Document 15583854

LSSU’s Funding Innovations in Teaching (FIT) Program
*Apply during this time if your expenses will be covered by September 30, 2016.
What is FIT?
FIT provides funding to LSSU faculty members for implementing innovative or best practices in teaching and
learning. Funding comes from LSSU’s Title III SIP Grant and thus FIT projects must help further the Title III
grant’s overall goal of enhancing student retention and graduation rates. In other words, the proposed project must
help one or more faculty members develop and evaluate innovative approaches to teaching that are designed to
increase student success.
Priority will be given to projects that involve an ‘on-the-ground’ implementation (as opposed to simply ‘learning
more about’) a practice. Priority will also be given to those applicants who show investment in the form of cost
sharing on their proposed idea. For more information about the Title III grant, see the Appendix A.
How much can I request?
Funding is available to support up to $3,000 per project. Projects that exceed this amount will be considered upon
review of additional justification. Projects are typically one semester or one year in length. Funding is available for
all five years of the Title III project (beginning in 2014).
How is the funding awarded?
Each semester, the Faculty Center will issue a call for proposals to the LSSU faculty. The following examples
illustrate the type of projects appropriate for the FIT program:
 Use of computer simulation-based case studies as a “Learn Before Lecture” activity to enhance student
engagement in a course. Students will explore concepts in an engaging, real-life setting and thus come to
class better prepared to learn the underlying theory and concepts.
 A community based academic service learning project for a college algebra class to assist staff at the
Community Action Agency to quantify trends in the needs of the Meals on Wheels Program. Students will
put what they learn to immediate practical applications and thus learn it better.
 Attending the teaching track at a discipline-specific academic conference. Professor will learn best
practices for teaching specific topics within his/her discipline and apply them in class. If you attend a
conference, you will have to report what you learned and how you are applying it to your classroom.
Faculty members considering making an application for FIT funds are encouraged to contact the Faculty Center
Co-Coordinators to discuss the idea.
Any interested faculty member or project team should submit the proposal to the Faculty Center workgroup for
consideration. The Faculty Center workgroup will select projects for recommendation to the Title III Steering
Committee which makes the final decision for Title III expenditures. The workgroup or the Steering Committee
may recommend that a proposal be revised and resubmitted.
Proposals will be awarded based on a ranking system using the following criteria:
Application of the practice with students in a specific setting (e.g., a particular class or experiential project).
Appropriate and effective use of the funds, including cost sharing.
Basis in evidence for the practice.
Extensibility/potential impact of the practice to other faculty members.
Statement of measurable outcomes and quality of the plan for evaluating those outcomes.
Sustainability of the practice beyond this funding.
Connection to the overall goal of improving student retention and graduation rates.
Past participation with FCT events.
Successful awardees will be expected to provide a written report to the Faculty Center regarding the
implementation of the practice and results of the evaluation of the practice and to present the results in a Faculty
Center seminar. In the past, awardees have presented in an informal brown bag session.
How do I apply?
Complete and submit the following no later than March 11, 2016:
 A completed application form.
 A travel reimbursement voucher estimating your expenses and including supervisory approval for travel.
(Please note: if traveling, you will be responsible for your expenses up front and will be reimbursed upon
return.) The travel reimbursement voucher can be found on the Business Office webpage:
Applications can be submitted to:
Faculty Center for Teaching c/o Krystle Gerzetich, FCT Administrative Support Coordinator, LBR104/LBR245
Faculty Center for Teaching Workgroup Members:
Mark Terwilliger, FCT Co-Director
Cathy Chaput, FCT Co-Director
Kimberly Muller
Mary Reynolds-Keegan
Sarah Ouimette
Megan Kelly
Barb Light
Herb Henderson
Jodi Hunter
Julie Barbour
Joe Moening
Kristina Olson-Pupek
Title III Steering Committee Members:
Shelley Wooley, Project Director
Beverly Haske, Activities Director
Mark Terwilliger, FCT Co-Director
Cathy Chaput, FCT Co-Director
Gail Essmaker, FCT/SLC Learning Technologist
Krystle Gerzetich, FCT Administrative Support Coordinator
Marc Boucher
Geralyn Narkiewicz
David Myton
Sandy Hope
Appendix A. Information on LSSU’s Title III Strengthening Institutions Program
What is the purpose of LSSU’s Title III Strengthening Institutions Program grant?
