New Research Focusing on Emerging Wet Weather Flow Management Strategies Robert Pitt, Kenya Goodson, Olga Ogburn, John Hardin, Redahegn Sileshi, Leila Talebi, Noboru Togawa, Ryan Bean, and Sree Usha Veeravalli The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 The research carried out by our group at the University of Alabama has recently focused on sources and treatability of wetweather flows and contaminants, and the development and testing of new treatment technologies. Some of these activities are listed below and will be briefly described during this presentation: • The National Stormwater Quality Database • Surveys and the identification of inappropriate discharges to stormwater drainage systems using source tracking and uncertainty analyses • Bacteria sources and control options in the Lake Tuscaloosa watershed • Urban pet and wildlife bacteria sources, survivability, and transport • Pollutant releases during the initial aging of asphaltic pavements • Degradation and pollutant releases from piping and gutter materials under different pH and salinity conditions (WEFTEC poster) • Heavy metal leaching from treated wood ash and soil amendments • PAH contamination of urban stream sediments by particle size and organic content, and the development of thermal extraction methods Management and treatment of wet weather flow discharges: • Stormwater non-potable beneficial uses • Development of biofiltration media designs to meet very low numeric effluent limits from an industrial site (WEFTEC presentation) • Monitoring and modeling the interaction of green infrastructure practices for the control of combined sewer overflows • Sources and treatment of emerging contaminants in wet weather flows • Testing of alternative biofiltration underdrain systems and the effects of sand characteristics on treatment flow rates (WEFTEC poster) • Development and testing of the upflow filter for critical source areas • Scour of captured stormwater sediments from simple treatment devices • The use of WinSLAMM at US naval facilities to identify sources and treatment options for critical heavy metals • Development of monitoring program to evaluate the performance of green infrastructure components for the control of CSOs • Soil characteristics and infiltration designs to assist the city of Tuscaloosa in its reconstruction efforts National Stormwater Quality Database, Developed for the EPA to compile existing stormwater discharge permit data Number of Events and Geographical Coverage in NSQD ver. 3 Rain Zone Zone 1- Great Lakes and Northeast Zone 2- Mid Atlantic Zone 3- Southeast Zone 4- Lower Mississippi Valley Zone 5- Texas Zone 6- Southwest Zone 7- Northwest Zone 8- Rocky Mountains Zone 9- Midwest TOTAL Number of Events Percentage of Events 1,271 3,984 744 15 46 9 301 799 417 4 9 5 865 24 197 8,602 10 0.3 2 100 Storm drainage system in Tuscaloosa used to evaluate inappropriate discharge protocols developed for EPA Higher E. coli levels were found in subwatersheds of Lake Tuscaloosa during large rains (>25 mm), compared to smaller rains, and more subwatersheds exceed the local criterion during the larger rains. Bacteria Sources in the Lake Tuscaloosa Watershed Hydrology calibration time series Watershed monitoring indicated that subwatersheds having chicken facilities had much greater levels of E. coli than subwatersheds having other land uses: -forested land had the lowest, then residential areas, then pastures/cattle feedlots, then chicken facilities with the highest Hydrology verification for long period of continuous simulation Bacteria fate calibration time series Survivability of Indicator Bacteria on Pervious and Impervious Surfaces Monitoring of 0.4 ha parking lot and surrounding landscaped area – Urban wildlife is a major source of bacteria in urban areas. Look at these rain intensities! Relatively large median particle size (larger at beginning and end of rain) Definite “first flush” of turbidity at small source area Bacteria generally increased during rain On concrete blocks, dog poop E. coli had rapid die-off for all conditions, except for warm, wet, and dark conditions. Die-off rate after one or two days decreased significantly and was similar to the persistent conditions. Three log removals (99.9% reductions) after about 10 