TE446 Business Education Methods for Secondary Teachers

TE446 Business Education Methods for Secondary
Lake Superior State University
Spring 2005
Instructor: Linda Schmitigal
Phone: 635-2195
Monday, 5-8
Office Hours, TR 1-4
Text: NBEA 2003 Yearbook: Effective Methods of Teaching Business Education
in the 21st Century—Cost $22.
Keying In
Business Education Forum
Teaching Business Education
Other handouts
Goals and Objects: At the end of this course, pre-service students will be able
a. Plan curriculum for a comprehensive business program at the
secondary level
b. Discuss competency-based education as it applies to business courses,
i.e. skill-based courses
c. Explain and demonstrate learning and teaching theory in business
education with emphasis on the basic business subjects
d. Create cohesive units of instruction in Keyboarding, Accounting, Office
cluster, Marketing, Personal Finance, International Business/General Business
and Computer Software
e. Build lessons and units that address national and state standards and
benchmarks and fit current assessment instruments.
f. Create a career module consisting of career exploration in business,
career opportunities, career outlooks, and earnings potential. Include a pathway
for transition from school to work.
Schedule of Activities
State of Michigan Business and Information Technology
Services, Curriculum Guide
(Forum) This We Believe About the Need for Business
Education V 57 No 1
(Forum) Learning From Nebraska’s Assessment System, Vol
56 No. 2
Career Pathways: Creating a plan
Day 2 Article Part 1: Business Education Perspectives
Chapter 1: The Foundations of Business Education
Chapter 2: Delivery Systems for Business Education
Chapter 3: Current Trends in Business Education
Unit Design guide
Look at business text books–reading level, information/content,
activities, and assessments
Day 3 Article: Part II: Instructional Concepts for Business Education
Chapter 4: Planning for Instruction
Chapter 5: Providing for Students’ Learning Styles and Differences
Chapter 6: Managing the Classroom and Technology Lab
Chapter 7: Evaluating and Assessing Student Performance
Guest Speaker on Learning Disabilities, Special Education, and
Day 4 Article: Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 8: Input Technologies
Handout: (Forum) Speech Recognition, Vol 57, No. 3
Handout: (Forum) Repetitive Strain injury on the Rise. Vol 55, No. 4
Handout: (Teaching) Sept/Oct edition
Assign: Keyboarding, objectives and activities
and Elementary Middle School Keyboarding Strategy Guide
Day 5 Article: Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Present keyboarding
Day 6 Article: : Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 9: Information Technology
Handout: (Forum) Integrating Technology in Business Education,
Vol 57, No. 4
Adapting Teaching Strategies to Encompass New Technology, Vol
57, No. 3
Assign: Teaching technology topic
Day 7 Present: Technology class, activities and assessment
Day 8 Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 15: Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce
Chapter 17: Marketing
Handout: (Forum) Sports Marketing Program, Vol 56, No. 3
Best Practices in Marketing Education, Vol 56, No. 4
Assign: Marketing, activities, and assessments
Day 9 Present Marketing
Day 10 Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 11: Accounting and Business Computation
Handout: (Forum) Seven Habits of Highly Effective Accounting
Teachers, Vol. 65, No. 4
Accounting Skills Development, Vol 56, #4
Accounting–Strategies for Detecting and Correcting Errors, Vol 58,
No 1
Assign: Accounting
Day 11
Present: Accounting, activities, and assessments
Day 12 Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 10: Communication
Chapter 12: Business Foundations and Management
Chapter 13: Business Law
Handout: (Forum) Teaching Basic Business, Vol 58, No.1
Assign: Business, Management, and Law
Day 13
Present Business, Management, and Law
Day 14 Part III: The Business Education Curriculum—Methods and
Chapter 13: Economics and Personal Finance
Chapter 16: International Business
Article: (Technology) Global Technology, Communications,
Language, and Culture
Handout(Forum) Economics Brought to Life, Vol 57, No 4
(Forum) Personal Finance, Vol 57, No. 1
Assign: International Business, Economics, or Personal Finance
Day 15
Present: International Business, Economics, or Personal Finance
Final Exam: Summaries on Chapters 18, 19, and 20
Effective Methods Summaries 20 x 5
Classroom presentation 50 pts x 6
10 points for unit plan
10 points for reinforcement activities
10 points for assessment-include rubric and grade
15 points for classroom presentation (met objectives, delivery)
5 points for tip included from Teaching Business Education
Field work binder
Includes summary of lessons observed,
and sample activities and assessments
Total points
Attendance is mandatory. Missing a class will entail additional research
assignments to be determined later.
Teaching Business Education online resource
USERNAME: tbeonline
TE490 Economics Methods is a subset of TE446 and includes the content of the course related to
Economic Teaching. Topics covered include the following
The Foundations of Business Education
Delivery Systems for Business Education
Current Trends in Business Education
Planning for Instruction
Providing for Students’ Learning Styles and Differences
Managing the Classroom and Technology Lab
Evaluating and Assessing Student Performance
Teaching Economics and Personal Finance
Cooperative Education and Work-Experience Programs
Sponsoring Student Organizations
Lifelong Professional Development
State of Michigan Economics Curriculum
Career Pathway in Economics