Graduate Student Council Meeting Minutes: 10-24-05

Graduate Student Council Meeting Minutes: 10-24-05
Attendance: Brandie, Andy, Brian, John, Ioanna, Jonathan
Old Business
A. Interaction between EMS GSC and GEMS
1. Discussion indicates that conferences calls are not a good fit for the group (too many
people, etc)
2. Inviting Colleen Swetland to our next meeting seems to be a good idea (by consensus
of the quorum, Brandie will proceed with extending an invitation to the next meeting of
the GSC)
3. Work towards having a social/networking meeting where the two groups can interact
and make some determinations of the best way to pool our resources and energy
B. EMS poster exhibition response
1. Changes have been incorporated into the committees suggestion
a. Added a refreshment section
b. The authorship question clarified
c. Poster printing cost problem addressed with suggestion of creating a fund to help those
without financial help
Approved via quorum
New Business
A. Update from Brandie on the recent College Coucil meeting (10/7/05)
1.Dean Barron state of the EMS address
a. Will be rehashed for the GSC in a lunch meeting with the undergrad student council at
a date to be determine
B. Angel Website – use and future
1. Members should check for messages and content regularly
2. This council seems more amenable to receiving email – this is probably a more
effective means of communication though Angel should remain the choice for storing
data files
3. Use the archive folder for old email and files (Brandie will create this file)
C. Roundtable discussion with Undergraduate student council
1. Brandie will attend the next undergraduate student council meeting
2. One representative from each department will need to attend
3. Asking that the meeting be moved from 7 pm to 6:30 pm, and also that pizza be
provided in an amount appropriate based on last years attendance
a. Occurs during dinner time, etc
D. Scheduling of the next meeting
1. November 21 st seems to be the best date at the point, will be a 2 pm meeting in
Hosler, pending majority confirmation from other members of the GSC
E. Access to the department list serves
1. Brandie has access to some depts., not all.
2. Still needs to find a way to communicate with EGEE, GEO, MET
F. EMS Blood Drive (nov 3 rd in EMS museum)
1. GSC gives approval by quorum for an informational email to be sent out
G. Goals for the Year
1. Business Cards for graduate students
a. Useful for interviews, etc
b. Simply need to facilitate the ordering
2. Social Events
a. Happy Hour – find a bar that can accommodate the department, advertise heavily
3. Generalized EMS colloquia
a. 5 – 5:30 pm, obtain beer waiver
b. One department member per colloquia, VERY general talk
c. Food and nonalcoholic beverages provided
e. Try to start in the spring?
f. Need departmental permission/location
Open Forum
No new issues to discuss at this point.
Meeting Adjourned