days for most conditions. Re-growth was observed for warm, dry, and dark conditions after initial rapid dieoff. Enterococci was more persistent than E. coli with no removal noted for warm, wet, and dark conditions, with re-growth after the two day initial rapid die-off period for the other conditions. All Treatments, Enterococci 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -0.5 Log(MPN/Initial) -1 -1.5 WarmWetDark WarmWetUV WarmDryDark -2 WarmDryUV CoolWetDark -2.5 CoolWetUV CoolDryDark -3 CoolDryUV -3.5 -4 -4.5 Hours Pollutant Releases During the Initial Aging of Asphaltic Pavements Fluorene, Anthracene, Pheneanthrene, Pyrene, and Benzo(a)pyrene from the pavement with the sealer indicated increasing concentrations with increasing exposure, while the hot mix and warm mix asphalt pavements showed little PAH concentration changes with time for these and other PAHs. Phenantherene from the pavements with time Fluorene from the pavements with time 0.10 P-Value = 0.878 0.08 Warm Mix P-Value = 0.215 0.7 Asphaltic Sealant 0.6 0.06 0.04 0.02 P-Value = 0.740 P-Value = 0.514 P-Value = 0.190 0.5 concentration (ug/l) concentration (ug/l) Hot Mix P-Value = 0.935 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.00 0.0 HMA1 0-2 months HMA2 2-6 months WMA1 WMA2 AS1 0-2 months 2-6 months 0-2 months AS2 2-6 months HMA1 HMA2 2-6 months 0-2 months WMA1 0-2 months WMA2 2-6 months AS1 0-2 months The PAH concentrations in the pavement runoff samples were very low (most less than 1 µg/L). AS2 2-6 months Zinc Concentrations in Pavement Runoff Hot Mix Warm Mix Asphaltic Sealant • Pb, Cd and Cr always below the detection limits in all samples. • Zinc showed an increasing trend with the aging of the pavement, with the highest concentrations being 210 to 250 µg/L after the 6 month aging period. Copper Concentrations in Pavement Runoff Hot Mix Warm Mix Asphaltic Sealant Cu release from the pavements showed a weak increasing trend with the highest concentrations being about 170 µg/L for the final sample at the end of 6 months of aging of the pavements. Mass Release per Surface Area, mg/m2 Lead Releases for Pipe/Gutter Materials at pH 5 and pH 8 100 10 P. Steel pH 5 G. Steel pH 5 P. Steel pH 8 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 Time, day 1 10 G. Steel pH 8 0 Lead release was observed only for galvanized steel. Lead losses occurred only after about several hours to one day of exposure. The highest lead release was about 0.7 mg/L (corresponding to about 30 mg/m2). Copper Releases at pH 5 Mass Release per Surface Area, mg/m2 1,000 100 P. PVC pH 5 P. HDPE pH 5 P. Steel pH 5 10 G. Vinyl pH 5 G. Aluminum pH 5 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 G. Copper pH 5 1 10 0 Time, day The highest copper release was observed from copper materials at pH 5. After about one day of exposure, the copper concentration was more than 6 mg/L (970 mg/m2). Copper release was also found for the other materials, but at much lower concentrations. Zinc Releases at pH 5 Mass per Surface Area, mg/m2 1000 100 P. PVC pH 5 P. HDPE pH 5 P. Steel pH 5 G. Vinyl pH 5 G. Aluminum pH 5 G. Steel pH 5 G. Copper pH 5 10 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 Time, day Zinc losses were the highest for galvanized steel materials (as high as 100 mg/L) Copper materials were the second highest source of Zinc release Concrete and Plastic materials were the lowest source of zinc Leaching of Heavy Metals from Treated Wood Ash with Different Amendments • Evaluation of CaSO4 performance • Accelerated leaching equivalent to annual rainfall at the burn site - 19 Rainfall events = 130 cm yr-1 • Evaluation of metals leached mass determined for each rainfall event - 49 g CCA-ash, 68 g CaSO4, 231 g soil - 1.6:1 Ratio of Ca+2 to CCA-metals • Measure leachate pH for each rainfall event - pH Range: 7.3 to 8.0 Metals Present and Leached from Soil/Ash Mixture (mg g-1 & %) 1000 Log Metals (mg g-1 Ash) Total Metal (mg) 100 232 Leached Metal (mg) Cu Cr As 86 76 70 10 6.9 4.2 1 2.6 0.1 0.03 0.01 1 3.0% 3 0.03% 5.5% Mass % Leached 2 Leaching Trend : Cr>As>Cu 4 3.7% Log Leached Metal mg g-1 Ash Batch Leaching of CCA-ash & Soil/CCA-ash Mixture 100.0 100 10 10.0 Cr As 17.1 10.1 4.23 250% Decrease 2.60 1.0 1.0 74% Lower 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.01 