Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Living Environment Essential Question: How can you recognize living things? Benchmark Declarative Knowledge: Procedural Knowledge: To Know To Do I.1 * Animals and plants * Identify and classify need air, water and food common animals to live and thrive * Identify and classify * Non-living things common plants human-created or * Care for classroom naturally occurring plants * Non-living things do not * Sort seeds live and thrive * Observe plant growth * Classify and sort classroom objects as living/non-living I.2 * All living things grow, consume nutrients, breathe, reproduce, eliminate waste, and die Vocabulary air water food light nutrients name common animals seeds * Create growth charts of children * Create growth charts of plants * Share stories about plant and animal growth Use of Knowledge * Compare * Classify * Introduction * Observation Assessment Timeline * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation (of classifying and sorting of plants/animals) * Draw a picture of a living and nonliving thing – explain the difference 3-5 Weeks (On going) Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How is one generation similar to the previous or the following generation? Benchmark II.1 II.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Identify traits of living things (e.g., color of flower and number of limbs) * Characteristics from individual’s interaction with the environment (e.g., scars) Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Identify and classify common animals * Identify body coverings * Observe and describe similarities and differences on plants and animals * Describe the effect the environment has on use plants and animals * Plants and animals resemble parents * Match adult and baby animals * Identify body parts and explain how they are similar or different from others in family * Identify and label basic plant parts * Recognize that seeds sprout and grow into plants similar to their parents * Match leaves * Match flowers Vocabulary common pets common farm animals common zoo animals fur scales feathers spines shells trees grass sprout roots stem leaves flowers Use of Knowledge * Compare * Classify * Introduction * Observation Assessment Timeline * Group work and discussion of similarities and differences in plant and family characteristics * Teacher observation of matching activities 2-4 Weeks Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How do living things adapt to survive in their environment? Benchmark III.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Different structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction * Different structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction Vocabulary trunk crawl swim scales legs antenna fur shells claws tail nose legs neck chest flowers insect stem leaves fly wings fins mouth feathers spines beak eyes feet teeth fingers roots seeds mammal Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Demonstrate and name how animals move * Describe animal body coverings of different living things * Identify and name body parts (fish, birds, mammals, insects) * Match body parts to functions * Identify and name parts of plants * Match survival characteristics of plants Use of Knowledge * Comparing * Classifying * Observing Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation * Explanation of what in the environment affects life and survival of living things * Draw picture clusters or color like or needed survival objects (i.e., coat in winter, fur for bear) Timeline 2-4 Weeks Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: What sustains the continuity of life? Benchmark Declarative Knowledge: Procedural Knowledge: To Know To Do IV.1 * Each kind of plant and * Observe the growth of plants animal goes through its * Identify and name seeds, own stages of growth and sprouts, stem, leaves, flower development * Observe the growth of people * Some plants grow from and animals seed to mature plant * Tell seed stories * “Life span” is the length * Hear and respond to the term of time from beginning “life span” as length of time of development to death from beginning of * “Life cycle” describes development to death the complete sequence of * Create growth charts changes in form from * Observe and chart growth young to adult and development of living things * Hear and respond to the term “life cycle” IV.2 * Growth is the process by * Understand that growth is which plants and animals changing sizes increase in size * Name basic requirements for * Food supplies the energy plant growth necessary for growth and * Demonstrate and name how repair animals move Vocabulary * Growth charts life span life cycle adult growth height – short, tall width – thin, fat insect Use of Knowledge * Comparing * Classifying * Induction * Observation Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation Timeline On going On going Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: What sustains the continuity of life? Benchmark Declarative Knowledge: Procedural Knowledge: To Know To Do IV.1 * Plant and animal stages * Observe and chart the growth of growth and of plants development * Identify and name seeds, * Plant growth from seed sprouts, stem, leaves, flower to mature plant * Observe and describe the * “Life span” is the length growth of people and animals of time from beginning * Tell seed stories of development to death * Hear and respond to the term * “Life cycle” describes “life span” as length of time the complete sequence of from beginning of changes in form from development to death young to adult * Create growth charts * Observe and chart growth and development of living things * Hear and respond to the term “life cycle” IV.2 * Growth is the process by * Draw a picture demonstrating which plants and animals that growth as changing sizes increase in size * Identify basic requirements * Food supplies the energy for plant growth necessary for growth and * Demonstrate and name how repair animals move Vocabulary life span tall life cycle tallest growth thin (er, est) short (est) far (er, est) height (short, tall) adult Use of Knowledge * Comparing * Classifying * Induction * Observation Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation (student explanations of growth and what sustains life) * Growth charts Timeline O3-5 weeks Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How do plants and animals respond to their environment? Benchmark V.1 V.