In 2013, Lake Superior State University was awarded a $1.8 million, five-year Title III Strengthening Institutions
Program grant through the U.S. Department of Education. The project has five comprehensive strategies for
strengthening the university:
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy 5
Implement Faculty Center for Teaching (FTC) to facilitate use of best practices in teaching
and advising, implementation of Community of Practice (COP), coordinate with Audio Visual
to acquire instructional technology, provide resources for faculty development and enhance
innovation and certify faculty members’ development efforts.
Implement Advising Support for Students and Faculty to provide information resources on
advising to faculty; provide students with information about how to get the most from their
faculty advisors; work through the Student Learning Commons (SLC) in supporting of peermentoring regarding university engagement and becoming a self-directed learner.
Implement a Student Learning Commons to provide students with programs and space for
expanded peer mentoring and enhanced resources for learning experiences and general
university engagement.
Manage barriers by identifying ‘momentum points’ in student progression to degree
completion, review policies and procedures in terms of their potential impact on those barriers,
and make appropriate modifications.
Improve cost-effectiveness of Learning Management System(LMS)by converting to opensource system.
The grant also specifies the goals and measurable objectives of the project for the five years of the grant:
Overall Goals
Academic Programs
Goal 1: Improve
Objective 1: By September
the success rates
2018, increase retention of fullof LSSU’s first
time First Time in College
year students
(FTIC) students from 68% to
74%. (Baseline=68%)
Objective 2: By September
2018, increase from 0% to 50%
faculty participation in COP.
Objective 3: By September
2018, 50% of lecture rooms will
have updated technology.
Objective 4: By September
2018, 30% of faculty will have
achieved local certification in
teaching and/or advising.
Objective 5: By September
2018, increase from 0% to 50%
faculty using resources available
through the Faculty Center for
Specific Tasks and Methods
1. Establish a Faculty Center for
Teaching (FCT) to facilitate:
 Use of best practices for teaching
especially student active learning
techniques and use of technology
to support student active learning
 Establishment of Faculty COP
 More effective approaches for
advising including optimal use
of new retention strategies
 Use of instructional technology
to support student learning
 Discussions, seminars &
workshops held on teaching and
 Acquiring of print/electronic
resources available for faculty
professional development
Funding available for attending
Funding available for innovative
practices through a min-grant
Creation of local certification
Tangible Results
74% of full-time, FTIC
students who enter in
the fall semester will
return the following fall
All new faculty and
50% of veteran faculty
will be involved in a
Faculty COP
50% of lecture rooms
will have updated
30% of faculty will
have achieved local
certification in teaching
and/or advising.
50% of faculty will
make use of resources
in the FCT.
38% of
studentsentering fall
2013 will be on track to
Teaching (FCT). (Baseline=0)
Objective 6: By September
2018, increase 6 year graduation
rate to 38%. (Baseline=33%)
Objective 7: By September
2018, increase percentage of
faculty members using MAPWorks to 70%. (Baseline=30)
Objective 8: By September
2018, 55% of first year students
surveyed will indicate they are
accessing on-line tutorials about
academic planning. (Baseline=0)
Objective 9: By September
2018, 35% of first year students
will be working with a peer
mentor. (Baseline=13)
Institutional Management
Goal 2: Identify
Objective 10: By September
and remove
2018, 80% of policies and
policies and
procedures will have been
procedures that
reviewed for their potential
unnecessarily act
impact on degree
as barriers to
degree completion
Goal 3: Improve
cost efficiency in
use of Learning
System (LMS)
Objective 11: By September
2018, 100% of faculty who use
LMS will be using Moodle.