75% Lower 280% Higher Cu Cu Leached Cr Leached As Leached 0.010 Ash-Only 1Leach 0.029 Ash-Soil2Leach Leach Samples 1.02 0.446 0.369 1150% Decrease 1550% Increase 3 Ash-Soil Releach Therefore natural soil retards Cr & As mobility PAHs in Urban Stream Sediments Site 1: Cribbs Mill Creek • Source areas: medium density two story family home residential area • No history of sanitary sewage contamination Site 2: Hunter Creek • Source areas: automobile service commercial areas, heavy traffic along McFarland Blvd., and runoff from trailer park residential areas Site 3: Carroll Creek • Source areas: A residential area on one side and forested lands on the other side of the creek • Has a recent history (in 2006) of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) into the creek Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 15000 10000 5000 0 < 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 0 40 -1 00 14 0 80 -2 > 00 28 a Le s ve Size Range (µm) % Mass Association with Sediment Fluorene 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 < 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 0 40 -1 00 14 0 80 -2 > 00 28 es av Le Size Range (µm) % Mass Association with Sediment Anthracene 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 < 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 - 00 14 Size Range (µm) 00 14 - 00 28 > 00 28 Le es av 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 < Almost all of the sediment PAHs are associated, by mass, in the intermediate particle size fraction (90 to 710 µm), even though this size range had the lowest concentrations 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 0 40 -1 00 14 0 80 -2 > 00 28 0 80 -2 > 0 80 -2 > a Le s ve Size Range (µm) Benzo(g,h,i)perylene % Mass Association with Sediment 20000 % Mass Association with Sediment Mass of PAHs by Particle Sizes 25000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 < 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 0 40 -1 00 14 00 28 a Le s ve Size Range (µm) Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene % Mass Association with Sediment % Mass Association with Sediment Naphthalene 30000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 < 45 45 0 -9 90 80 -1 0 18 55 -3 5 35 10 -7 0 71 0 40 -1 Size Range (µm) 00 14 00 28 a Le s ve Stormwater Non-potable Beneficial Uses Selected Case Studies Examined: • Asia (Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, China, South Korea, and India) • Africa (South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania) • Europe (Germany and Ireland) • Australia (South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales) • North America (US Virgin Islands, Florida, Hawaii, Washington, New York, Maryland, California, Missouri, Oregon, Washington, D.C., and North Carolina) Rainwater jars in Thailand Park over stormwater harvesting tanks at Docklands, Melbourne Cistern at NRDC, Santa Monica office Cistern at Wash. U., St. Louis Comparison of East Coast vs. Central US Roof Runoff Harvesting Potential for Medium Density Residential Areas (can’t use the same designs everywhere!) Region total roof area (%) landscaped area (%) study period annual rain fall (in) (1995 to 2000) maximum roof runoff control (%), silty soil Central 18.1 62.5 33.5 90.6 storage tank size for max roof runoff control (ft3 storage/ft2 roof area), silty soil 0.72 East Coast 15.9 54.5 53.0 60.1 2.00 The Central US area has a higher potential level of control compared to the East Coast because the ET demands better match the rain fall pattern. The Southwest US area is challenging due to large mismatches in timing of ET/irrigation requirements and availability of rains (would need very large tanks for long-term storage). Kansas City Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project: Calculations of Water Harvesting Potential of Roof Runoff Evapotranspiration per Month (typical turf grass) Supplemental Irrigation Needs per Month (typical turf grass) 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Monthly Rainfall Rainfall (inches/week) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Irrigation needs (inches/week) ET (inches/week) 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Irrigation needs for the landscaped areas surrounding the