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Living things grow, consume nutrients, breathe, reproduce, and eliminate waste * Senses can provide essential information to animals about their environment * Animal behaviors and characteristics are influenced by the environment (i.e., nest building, hibernating, hunting, migrating, and communicating) * Animals move from place to place to meet needs Vocabulary nest hibernate hunting migrating sight sound taste touch smell camouflage Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe how living things grow and explain similarities/differences * Feed classroom animals and chart what you feed them * Identify the function of eye, ear, most, taste buds, fingers and skin * Explain why some animals move because of the environment * Explain why leaves tend to grow toward light * Explain why animals store fat for winter * Explain why animals need thicker coats * Explain why animals resemble their environment (camouflage) Use of Knowledge * Comparing * Classifying * Inductive reasoning * Observation Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation * Teacher observation (description of sensory functions and protections in the environment, i.e., ear to hear sirens, nose to smell smoke) * Explain adaptations that allow plants and animals to grow * Draw a picture demonstrating how your senses keep you safe Timeline 3-5 Weeks Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: What is the relationship between plants, animals and their environment? Benchmark VI.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Animals depend on plants. Animals eat plants and other animals * Weather and seasons affect plants and animals Vocabulary farm barn cow sheep horse tree trunk branches Procedural Knowledge: Use of Knowledge To Do * Observation and * Invention classification of animals eating plants, seeds, and other animals * Manipulate objects to retell animal stories and explain relationships * Create models of the interaction between living things and their environment * Draw pictures comparing effects of rain, sun and snow with pictures showing the same plants or animals without rain, sun or snow Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation * Drawings * Explanations Timeline On going Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How have human decisions and activities been helpful or harmful to the environment? Benchmark VI.1 Declarative Knowledge: Procedural Knowledge: To Know To Do * All animals depend on * Observation of animals plants. Some animals eat eating plants, seeds, and plants for food and others other animals eat animals * Manipulate objects to retell animal stories Vocabulary * Walking field trips farm * Manipulate objects in barn sensory areas cow * Create models of the sheep interaction between horse living things tree trunk branches leaves Use of Knowledge *Invention * Observation Assessment * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation Timeline 2-4 Weeks Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How have human decisions and activities been helpful or harmful to the environment? Benchmark VII.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Humans depend on their natural and constructed environments * Humans change the environment in ways that can be helpful and harmful * Humans need a variety of healthful foods exercise and rest in order to grow and maintain good health * Discuss decisions they make that affect their pet or plant’s life * Predict the effect of plant or animal life with no sun * Predict the effect of plant and animal life with only snow and winter Vocabulary Helpful Harmful Recycle Paper Plastic metal Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Discuss littering and its effects * Go on nature walk to clean up the environment * Recycle lunch trays and mild cartons * Identify and classify paper, plastic and metals * Categorize and sort paper, plastic and metal objects * Identify and name healthy foods * Categorize foods Use of Knowledge *Problem solving * Classify *Compare * Observe Assessment Timeline * Group work and discussion * Teacher observation (of recycling and sorting/classifying objects) * Observe student lunches and excercise 2-4 Weeks (On going) Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Physical Setting Essential Question: How can the movement of the Earth and celestial bodies be observed and measured over time? What impact does this have on daily life? Benchmark I.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Weather changes from day to day and through seasons * Humans organize time into days, months, years * Sun provides light and heat * Moon appears at night and during the day * The moon changes shape * Stars are in sky Vocabulary weather day night sun moon heat stars yesterday today tomorrow clock seasons Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe outside plants and animals in different weather/seasons * Observe and label the sun, moon and stars * Listen to stories and explain effect of the sun, night/day, etc. * Keep classroom chart of monthly phases of the moon, hours of daylight, hours of sun/clouds, etc. * Draw the movement of sun/moon rising on right (east) and setting on left (west) Use of Knowledge * Observe * Decision making * Sequencing * Compare * Classify Assessment Timeline * Student explanations * Teacher observation * Journal (pictures) 1-2 Weeks (On going) Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How do air, water, and land interact? Benchmark II.1 II.