program for faculty in the areas
of enhancing student learning
and in advising
2. Establish Enhanced First Year
Advising program:
 Increase student participation in
retention management system
 Increase faculty participation in
retention management system
 Provide enhanced advising
resources for advisors and
students including on-line
tutorials for academic planning
to help students get the most
from their advisors
3. Establish a Student Learning
 Provide increase student access
to peer mentoring
 Increase student access to
support for student active
learning within their classes
 Enhance the physical location
where students can access
support services
4. Manage Barriers:
 Staff in the Office for Advising,
Retention and Orientation will
facilitate an analysis of students’
individual academic and
personal needs, including
‘momentum points’ in student
progression to degree
completion and review policy
and procedures in terms of their
potential impact on them
5. Convert to open-source LMS:
 Begin process of converting to
Moodle as we approach end of
current license with
graduate in 6 years.
70% of faculty use
MAP-works for
55% of first year
students surveyed will
indicate they are
accessing on-line
tutorials about
academic planning
35% of first year
students will be
working with a peer
mentor during their first
80% of campus policies
and procedures that
impact degree
completion will be
reviewed and
will have been made.
100% of faculty who
use LMS in their
classes will be using
AppendixB. OMB Circular A-21: Allowable and Unallowable Direct Costs
OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, identifies direct and indirect cost that may be charged to
federal research grants and contracts. The cost principles also identify those charges that cannot be charged to grants and are
considered unallowable expenses.
OMB Circular A-21 offers four tests to determine the allow ability of cost applied to federally sponsored agreements. In
addition to conforming to any limitations or exclusions in the sponsored agreement, all expenses charged to sponsored accounts
Be allowable: Allowable expense are reasonable and necessary, allocable to sponsored projects, given consistent treatment
and conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in the relevant federal regulations (if applicable), the sponsored
agreement and the university policy.
Be allocable: An expense is allocable if it is incurred solely to advance the work under the agreement or if it benefits both the
sponsored agreement and other work of the institution, in proportions that can be approximated through use of reasonable
Be reasonable: A reasonable cost is one that a prudent person would have incurred under the circumstances prevailing when
the purchase was made.
Be consistently treated: Cost incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, must be treated consistently as either a
direct or indirect (F&A) costs.
The following costs are generally allowable on federal awards, except as noted. OMB A-21, Section J
( should be consulted for more detailed explanations and guidelines; the
corresponding paragraph where more information can be found is provided in parentheses before each item. Please note that
awarding agency guidelines and University policy may be more rigid than the guidelines listed here.
Allowable Direct Cost
(J-1) Advertising and Public Relations: Allowable only if related to and necessary for performance of the sponsored
project (i.e., recruitment of personnel, procurement of goods and services, disposal of scrap/surplus materials).
2. (J-2) Advisory Councils: Costs incurred by advisory councils or committees are allowable as a direct cost where
authorized by the Federal awarding agency or as an indirect cost where allocable to sponsored agreements.
3. (J-9) Communication Costs: Cost incurred for telephone services, local and long distance telephone calls,
telegrams, postage, messenger, electronic or computer transmittal services and the like are allowable.
4. (J-10) Compensation for Personal Services: Allowable for services such as salaries, wages and fringe benefits
within University policy and for activities contributing to and intimately related to work under the sponsored
agreement. (see OMB A-21, Section J for details).
5. (J-18) Equipment and other Capital Expenditures: Allowable only for special purpose equipment (Prior approval
from awarding agency required for items with a unit cost of $5,000 or more). Special Purpose Equipment - used
exclusively for research, medical, scientific, or other technical activities.
6. (J-25) Insurance and Indemnification: Allowable if related to and necessary for the performance of the sponsored
project (Note: malpractice insurance is an allowable cost of research programs only to the extent that the research
involves human subjects)
7. (J-30) Maintenance and Repair Costs: Allowable as a direct cost as necessary to carry out the technical and
scientific aspects of and actually used for the performance of a sponsored project.
