Nakeishia Knox

Nakeishia Knox
My name is Nakeishia Knox and I am the mother of a 15 year old autistic child. My book is a personal
account of the emotional journey that I have experienced throughout my son’s life. I am still a work in a
progress, but I know now that GOD has chosen me, to not only be my son’s mother, but also to be a
voice for other families of special needs children that reside in underprivileged and economically
disadvantaged areas. Although it has been a journey for me, through faith and my growing relationship
with GOD, I am now learning how to exhale and “breathe” through life’s challenges to release the pain
that sometimes comes with having a special needs child. I know that I can speak out against the disparity
and vow to tirelessly advocate for these families, families that are just like my own. No longer the “victim”
of my child’s disability, I have finally come to the realization that pain can truly evolve to another strong,
almost equally raw emotion – joy.