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Factors that affect weather * Precipitation takes the form of rain, sleet, and snow * Temperature affects weather * Effects of air, water, and natural disasters on living things Vocabulary temperature rain soil sleet hot snow cold clouds wet dry rocks pebbles sand wind magnifying glass Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe and chart thermometer readings * Match clothing to weather * Match activities to weather * Listen to stories about weather and explain effects * Use flannel board with weather conditions and appropriate clothes * Categorize by hot/cold * Categorize by wet/dry * Name and explain basic forms of precipitation * Identify effects of wind, storms, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes and floods * Discuss stories (personal or fictional) where people are affected by the above natural disasters * Explain how they can remain safe during natural disasters Use of Knowledge Assessment Timeline * Observe * Decision making * Sequencing * Classify * Compare * Teacher observation of student dress for weather conditions * Journal (pictures) 2-3 Weeks (On going) * Observation * Classify * Compare * Teacher observation * Explanations of student safety * Demonstration of stop, drop, and roll and other safety precautions for related disasters Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How can matter be described? Benchmark III.1 III.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Matter has properties * Objects can be sorted or classified according to their properties * Measurement with standard/ non-standard units Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe and compare an object with one’s eye and magnifying glasses * Classify objects by color, hardness, weight, size * Sort objects by shape, temperatures, texture * Classify by height and width * Chart graduated sizes * Classify wet/dry * Classify heavy/light * Observe measurement with standard and nonstandard units * Sort objects by sink/float * Use and observe rulers, thermometers, balances, magnets, and graduated cylinders * Identify and draw the properties of an object *Changes in the properties * Observe snow melting or materials of objects * Freeze water can be observed and * Bake something described Vocabulary hard soft Use of Knowledge Assessment Timeline * Observe * Classify * Compare * Seriate * Teacher 3-5 Weeks observation of (On going) classifications and sorts * Select an object and explain its properties * Use the properties of several objects to predict sink or float * Experimental inquiry * Problem solving * Classifying * Comparing *Teacher observation * Student demonstration heavy light shape color wet dry big little temperature cold hot tall short taller thin fat fatter sink float ruler balances magnet cylinder thermometer shadow magnifying glasses Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How does energy change things? Benchmark IV.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Sun provides heat and light * Vibrating objects produce sounds * Heat can be released and used in many ways * Interactions with forms of energy can be helpful or harmful Vocabulary heat light melt evaporate vibrate electricity plugs Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe and explain effects of the sun’s heat * Observe and comment on ice melting * Observe water evaporating * Play simple string instruments * Experiment with strings and wires held tightly * Bake and observe the changes with heat over time * Make play dough * Identify and explain how electricity can be dangerous (hot stove, plugs) * Identify and classify hot/cold * Recognize and identify objects that vibrate to produce sound Use of Knowledge * Observe * Classify * Compare * Decision making Assessment Timeline * Teacher 2-3 Weeks observation * Student explanation and demonstration with string instruments * Student explanations of melting, evaporating, etc. * Performance assessment Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Kindergarten Essential Question: How do energy and matter interact to create change in motion? Benchmark V.1 V.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * The position of an object can be described by locating it relative to another object or the background * Position or direction of an object can be changed * Magnetism is a force that may attract or repel materials * Forces of gravity and magnetism can affect objects through liquids and solids Vocabulary magnet repel solid pull in back of under on top of over around forward top bottom attract liquid push in out of by next to under in front of backward middle Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Places objects in, under, by, on top of, next to, over, under * Describes the position of objects * Demonstrates pushing and pulling * Describes motion * Distinguishes between forward and backward * Sorts objects that are and aren’t attracted to magnets * Experiments with magnets * Manipulates magnets with different materials * Manipulate objects * Observe * Comment while manipulating objects Use of Knowledge * Observe * Classify * Compare * Experimental inquiry Assessment * Teacher observation * Performance assessment * Demonstrate and explain how energy causes motion (i.e., toy car) * show and explain how a magnet affects five items Timeline 2-4 Weeks (On going) Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Grades Pre-K – 4 Scientific Inquiry/Mathematical Analysis Essential Question: What do I need to know? How can I find out? Benchmark I.1 II.