8. (J-31) Material and Supplies Costs: Cost incurred for materials, supplies, and fabricated parts necessary to carry out
a sponsored agreement are allowable. Only materials and supplies actually used for the performance of a sponsored
agreement may be charged as direct costs.
9. (J-32) Meetings and Conferences: Allowable when the primary purpose is the dissemination of technical
information directly related to the project. This includes costs of meals, transportation, rental of facilities, speakers'
fees, and other items incidental to such meetings or conferences, excluding entertainment costs.
10. (J-33) Memberships, Subscriptions and Professional Activity Costs: Cost of the institution’s membership in
business, technical, and professional organizations are allowable. Costs of the institution’s subscription to business,
professional, and technical periodicals are allowable.
11. (J-36) Pre-agreement Costs: Allowable with prior approval from the awarding agency
12. (J-37) Professional Service Costs: Allowable when in accordance with OMB A-21, J37 b & c and in compliance
with University policy.
13. (J-39) Publication and Printing Costs: Allowable if the costs can be identified with a research project. If the cost is
for page charges, the charges are allowable for professional journals if the work is supported by the Federal
Government and the charges are levied impartially on all research papers published, not just those funded by federally
sponsored authors (see OMB A-21, Section J for details).
14. (J-42) Recruiting Costs: Allowable when related to and necessary for the project and if reasonable.
15. (J-45) Scholarships and Student Aid Costs: Allowable only when the purpose of the sponsored agreement is to
provide training to selected participants and the charge is approved by the sponsoring agency. In order to pay tuition, a
stipend must be paid, and the student must be enrolled in an advanced degree program. The activities of the student in
relation to the project must be related to the degree program and compensation must be conditioned explicitly on the
performance of the work. Must be a bona fide employer-employee relationship (see OMB A-21, Section J45).
16. (J-51) Training Costs: Allowable for training provided for employee development for a specific sponsored project.
17. (J-52) Transportation Costs: Allowable when related to goods purchased, in process, or delivered are allowable.
18. (J-53) Travel Costs: Allowable for transportation, lodging, subsistence and related items for employees who are in
travel status on project-specific business, subject to University policy.
Unallowable Direct Cost
(J-1) Advertising and Public Relations: Unallowable for cost of meetings, conventions, convocations, or other
events related to other activities of the institution and cost of promotional items and memorabilia, including models,
gifts and souvenirs.
(J-3) Alcoholic Beverages: Unallowable
(J-4) Alumni Activities: Unallowable
(J-6) Bad Debt: Unallowable
(J-8) Commencement and Convocation Costs: Unallowable
(J-11) Contingency Provisions: Unallowable
(J-12) Deans of Faculty and Graduate Schools: Unallowable
(J-14) Depreciation and Use Allowances: Unallowable
(J-15) Donations and Contributions: Unallowable
(J-17) Entertainment Costs: Unallowable for cost of entertainment including amusement, diversion, and social
activities and any costs directly associated with such costs (such as tickets to shows or sports events, meals with
inadequate substantiation of business purpose, lodging, rentals, transportation, and gratuities).
(J-18) Equipment and other Capital Expenditures: Unallowable for General Purpose Equipment. General Purpose
Equipment - not used exclusively for research (i.e., office equipment and furnishings, reproduction and printing
equipment, etc.).
(J-20) Fund Raising and Investment Costs: Unallowable
(J-22) Goods or Services for Personal Use: Unallowable
(J-23) Housing and Personal Living Expenses: Unallowable
(J-26) Interest: Unallowable
(J-27) Labor Relations Costs: Unallowable
(J-28) Lobbying: Unallowable
(J-29) Losses on Other Sponsored Agreements or Contracts: Unallowable
(J-33) Memberships, Subscriptions and Professional Activity Costs: Cost of membership in any civic or
community organization, any country club or social dining club or organization are unallowable.
(J-46) Selling and Marketing; Unallowable
(J-48) Student Activity Costs: Cost incurred for intramural activities, student publications, student clubs, and other
student activities, are unallowable, unless specifically provided for in the sponsored agreements.