homes were calculated by subtracting long-term monthly rainfall from the regional evapotranspiration demands for turf grass. Cistern/Storage Tank Sizing vs. Performance Storage per house (ft3 per ft2 of roof area) 0.005 Reduction in annual roof runoff (%) 24 Number of 35 gallon rain barrels for 945 ft2 roof 1 Tank height size Tank height required if size required 5 ft D (ft) if 10 ft D (ft) 0.24 0.060 0.010 0.020 0.050 29 39 56 2 4 10 0.45 0.96 2.4 0.12 0.24 0.60 0.12 0.50 74 99 25 100 6.0 24 1.5 6.0 Nine dry wells are being monitored in Millburn, NJ as part of EPA project for long-term hydraulic performance, and six were monitored to examine surface and subsurface water quality conditions. 160 10/02/2009 10/12/2009 140 120 100 08/02/2009 08/06/2009 Depth (cm) 80 07/31/2009 08/02/2009 60 07/29/2009 40 07/31/2009 20 0 0 500 1000 -20 Time (hr) 1500 2000 This major home restoration project included the installation of underground water storage tanks instead of dry wells. Homes in this neighborhood have summer water bills approaching $1k/month for landscape irrigation, so the economic benefits of irrigation using stormwater are very good. Designs and Evaluations to Support Biofiltration Systems in the Southwestern U.S. • With very low numeric effluent limits, site requires designs refined to a much higher degree than in typical practice • Need to optimize stormwater control performance through various design factors: – Treatment trains using combinations of sedimentation and media filtration – Long sedimentation pre-treatment drainage time – Sufficient media contact time to increase control of critical constituents – Specially-selected filtration media • Bench-scale laboratory and pilot-scale media testing was therefore conducted to provide needed performance and design information. Media Performance Plots for Copper, FullDepth Long-Term Column Tests Urban Runoff Quality and Treatability Pollutants Media Treatment Notes NH3-N NH4+ removed by organic media with variety of removal sites. May be removed by ion-exchange resins/zeolites if limited competition from +2 ions. NO3-N Uptake by plants. Limited removal below root zone. Leaches. (AEC) PO4-P Removed in high AEC or high Al/Fe media. Leaches if excess P in soil. (use soil test for preliminary determination) (low P; low OM) TSS Removal excellent for particles greater than 1 – 2 µm. Cu, Total Particulate fraction removed to some extent; Limited physical removals for Cu bound to particles smaller than 1 – 2 µm. Cu, Dissolved Valence charges range from +3 to -2. Cations potentially removed in ionexchange resin. Anions and small positive charges likely removed in organic media with variety of removal sites. (CEC/OM) Zn, Total Particulate fraction removed to some extent; Limited physical removals for Zn bound to particles smaller than 1 – 2 µm. Zn, Dissolved Valence charges range from +3 to -2. Cations potentially removed in ionexchange resin. Anions and small positive charges likely removed in organic media with variety of removal sites. (CEC/OM) Green Infrastructure Controls in Kansas City CSO Study Area Percent reduction in annual roof runoff Reductions in Annual Flow Quantity from Directly Connected Roofs with the use of Rain Gardens 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 10 Percent of roof area as rain garden 100 Surveys were conducted for each house and lot in the study area. This information was used with the GIS data and WinSLAMM to determine the sources of the runoff during different rain conditions Examples from “65%” plans prepared by URS for project streets. Plans reviewed and modeled by project team, and construction will occur in spring and summer of 2011 in Kansas City for Green Infrastructure demonstration project. Stormwater Treatment Technologies that are Good Candidates for the Removal of Wet Weather Emerging Contaminants • Biofiltration and bioinfiltration. We are conducting groundwater fate modeling to investigate potential groundwater contamination of ECs during infiltration through different soils • Sedimentation. Our fugacity modeling indicates that many ECs are associated with particulates and can be trapped in wet detention ponds • Other commonly used stormwater controls likely have less potential treatability of most emerging contaminants