Letter Template (May 2015 – Version 2015/02) III.3 “Visiting Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant


Letter Template (May 2015 – Version 2015/02)

III.3 “Visiting Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant

Professor/Lecturer/Instructor/Researcher/Scholar – Nil Salary”.)

Letter of Offer for Nil Salaried Appointees including appointments as Research &

Professional Affiliates (For visiting academics with nil appointments, use instead the




Dear (name) :

I am pleased to offer you a nil-salaried appointment to the University of Manitoba as < (a/ an Research Affiliate, Professional Affiliate, Adjunct Professor, Field Instructor,

Instructor, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) > in the

<Department, Faculty or School>. Your appointment will be for the period beginning on <day/month/year> and ending on <day/month year> .

<Include the following paragraph if appointment involves research only> :Your appointment is governed by the by-laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures and practices of the University of Manitoba in effect from time to time, including those relating to research. Information regarding all of the preceding is available at http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/ .

<Include the following paragraph if appointment involves contact with students but no research>: Your appointment is governed by the by-laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures and practices of the University of Manitoba in effect from time to time. Your attention is particularly drawn to Policy 1201 Responsibilities of Academic Staff with

Regard to Students. Information regarding all of the preceding is available at http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/ .

<Include the following paragraph if appointment involves research and contact with students>: Your appointment is governed by the by-laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and practices of the University of Manitoba in effect from ______ to

________, including those related to research and/or scholarly activity. Your attention is particularly drawn to Policy 1201 Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to

Students. Information regarding all of the preceding is available at http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/ .

<Include the following paragraph if appointment involves neither research nor contact with students> :Your appointment is governed by the by-laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures and practices of the University of Manitoba in effect from time to time.

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Information regarding all of the preceding is available at http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/ .

<Insert this paragraph if the appointment is NOT for an Adjunct Professor:>

As < (a/ an Research Affiliate, Professional Affiliate, Field Instructor, Instructor,

Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) >, you will be expected to

<insert brief description of duties as given in the Request to Offer, e.g. contribute to and share in the research activities of the Department, present a seminar to graduate students in the department, etc.> < This/These> and any other activities arising from your appointment will be under the direction of <name of person, Title>, as required.

<Insert this paragraph if the appointment is for an Adjunct Professor:>

As an Adjunct Professor, you will be expected to fulfill the following duties:

Serving as the thesis/practicum supervisor or co-supervisor of, or serving on the thesis/practicum committee for, graduate students,

Participating in the formulation and execution of graduate studies policy in the department/unit,

Maintaining a high level of scholarship and research during the appointment,

Providing advice on the choice of thesis/practicum topic for graduate students at a standard consistent with the philosophy and practice of the department/unit, and,

Acknowledging your affiliation with the sponsoring department/unit at the University of Manitoba in all publications and scholarly works resulting from the Adjunct appointment.

These and any other activities arising from your appointment will be under the direction of <name of person, Title>, as required.

<Insert this paragraph if the appointee is not a paid employee with the University of

Manitoba>: This appointment entitles you to access to the University of Manitoba computer network. During the course of your appointment, you will have access to the

University of Manitoba's Libraries and other collections and materials. In accessing and using such materials, you must comply with all University policies, procedures, rules and guidelines related to copyright. In particular, you must not use licensed materials for personal, business, clinical of other reasons which are outside of your scope of duties to the University.

Please note, however, that you will not be eligible to participate in University of

Manitoba benefit plans .

The terms and conditions stated in this letter constitute the only obligations to be undertaken by the University in respect of this appointment.

<If appointee is not otherwise employed or appointed at the University of Manitoba>:

If you are willing to accept this appointment, please do the following:

Sign one copy of this letter. Retain the other copy for your files.

Complete the enclosed Nil Salaried Appointment Personal Information form.

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Return the signed copy of this letter and the Nil Salaried Appointment Personal

Information form by (day/month/year) to: (Name, address).

<If appointee is already employed or appointed at the University of Manitoba>:

If you are willing to accept this appointment, please sign one copy of this letter and return to (Name, address) by ( day/month/year) . Retain the other copy for your files.

Immigration Requirements (Add the appropriate paragraph if non Canadian)

(NOTE: Position MUST have met the national advertising requirements as set by

Citizenship and Immigration Canada”)

Your employment by the University is subject to the acceptance of your entry into

Canada. Your entry into Canada for purposes of employment requires a Work Permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). In order to obtain acceptance, you must present the Labour Market Opinion Confirmation (validated by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada for which an application has been submitted and if approved, will be forwarded to you under separate cover) to Immigration Section of the nearest Canadian Visa Office abroad to obtain a Work Permit and if required, a

Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). Additional information may be obtained through the

CIC’s website .

(Insert for all non-Canadians) Please note that this appointment is subject to your successfully obtaining and maintaining a valid and subsisting Work Permit, and any renewal thereof. It is understood and agreed that the issuance of the initial Work Permit and any renewals thereof cannot be guaranteed and the University of Manitoba makes no representations, warranties, or inducements to you in this regard. Please note that it is your responsibility to maintain your immigration status by initiating an application for

Canadian Permanent Resident status as soon as possible after taking up your appointment by contacting either the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program or CIC directly.

If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact (name) , (title) , (unit), telephone (phone number including area code), email

(email address) .

We are glad you are considering this opportunity and look forward to your participation in the University community. I extend to you a very warm welcome.


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Department Head


(Dean OR Director)


Letter of Offer (additional copy)

<If appointee is not already employed or appointed at the University of Manitoba> Nil

Salaried Appointment Personal Information form.

I accept this offer of appointment dated (date of letter) on the terms and conditions specified in this letter. I understand that the terms and conditions of my appointment as stated in this letter are the only obligations of the University of Manitoba to me with respect to this appointment.

Signature Date

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