NS 103 - Environmental Science (3 credits) Fall 2004 Lake Superior State University This course provides a comprehensive overview and introduction to environmental science. The major emphasis in this course is to develop the student's understanding of the interrelationships between the natural sciences, sociology, political science and economics in framing the major environmental issues facing our society. Course Objectives: With the successful completion of the course you will be able to: Describe fundamental environmental concepts and issues and their underlying scientific principles. Describe the elements of a sustainable society. Describe the scientific method and how science frames the major environmental issues facing humans today. Comprehend the role of interrelationships in ecosystem functioning. Describe the interrelationships of social, economic, and political systems with the environmental systems of our planet. Reflect on how the values you hold affect how you think about the environment. Describe the major environmental statutes, describe their interconnections, and know which apply to a given environmental issue. Apply the knowledge you have gained to better understand that as inhabitants of this planet we must accept responsibility for both the creation and the solution of environmental problems. Critically evaluate environmental issues and make informed decisions. Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Lecture Hours: David Szlag, Ph.D., PE Crawford Hall Room 317, Ext. 2160, e-mail: dszlag@lssu.edu M: 2-3; T: 2-3; W: 9-11; R: 9-10 or by appt. M, W, and F 1:00-1:50PM CRW 204 Course Website: Text: http://www.prenhall.com/wright Environmental Science, Towards a Sustainable Future, Eighth edition. By Wright. Prentice-Hall Inc. Homework: Textbook reading assignments are listed on page two of this syllabus. Supplemental reading assignments will be assigned as needed from the web site: http://www.prenhall.com/wright or the companion CD. Tests: Three 50-minute tests (100 pts. each; See page 3) Short Quizzes: Six out of seven quizzes. Five are scheduled and two are pop. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. (25 pts. Each; See page 3) Final Examination: (150 pts.) CRW 204 The final exam will be cumulative. Dszlag Page 1 of 3 7/11/2016 Attendance: Lecture attendance is mandatory. Attendance will be monitored through administration of quizzes, through the return of materials in class, and by class participation (30 points possible; to be distributed at the instructor’s discretion). Grading: (600 points possible) A: 630-700 B: 560-629 C: 475-559, D: 400-474 F: < 400 points Early or Make-up Quizzes and Exams: There are no make-up quizzes. Rescheduling exams will require prior arrangement and/or convincing me of the validity of your excuse for missing the test. All make-up exams will consist of 5-7 essay questions. If you fail to convince me, you will receive a zero on that test. If you reschedule more than one exam during the semester you forfeit the attendance points. If you are a student athlete or involved in some other University sanctioned activity (e.g. Model UN), you may arrange at least one week in advance to have your coaching staff or advisor administer the same exam or quiz as that given to the rest of the class while on the road. Academic Misconduct: Scholastic misconduct is cause for a failing grade, and I reserve the right to place a letter about the incident in the student’s permanent file. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on assignments or examinations, plagiarizing, misrepresenting as your own work any part of work done by another, or interfering with another student’s work. Student Accommodations and Support Services: In compliance with Lake Superior State University policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations or services are available. Students who desire such services are to meet with the professor in a timely manner, preferably the first week of class, to discuss their disability-related needs. Students will not receive services until they register with the Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD). Proper registration will enable the RCSD to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations. RCSD is located in the Library, extension 2355. Finally, this syllabus is my best estimate of the schedule given the topics we will cover. I reserve the right to make minor changes to this syllabus as I see fit during the course of the semester. Dszlag Page 2 of 3 7/11/2016 date Day Meeting Reading (chapter) 8/30/04 M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W 1 2 3 Overview CH1 CH2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 na na 38 39 40 41 42 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH4 CH4 CH5 CH5-6 Exam 1 CH7 CH7-8 CH8-9 CH9 CH10 CH10-11 CH11 CH12 CH12-13 CH13-14 CH14 Exam 2 CH15 CH15 CH16 CH16 CH17 CH17 CH18 CH19 CH20 CH20 CH21 CH21 Exam 3 F 43 Review 9/07/04 9/14/04 9/21/04 9/28/04 10/05/04 10/12/04 10/19/04 10/26/04 11/01/04 11/08/04 11/15/04 11/22/04 11/29/04 12/06/04 Dszlag CH22 CH22 CH23 CH23 Review Assignment Quiz 1 Labor day Quiz 2 Topics Global Environmental Issues Sustainability; Scientific Method What are ecosystems What are ecosystems Chemistry and Energy How ecosystems work Ecosystem Change Succession Human populations Consequences of human Pop Exam 1 CH1-6 Quiz 3 Hydrology Hydrology/soils Food production Food Production Biodiversity Ecosystem Capital Ecosystems as Resources Energy from fossil fuels Nuclear power Nuclear power Alternative (renewable) energy Exam 2CH 7-14 Quiz 4 Risk and risk analysis Risk and risk analysis Pest control Genetically modified crops Water pollution Water pollution Solid waste and landfills Hazardous waste and toxic stuff Atmosphere and climate change Atmosphere and climate change Air pollution Air pollution Exam 3 CH15-21 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Environmental economics Quiz 5 Environmental economics Sustainable communities Sustainable communities Sustainability; putting it all together Sustainability; putting it all together Page 3 of 3 7/11/2016 Dszlag Page 4 of 3 7/11/2016