Minutes for Deans OWI February 13, 2013

Minutes for Deans OWI
February 13, 2013
Attendance: Ms. Jackie Gruber, Dr. Anthony Iacopino, Ms. Ros Howard. Dr. German Ramirez, Ms.
Heather Katrick, Ms. Kristjana Oliver, Mr. Sam Vagianos, Ms. Sina Sacco, Ms. Nicole Lacasse-Brass,
Dr. Dieter Schonwetter
Regrets: Ms. Lorene Belows
1. Reflection on December 17, 2012 retreat
a. Positive comments from various people. Other - where are the tangible changes
and the actions
b. Retreat Follow-up (next steps)
i. Dropping the title “Dr.”between staff and academics.
1. Action Item: RH to provide actual numbers regarding the “Dr.” poll
from retreat.
ii. Transition - laying foundation and framework and providing support on an
ongoing basis; make LDS available to provide resources and resources
iii. Work on the front wheel (tricycle model) and go into the various levels of
leadership: plan and goals and then take it to the other teams
iv. Supervisors/leaders (management) targeted with effective tools through a
series of sessions and make a commitment to change
1. Internal programming from LDS
2. External programming from outside experts
v. Front-line staff focus on what makes a good employee
vi. Need to be focused and prioritize
1. Specific with a specific group of people
2. Next Retreat - Wed., May 22, 2013
a. Participants: Supervisors and Employees
b. Foci:
i. Effective (Ideal) Management
1. Stakeholders: Supervisors
2. Facilitator: who can get the supervisors (i.e., undercover boss) to
take on the position of the subordinate
3. Needs assessment to guide the next retreat. Responses to be used to
identify the key areas of professional development for smaller
workshops for our supervisor. Collected from those who are being
supervised as well as the supervisors (comparisons) to identify the
strengths and the challenges. What are people’s visions of
excellence? List of best practices.
4. Collection of data (SurveyMonkey) March 2013
a. What are the current strengths of your supervisor1 (the
person(s) you report to)? What is the most you like about
your manager? What are his/her best practices?
Supervisor - also to use Associate Deans, Department Heads/Directors, Dean, Support Staff
b. What are the current weaknesses of your supervisor? What is
the worst thing you dislike about your supervisor? Please
provide suggested solutions?
c. What are some of the challenges that your supervisor faces?
d. What are the ideal characteristics of a supervisor in your
e. If you were in the supervisory position, what changes would
you be making?
f. Strengths on team meetings. Challenges with team meetings.
g. Demographics
i. Identify your area
h. Need to gather specific data on each of the following groups of
i. Dean
ii. Associate Deans
iii. Department Heads/Directors
iv. Support Staff Supervisors.
i. Self-assessment by each cohort of supervisors for comparison
purposes with their subordinates.
ii. Effective (Ideal) Workers
1. Stakeholders: Employees
2. Facilitator: who can get the employees (i.e., undercover boss) to take
on the position of their supervisors
3. Needs assessment collected from those who are supervising as well
as those being supervised (comparisons) to identify the strengths
and the challenges. What are people’s visions of excellence? List of
best practices.
4. Collection of data (SurveyMonkey) March 2013
a. What are the current strengths of your employees2 (the
person(s) that report to you)? What is the most you like about
your employee? What are his/her best practices?
b. What are the current weaknesses of your employees? What is
the worst thing you dislike about your employees? Please
provide suggested solutions?
c. What are some of the challenges that your employees face?
d. What are the ideal characteristics of an employee in your
e. If you were in the employee’s position, what changes would
you be making?
f. Strengths on team meetings. Challenges with team meetings.
g. Demographics
i. Identify your area
h. Need to gather specific data on each of the following groups of
i. Each of the Departments
Supervisor - also to use Associate Deans, Department Heads/Directors, Dean, Support Staff
ii. Dean’s office
iii. Clinic
iv. Other?
i. Self-assessment by employees for comparison purposes with
their supervisors.
iii. Action items: (DS) to create first draft of questionnaire; OWI committee
members to provide feedback on questions.
iv. Action items: (DS) to upload question items to SurveyMonkey and release
each on different dates
c. Communication to community as part of invitation to complete the questionnaires
i. Planning process with a long-term process whereby all members of the
Faculty of Dentistry have the potential of being included.
ii. Launching the survey which will be used in the next development day.
Focus on Supervisors and Improvement of Supervising and Employees and
Improvement of Working.
d. Also add the Turningpoint data about using title “Dr.” and other questions
i. Action Item: RH to provide summary data for each the questions using for
polling our Dec 17 2012 retreat. This summary will be used as part of the
May retreat
e. Required for supervisors to attend - (no clinics for Wed., May 22, 2013)
i. Facilitator to look at the data together and some type of a discussion with all
with a go-forward plan (supervisors and employees data).
1. May 2013 and December 2013 retreats
a. Two facilitators one for supervisors and one for employees
b. Tie in the program from UM’s initiative/program for OWI
c. As well as other programs (smaller group specific workshops)
during this time.
d. Define 5-6 teams that would meet with the facilitator(s) on an
ongoing basis following these retreats. PD sessions would
focus on 1-2 key needs as identified by the needs assessment
= Ongoing integrative program for supervisors and employees
ii. Future - follow-up with similar questionnaire as above (6+ months later)
iii. Designing a Dentistry Leadership program that aligns with UM OWI
initiatives and LDS programming.
iv. Action Item: Ros to provide a draft for the foundation of smaller groups
following results from the questionnaires (for April meeting)
v. Action Item: Ros to identify potential facilitators internally for the
supervisors and employees future sessions.
vi. Action Item: KO to doodle early April OWI Steering Committee to discuss
3. Aug 2013 all faculty retreat
a. Ribbon Idea (see email)
4. Issues
a. How do people treat each other
b. Unequal workload in the faculty
c. Concerns with the departmental meetings
d. Need to better prepare our departmental leaders on how best to lead their teams.
Adjournment at 2:21pm
Action Items:
 RH to provide actual numbers regarding the “Dr.” poll from retreat.
 DS to create first draft of questionnaire
 OWI committee members to provide feedback on questions.
 DS to upload question items to SurveyMonkey and release each on different dates (end of
 RH to provide summary data for each the questions using for polling our Dec 17 2012
retreat. This summary will be used as part of the May retreat
 RH to provide a draft for the foundation of smaller groups following results from the
questionnaires (for April meeting)
 RH to identify potential facilitators internally for the supervisors and employees future
 KO to doodle early April OWI Steering Committee to discuss data.