Lake Superior State University School of Education
TE 440-001 Fall 2006
Instructor: Mrs. Joanne Mantha McConnell Hon. B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.
Telephone : 705 945 5654 (direct line and voice mail)
Class Time: Monday 5- 7:50 p.m.
Classroom: Crawford Hall Room 305
Credits: 3
Office Hours: after class or by appointment
Course Description:
This course is designed to teach the literacy skills that are essential for the success of secondary students and their learning in content area subjects. There will be an emphasis on literacy across the curriculum as well as creating lessons that guide students to learn strategies and content. Fieldwork and classroom observations are required.
Key Question: How will secondary school literacy instruction create effective classroom teaching in the content areas?
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, teacher candidates will be able to:
Integrate reading and writing strategies for teaching literacy skills in the content areas
Develop lesson plans that include literacy strategies and address higher level thinking skills using the Understanding by Design method
Use a variety of materials and media to enhance instruction
Understand how students construct meaning in texts as well as teach reading strategies
Include research and study skill techniques in their teaching and address the needs of struggling and English language learners.
Decide what assessment procedures and tools promote literacy achievement at the secondary level and how to use them effectively.
Describe their learning in relationship to the Certification Standards for the
Preparation of All Secondary Teachers
– Reading Instruction – adopted by the Michigan State Board of Education 2002.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of concepts as well as enthusiasm for teaching.
TE 440 – Syllabus 1
Required text:
Roe.B.D., B. D. Stoodt-Hill,& P.C. Burns. Secondary School Literacy Instruction:
The Content Areas. 9 th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.
Course Evaluation:
Field Experience Log and Reflective Summary
– based on text readings and class discussions
Assignments - 3: One=5%; Two=10%; Three=5%
Professionalism (attendance, class work, preparation)
Journal Reviews
Midterm exam 15%
Seminar Presentation of a Unit with lesson plans incorporating reading standards
(Assignment Two)
Final exam
98-100 = A+
94-97= A
88-89= B+
84-87= B
80-83= B-
78-79= C+
74-77= C
70-73= C-
60-62=D- 90-93= A-
All students enrolled in this course as a requirement of the Teacher Education
Program must earn a B- or better to successfully achieve the credits.
Disability Services and Accommodations for Students
In compliance with Lake Superior State University policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations or services are available. Students who require such services are to meet with the instructor to discuss their needs.
Students will receive services after they are registered with the Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD). This will enable the RCSD to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations. RCSD is located in the Library.
TE 440 – Syllabus 2
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance in this course is a essential. In the event that you cannot attend class due to an illness or an emergency, notify the instructor before class. It will be your responsibility to ensure that a classmate picks up copies of any handouts for sessions missed.
Excused absences require approval by the Provost’s Office or a doctor’s note.
2. Punctuality is important. Please arrive on time and submit assignments on the due date. Late assignments will receive a 10% penalty.
3. Class participation is critical to your learning. Please combine completion of the readings with thoughtful contributions. This will enhance the professionalism of your interactions with your peers and instructor.
4. Accuracy includes submitting all written work in a professional manner. All assignments should be: a) typed in correct MLA or APA style b) double-spaced c) in12 point font in Arial with one inch margins d) correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation
If you have used any source, acknowledge it in an appropriate format such as
APA or MLA style for in-text citations and a listing of sources.
Please proofread carefully.
5. Field Experience is a series of observations in local schools to provide further opportunities to gain first hand experience about education. Students will be expected to spend at least 15 hours or five half days in school settings. This will be coordinated through the Field Placement Director.
Students will complete a Field Experience Log (use form F-325-b provided on the LSSU Education Website
). Students will also complete a Reflective Summary including connections between what is learned in TE440 and classroom observations.
6. Exams. There will be a midterm and a final exam. The content will be based on the text, assigned readings, classroom discussion, videos and lectures.
7. Time is needed to complete all assignments and readings. Plan to spend four to six hours each week outside of class time.
8. Journal Reviews . Each student will present two journal articles on reading in the content area, one of which will address differentiated or special needs instruction. Students will attach a copy of the article, a two page summary, and an oral presentation in the classroom.
TE 440 – Syllabus 3
Class Date Topics Reading Assignments
In preparation
TE440 COURSE OUTLINE for each class:
Assignment One explained
Sept.11/06 Field Experience
Course Syllabus
Intro to the Course
Chapter 1: Why is
Content Literacy important?
2 Ch. 1 & 2
Sept.18/06 Chapter 2: Integrating
Sept.25/06 Ch.3: Developing
Meaningful Vocabulary
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Assignment One:
Media: Software
Evaluation due
Test 1
– Ch. 1-3
Oct.2/06 Ch.4: Process of
Constructing Meaning
Oct. 9/06 Ch.5 and 6: Strategies for Constructing
Meaning and
Organizing Information
Oct. 16/06 Ch. 7: Reading-Study
Ch. 5 & 6
Ch. 7
Assignment Two explained.
7 Ch.1-7
Test 2 – Ch. 4-6 second half
Oct. 23/06 MID-TERM EXAM
Second half of class
Oct. 30/06 Ch. 8: Writing Ch. 8
Nov. 6/06 Ch. 9: Literature and
Thematic Approaches
Nov.13/06 Ch.10: Reading
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Assignment Three explained
Bonus Assignment explained
Assignment Two:
Taxonomy due
Nov. 20/06 Ch. 11: Literacy for
Nov. 27/06 Literacy Assessment
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Three: MSBE
Standards due
Test 3: Ch. 8-11
TE 440 – Syllabus 4
Dec. 4/06 Seminar Presentations
Dec. 11/06 Seminar Presentations
Field Placement
Log & Summary due
Bonus Assignment due
15 Dec. 18/06 FINAL EXAM Ch. 1-12
Additional information on the assignments provided in the supplemental attachments
TE 440 – Syllabus 5