due to high flow rates and short contact periods • Activated sludge and strong oxidation have been shown to be good treatment unit operations for emerging contaminants at wastewater treatment plants, but these processes are not common for stormwater control, but are used at treatment facilities receiving combined sewage. Some Targeted Compounds • Acidic Pharmaceuticals Sulfamethoxazole Carbamazepine Trimethoprim Fluoxetine Ibuprofen Gemfibrozil Triclosan • PAHs Naphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Phenanthrene Fluorene Anthracene Flouranthene Pyrene Basic pharmaceuticals and pesticides are also being studied Comparison of wet and dry weather flow treatment at the Tuscaloosa wastewater treatment plant for pharmaceuticals Ibuprofen 11/2/2010 (Wet) 600 6/25/2010 (Wet) 5/14/2011 (Dry) 500 5/11/2011 (Dry) µg/L 400 300 200 Gemfibrozil 100 400 0 Influent Primary Secondary Final The wet weather flows generally have higher influent concentrations, but the effluent quality is similar. The treatment plant also shows excellent treatment during all flow conditions. 11/2/2010 (Wet) 350 6/25/2010 (Wet) 5/14/2011 (Dry) 300 5/11/2011 (Dry) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Influent Primary Secondary Final 8.0 PAH Data Treatment at the Tuscaloosa wastewater treatment plant for PAHs 6.0 04/24/10 5.0 Naphthalene Acenaphthylene 4.0 Acenaphthene Phenanthrene 3.0 Flouranthene 2.0 1.0 0.0 Influent Primary Secondary Final 18.0 PAH Data 16.0 05/14/11 PAHs have a more varied treatment performance, with some days having very low influent conditions. 14.0 12.0 µg/L µg/L 7.0 Naphthalene 10.0 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 8.0 Phenanthrene 6.0 Flouranthene 4.0 2.0 0.0 Influent Primary Secondary Final Testing of the SmartDrainTM as a More Effective Flow Control Option for Biofilters 0.14 Orifice 0.25 inches 0.12 Flow rate (L/s) 0.1 Orifice 0.20 inches 0.08 Smart Drain 1.25 ft long clean water 0.06 Smart Drain 1.1 to 9.4 ft clean water 0.04 Smart Drain 1.25 ft long dirty water 0.02 Orifice 0.1 inches 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Head (m) 0.8 1 1.2 Biofouling Testing of SmartDrainTM Material The Formica-lined plywood box was also used to verify the head vs. discharge relationships for the biofouling tests. The SmartDrainTM was installed on top of a 4” layer of the drainage sand, and another 4” layer of the sand was placed on top of the SmartDrainTM. The box was filled with tap water and left open to the sun for several weeks to promote the growth of algae. Two different species of algal and liquid fertilizer were added to the test water. growth of algae in the biofilter device Full-Scale Testing of the Up-FloTM Filter at Tuscaloosa, AL From Prototype to Product •Sump •Screen •Upflow Filter •Media Bags •Weephole •Bypass •Floatables Trap •Secondary Media © Hydro International 2009 Up-Flo® Filter High Capacity Bypass Conveyance Slot Outlet Module Filter Module Inclined Screen Sedimentation Sump © Hydro International 2009 Up-Flo® Filter Installation in Vault for Large Flows © Hydro International 2009 Current Full-Scale Test Setup in Tuscaloosa, AL Hydrology Graph at BamaBelle Site August 28, 2010 Rain Event Level of Water Culmulative Rain Depth Flow Rate Sampling Outlet Level 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 20:05 0 20:30 20:55 21:20 21:45 Time 22:10 22:35 23:00 -0.5 23:25 Water/Outlet Level (ft) or Frow Rate (cfs) Culmulative Rain Depth (in) or Rain Intensity (in/hr) 3.5 Rain Intensity Influent and Effluent SSC (mg/L) Probability Plots Normal - 95% CI 99 Variable Influent SSC (mg/L) Effluent SSC (mg/L) 95 Mean StDev N AD P 75.81 39.13 20 0.337 0.468 21.75 16.41 20 1.079 0.006 90 80 Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 -50 0 50 100 SSC (mg/L) 150 200 Particle size range (µm) 0.45-3 3-12 12-30 30-60 60-75 75-150 150-250 250-425 425-850 850-1400 1400-2000 2000-4760 >4760 Sum SS influent SS effluent mass % Reduction (%) mass (lb) (lb) 0.3 0.2 39 10.7 5.1 52 35.7 12.4 65 81.2 12.4 85 24.3 1.7 93 43.0 1.3 97 21.9 2.8 87 21.4 0.4 98 30.1 0 100 21.2 0 100 15.7 0 100 17.6 0 100 10.9 0 100 334 86 36 CFD Calibration and Modeling of Scour of Captured Sediment in Storm Drain Catchbasin Inlets Three flow rates: 10, 5, and 2.5 LPS (160, 80, and 40 