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Formatting of questions who, what, where, when, why * Tools to record observations - graphs - charts - drawings and labeling - narratives * Recognize similarities and differences * Roles of cooperative groups - facilitator - materials manager - observer - recorder Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Develop and answer appropriate questions to seek greater understanding of observed objects and events * Record observations and develop relationships - graphs - charts - drawing & labeling - narratives * Compare and contrast personal observations with others * Work in cooperative groups * Scientific tools used for measuring - thermometer - beakers, cups, etc. - linear measurement - scales - time * Sequence of events of the plan * Create, share and carry out plans for explaining phenomena. Indicate - materials - procedure - data collection through observation and use of simple measurement tools Use of Knowledge * Compare * Classify * Experimental inquiry * Investigation * Invention * Problem solving * Inductive reasoning * Deductive reasoning * Constructing support * Comparison * Classification * Experimental inquiry * Projective investigation * Invention * Problem solving * Induction * Deduction * Constructing support Assessment * Teacher observation * Performance assessment * Teacher made/or program assessment * Records * Graphs * Charts * Labs Timeline On going 407 Benchmark III.1 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * The format of graphic organizers * Inferences gained from data collection - patterns - sequences * Oral presentation skills, listening skills * Editing and revising Vocabulary observe label graph facilitator recorder compare contrast procedure data predict conclusion hypothesis edit revise diagram materials materials manager Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Organize observations through use of simple charts and tables * Develop conclusions based on interpretation of data * Share, listen and compare findings with others * Modify findings if necessary * Write observations, data, conclusions into lab reports Use of Knowledge * Compare * Classify * Experimental inquiry * Ivestigation * Invention * Problem solving * Inductive reasoning * Deductive reasoning * Constructing support Assessment * Teacher observation * Performance assessment * Teacher program assessment * Records * Graphs * Charts Timeline On going Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Grades Pre-K – 4 Essential Question: How many? How much? How do you know? Benchmark Declarative Knowledge: Procedural Knowledge: To Know To Do I.1 * Understand appropriate * Select appropriate concepts of addition, operations and apply subtraction, mathematical skills multiplication and needed to solve problems division in the natural world and in science experiments/labs II.1 * The process of inductive * Develop conclusions and deductive reasoning based on simple logical reasoning III.1 * The correct use of scientific manipulative materials Vocabulary addition subtraction multiplication division tool thermometer scale ruler measurement * Select appropriate scientific tool to solve problems - thermometer - scale - ruler - microscope - balance scale - beaker - anemometer - meter stick Use of Knowledge * Compare * Abstract * Problem solving * Experimental inquiry * Inductive reasoning * Deductive reasoning * Constructing support * Abstracting * Invention * Experimental inquiry * Deductive reasoning * Compare Assessment * Teacher observation * Performance assessment * Teacher model or program assessment * Teacher observation * Science labs Timeline On going Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Grades Pre-K – 4 Essential Question: How can matter be described? Benchmark PS III.1 PS III.2 Declarative Knowledge: To Know *Matter has properties * Objects can be sorted or classified according to their properties * Measurement can be made with standard and non-standard units * Matter can change Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Observe with eyes and magnifiers * Understand color hardness, weight and size * Match colors * Categorize hard/soft * Name colors * Sort by shape * Classify by color * Seriate height * Classify wet/dry, heavy/light * Sort objects by sink/float * Measure with standard and non-standard units * Use and observe rulers, thermometers balances, magnets and graduated cylinders * Participate in baking activities * Observe snow melting * Freeze water * Help make play dough * Dissolve Use of Knowledge * Observe * Classify * Compare * Induction Assessment * Teacher observation * Teacher observation Timeline Syracuse City School District Elementary Science Grades Pre-K – 4 Essential Question: What makes it work? How can I make it? Benchmark I.1-5 Declarative Knowledge: To Know * Attributes or features of given object that could be modified * Process of researching information * Process of prioritizing possible solutions * Process of design, construction, and model building Vocabulary attribute feature research design construct model solution efficient Procedural Knowledge: To Do * Identify objects and their features that could be improved upon making them more efficient; construct model * Research history behind the design of an object; write report * Brainstorm possible technical solutions, evaluate each and select best choice * Create age appropriate design, build and test model and revise if necessary Use of Knowledge * Decision making * Investigation * Experimental inquiry * Invention * Problem solving Assessment * Performance task * Reports/charts/ graphs/designs * Inventions Timeline On going