Document 15588780

Letter Template (January 2015– Version 2015/01)
I.12 UMFA-Contingent (Senior Instructor, Instructor I, Instructor II)
Reminder: Please pay attention to texts in red font - you will have to change the font
colour to black as appropriate, or delete the statement or paragraph if not applicable.
Dear (name):
Re: Position Number (number)
It is a pleasure to offer you an appointment to the University of Manitoba as follows:
U of M Employee Type:
Appointment contingent on funds from:
Compensation group:
< eg Fort Garry campus>
Appointment Start Date:
(add the following two statements only if the exact
start date is in question because of potential
immigration delays or delete the following two
statements if not applicable) or as soon thereafter
as is practicable.
Please note that your employment start date and
subsequent payment cannot be administered until
the start date stipulated in your validated Work
Appointment End Date:
per annum paid in semi-monthly installments
Starting salary
As provided in Article 9 of the Collective Agreement
Vacation entitlement:
(Insert appropriate template for Head of Department or Academic Administrator position if
offered at the same time – choose from Template Set I.13c or I.13d)
Duties and Responsibilities
Your employment at the University will be governed by the collective agreement between The
University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association and the By-Laws,
rules, regulations, policies, procedures and practices of the University of Manitoba in effect from
time to time. Information on the preceding is available at Your attention is particularly drawn to the
Policy on Responsibilities of Academic Staff with Regard to Students, a copy of which is
enclosed. A copy of the collective agreement is also attached.
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Your appointment is contingent upon the continued availability of funds from the above-noted
funding source(s). A contingent appointment terminates automatically without further notice at
the end of its term or earlier, as described in the collective agreement. (If funding source is
renewable based on positive review by U of M AND the funding agency. Ex: NSERC):
Although your appointment will terminate at the date given above, it is renewable. [(add if
applicable) up to (number of years) additional years] subject to a positive recommendation for
continuation of the award by the University and a positive review of this recommendation by the
funding agency. (If funding source is renewable based on satisfactory performance review):
Although your appointment will terminate at the date given above, it is renewable (if applicable)
up to (number of years – may not be known) additional years subject to a satisfactory performance
Your initial duties, which may be altered from time to time, will include (specify duties, e.g.,
courses to be taught by number and name, credit hours, etc.).
Pension and Benefits
You are eligible for the Staff Benefits Plans at the University of Manitoba. The
description of insurance and pension benefits is available at
Coverage for your mandatory benefits (basic life insurance, accidental death and
dismemberment, dental and long term disability) begins on date of hire. However, any
optional coverage commences once you make application and are approved by the
insurance carrier. With respect to optional coverage, certain amounts are available
without medical evidence if your application is made within 31 days of your date of hire.
Also, your dependents will not be covered until enrolment forms are completed and
returned to the Staff Benefits Office.
Please contact the Staff Benefits Office, 204-474-7428, as soon as possible to ensure you
receive your enrolment package or to obtain further information regarding your coverage.
(If appointment is NOT a post-retirement appointment) As an employee you are eligible
to join the University Pension Plan at the date of hire or at any time thereafter. (Note that
if there is a delay in completing the Pension Plan enrolment forms, there will also be a
delay in membership in the Plan, and you will not be allowed to make up contributions
missed while not a member of the Plan). You must join the Pension Plan within 30 days
following two consecutive years of employment in which your earnings exceed 35% of
the yearly maximum pensionable earnings specified by the Canada Pension Plan.
(Add following if appointee has to relocate from outside Winnipeg only):
Relocation Expenses
(Note: amount normally should not exceed $6,000.00 as provided in the Recruitment Relocation
Allowances policy. Reimbursement exceeding this amount must be approved in advance by the
VP (Admin.) No central Administration funds are provided for academic staff in contingent
Immigration Requirements (Add the following if non Canadian)
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Your employment by the University is subject to the acceptance of your entry into Canada. Your
entry into Canada for purposes of employment requires a Work Permit from Citizenship and
Immigration Canada (CIC). In order to obtain acceptance, you must present the Labour Market
Opinion Confirmation (validated by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada for which
an application has been submitted and if approved, will be forwarded to you under separate
cover) to Immigration Section of the nearest Canadian Visa Office abroad to obtain a Work
Permit and if required, a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). Additional information may be
obtained through the CIC’s website.
Please note that we cannot process your appointment, including your payroll information, until
we receive the signed copy of this letter. If you accept this offer, please do the following by
(specify date):
Sign one copy of the Letter of Offer and return to (insert address). Retain the other copy
for your files.
Complete and sign the Personal Information Form – Academic (obtainable from the web
site below) and return to the above address along with your signed copy of the Letter of
(If re-appointment where a full search has not been conducted, delete the following paragraph in
reference to the Board of Governors)
Once we have received your acceptance, a recommendation that you be appointed on the terms
and conditions stated in this letter will be forwarded to the President of the University. If the
President concurs, it will be forwarded to the Board of Governors for its consideration at the
earliest opportunity.
The terms and conditions stated in this letter constitute the only obligations to be undertaken by
the University in respect of this appointment (insert the following clause for new appointment or
re-appointment where a full search has been conducted) upon its approval by the Board of
Governors. (OR insert the following clause for re-appointment where a full search has not been
conducted) which is subject to approval by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President
<Insert for all non-Canadians> Please note that this appointment is subject to your successfully
obtaining and maintaining a valid and subsisting Work Permit, and any renewal thereof. It is
understood and agreed that the issuance of the initial Work Permit and any renewals thereof
cannot be guaranteed and the University of Manitoba makes no representations, warranties, or
inducements to you in this regard. Please note that it is your responsibility to maintain your
immigration status by initiating an application for Canadian Permanent Resident status as soon as
possible after taking up your appointment by contacting either the Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program or CIC directly.
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On behalf of the University community, we hope you will accept our offer. We look forward to
your arrival and your future contributions to the University community. I extend to you a very
warm welcome.
Department Head
Dean (or) Director
I accept this offer of appointment dated (date of letter) on the terms and conditions specified in
this letter. I understand that the terms and conditions of my employment as stated in this letter
are the only obligations of the University of Manitoba to me with respect to this appointment,
(insert the following clause for new appointment or re-appointment where a full search has been
conducted) if the appointment is recommended by the President and approved by the Board of
Governors. (OR insert the following clause for re-appointment where a full search has not been
conducted) which is subject to approval by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President
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