GPM) Velocity measurements (Vx, Vy, and Vz) Five overlying water depths above the sediment: 16, 36, 56, 76, and 96 cm G 16 36 56 76 96 12 19 20 F 5 11 18 21 27 E 4 10 17 22 28 D 3 9 16 23 29 C 2 8 15 24 30 B 1 7 14 25 31 6 13 26 A y x Total points per test: 155 30 instantaneous velocity measurements at each point CFD Modeling to Calculate Scour/Design Variations Used CFD (Fluent 6.2 and Flow 3D) to determine scour from stormwater controls; results being used to expand WinSLAMM analyses after verification with full-scale physical model This is an example of the effects of the way that water enters a sump on the depth of the water jet and resulting scour Naval Facilities use of WinSLAMM – Calibration and Source Evaluation of San Diego Test Watersheds 100% 90% 80% The model is being tested and calibrated against historical data for a number of Driveways 2 Driveways 1 drainages at Navy facilities and validated Paved Parking/ Storage 2 against an additional set data. The model will Paved Parking/ Storage 1 Roofs 3 then be implemented Navy-wide for Roofs 1 environmental managers to apply to their facilities. Street Area 2 70% Street Area 1 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The Use of WinSLAMM to Evaluate Stormwater Control Options for Controlling Bacteria and Nutrients in the Antelope Creek Watershed, Lincoln, NE WinSLAMM identified stormwater pollutant sources and candidate control practices for the Antelope Creek watershed in Lincoln, NE. The controls examined included: • Roof runoff controls: rain gardens, disconnections, rain barrels and larger water tanks • Pavement controls: disconnections, biofiltration, and porous pavement • Street side drainage controls: grass swales and curb-cut biofilters • Public works practices: street cleaning and catchbasin cleaning • Outfall controls: wet detention ponds The project included calculated runoff characteristics and the estimated costs (capital costs, land costs, maintenance costs, total annual costs, and total present value cost) and the unit removal costs. Residential Areas Fecal Coliform Contributions Rains: 1: 0.01”; 2: 0.05”; 3: 0.1”; 4: 0.25”; 5: 0.5”; 6: 0.75”; 7: 1”; 8: 1.5”; 9: 2”; 10: 2.5”; 11: 3”; 12: 4” Strategies and Experimental Design for Monitoring the Performance of Various Green Infrastructure Controls for CSO Sites at Cincinnati Demonstration Projects Cincinnati State Technology School Paver blocks porous pavement with groundwater observation well Cincinnati Zoo Underground stormwater storage tank University of Cincinnati Porous asphalt pavement Large biofilter/swale/rain garden Chastain Manor, Tuscaloosa, AL, F5 Tornado Damage, April 27, 2011 We are working with the City of Tuscaloosa to develop stormwater management options that meet the new city and state regulations for commercial sites that require re-building. Dr. Andy Graettinger, UA, photos We are developing a fast track design manual, doing site designs, and reviewing plans. Starting with commercial buildings to maximize volume reductions; most all were not in compliance and City will not allow them to duplicate what was there before the tornadoes. A clean slate at the Krispy Kreme location… total destruction of building, was totally impervious and will now have to meet new stormwater regulations with volume reductions. Surrounding destroyed neighborhoods will also receive attention, although individual homes are exempt from current stormwater regulations. Soil and infiltration information being collected to aid in the design and evaluation of new controls average min max COV Comparing large and small-scale infiltration test results initial infilt. rate (in/hr) 10.7 1.7 17.0 0.4 final infilt. rate (in/hr) 4.4 1.9 8.3 0.5 K (1/min) 0.07 0.01 0.15 0.69 dry density (g/cm3) moisture content (%) median size(D50) 1.7 1.6 1.9 0.1 15.9 12.3 19.8 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.4 University Blvd. and 21th Ave, Location 1A 14 100 12 Infiltration rate(in/hr) Percent Finer(%) 80 15th St. and 6th Ave. 17th Ave. and University Blvd. 21th Ave. and University Blvd. 25th Ave. and University Blvd. 60 40 density = 1.61 g/cc moisture content = 12.3 % 10 8 f = 2.5 + (11.3 - 2.5) x exp(-0.12xt) 6 Horton Green Ampt Observed 4 20 2 0 0.01 0 0.1 1 Grain Size(mm) 10 0 20 40 60 time(min) 80 100 120