LEARNED & ACTION STEPS [How did the outcomes match what you expected when you started the project? What reinforced or supported what you are currently doing? What will you change as a result of what you learned? Recommendations for future assessment.]