

Gen. Ed. Category



Analyze, evaluate, and explain human aesthetics and its historical development (Humanities Outcomes)

Gen. Ed. Outcome Statement:

Approved Courses addressing this Outcome Statement:

ARTS offerings

HUMN 251, ARTS250, ARTS251, HUGE100, HUMN203, HUMN240, HUMN252, HUMN255, MUSC220,

MUSC221, NATV240, PHIL302, PHIL305 or six to eight credits from second year of foreign language.

Person submitting this report

(name and e-mail):

R. Wilhelms, J. Swedene, R. Neveu

Date submitted:

HUMN offerings

Preliminary report submitted 28 April 2012

Assessment Measurements Conducted During the Current Year

Assessment Tools:

Student achievement of this outcome is measured using

Blackboard quizzes, exams, and supplemental projects.

The ETS test is an external measure (see below).

Summary of Results

Course level assessment will be obtained from data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.

Course level assessment will be obtained from data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.


The recommendations made in Spring 2011 were followed: namely, to tie the humanities objective to the cultural event analysis.

Through consultation, others may be soon made.

Currently being developed (see

Summary of Results).

MUSC offerings

Course level assessment will be obtained from data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.

No recommendations provided as of March 2012.

PHIL offerings

Student achievement of this outcome is measured using tests, written responses, and argumentative essays

Course level assessment will be obtained from data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.

No recommendations provided as of March 2012.

Course level assessment will be obtained from No recommendations provided


1 2012 General Education Assessment Report : Humanities

Language offerings

NATV offerings






Student achievement of this outcome is measured using

ETS test performance for all entering Freshmen and exiting Seniors.






Student assessment of this outcome is measured using the senior exit surveys that were completed during spring semester 2012.

data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.

Course level assessment will be obtained from data in the university course assessment plans submitted in Spring 2012.


Fall 2011: LSSU, 114.17, National, 113.03


Spring 2011: LSSU, 114.67, National, 115.45

59 students evaluated this outcome as follows; well prepared = 27.1%; adequately prepared =

39%; neutral = 20.1%; 10.2% = Poorly prepared; 0.0% = Not prepared at all. –

According to the 50 respondents, the courses most frequently selected as having been taken to complete the requirements included:

First 4 credits:

HUMN 251 (100%)

Second 3-4 credits:

HUMN 252 (54%)

ARTS 250 (6%)

ARTS 251 (10%)

HUMN 255 (7%)

MUSC 220 (2%) as of March 2012.

Senior and Freshman data cannot be compared because we have not had a cohort of

Freshman who completed the

ETS test take the test as graduating seniors .Students appear to be performing on par with comparable schools

(Baccalaureate [Liberal Arts]

Colleges I and II), nationwide.

We recommend the courses continue with assessment and modification as needed.

Moreover, a suggestion was made to indicate the objective at various times throughout the semester to reinforce the goals and directions of the course. For example, students seeing the objective printed on page one of a test or two very well might internalize the objective better and would, in turn, so indicate it on a future senior exit survey.

The majority of students

(66.1%) feel that their courses prepared them to accomplish this outcome. The Humanities learning outcome was ranked comparably to the other General

Education learning outcomes.

2 2012 General Education Assessment Report : Humanities

Course syllabi outcome statement compliance

Syllabi for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 courses that address this outcome statement were reviewed for compliance with explicitly including the outcome statement and relevant student learning outcomes.

Fall 2011: 7 of 11 (63.6%) included this outcome statement;

Spring 2012: 8 of 10 (80%) syllabi included this outcome statement.

Those not in compliance were adjuncts. Communication needs to be improved. Of the 21total sections, 4 of them were Spanish sections that, technically speaking, do not in themselves satisfy the General Education outcome, although they may be a part of a six to eight credit aggregation that satisfies the

Humanities elective portion.

Without these courses considered, 15 of the 17 (88%) syllabi were in compliance for the year.

Methods Used for Sharing Assessment Information: Methods for sharing course assessment information will be based upon and coordinated with university-wide course assessment procedures.

Next Steps :

Additional Comments: No additional comments.

HLC Six Fundamental Questions

1. How are your stated student learning outcomes appropriate to your mission, programs, degrees, and students?

2. What evidence do you have that students achieve your stated learning outcomes?

3. In what ways do you analyze and use evidence of student learning?

4. How do you ensure shared responsibility for student learning and for assessment of student learning?

5. How do you evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your efforts to assess and improve student learning?

6. In what ways do you inform the public and other stakeholders about what and how well your students are learning?

3 2012 General Education Assessment Report : Humanities
