Lake Superior State University - MI - Assurance Argument - 12/1/2015
1.C - Core Component 1.C
The institution understands the relationship between its mission and the diversity of society.
The institution addresses its role in a multicultural society.
The institution’s processes and activities reflect attention to human diversity as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves.
The mission, vision , and strategic plan demonstrate the institution’s continued support and commitment to diversity. Our earliest college catalogs ( circa 1967 ) refer to educating students for a well-rounded life including the development of “mental, spiritual, physical and social development.”.
By 1991 University Goals were introduced that included “designing support programs that will address the special learning needs of minorities, nontraditional students and women.” Over time, and through several refinements and presidential leadership changes, the university’s statement on diversity has continued to change. At the time of our
2011 selfstudy , institutional documents included the Value Statement to “welcome diverse perspectives and remain open to change and innovation.” The current mission statement focuses on the broad reach of students that the institution continues to serve as the university strives to provide "all students" with a well-rounded education, one which provides them the skills needed to succeed in their chosen careers. This well-rounded education includes a focus on diversity recognizing the multicultural makeup of the institution and its students. The vision statement stresses that we are "student centered" and empower students to realize their "highest individual potential." The core values of the institution communicate our understanding of the relationship between mission and diversity in our aspirational statement that "students [will] experience a campus community environment which is inclusive and welcoming."
The university is unique in the state through our service to the Native American and First
Nations peoples. While LSSU is by far the smallest public university in the state we serve the largest number of individuals identified as "American Indian" both in absolute number and in percentage . In addition LSSU is third in the state for the number of "Non-resident aliens" served; evidence of our commitment to diversity by serving students from various nations, provinces and U.S. states, students who bring with them a variety of cultural characteristics that continues to enrich the diversity of the university community. Beyond location diversity, LSSU embraces its commitment to diversity through the race/ethnicity of its students. The LSSU demographic diversity is defined in part by race/ethnicity such as Hispanic, Native American, and Black, etc.
The institution is reminded throughout each day of the international nature of our campus as
Canadian vistas are viewed from nearly every part of campus by looking North across the St.
Mary's River. Sitting on the border of two nations, and surrounded by a rich heritage derived
Lake Superior State University - MI - Assurance Argument - 12/1/2015 from Native American and French history, the university embraces its role to prepare students to be effective citizens in a multicultural society. Internationalism is incorporated into university operations , traditions like the Banished Word List which has international participation,
Snowman Burning which continues an old German Tradition (LSSU __ Snowman Burning.pdf) student events and community events. Evidence highlighting these cultural influences can be seen in areas such as the annual University commencement that features Native American drummers . The University supports a full-time director , Stephanie Sabatine , to provide oversight for the Native American Center which also supports and enhances campus culture throughout each year .
These events have included performances, food creations, lectures and art shows and exhibits in the Arts Center and Kenneth J. Shouldice Library Gallery. The campus displays US and Canadian flags in the Taffy Abel Arena , and routinely begins sporting events with the Canadian National Anthem in addition to our performing own Anthem.
LSSU continues to refine our understanding of institutional diversity through the activities of the
Shared Governance Diversity Committee, and as evidenced through their committee minutes .
Reflecting this growth and ongoing development, the Diversity Committee had developed a
Diversity Statement and Diversity Plan which were submitted to the Shared Governance
Oversight Committee (SGOC) on March 31, 2015. After continued committee dialog, on December 8, 2015 the Diversity Committee presented a new diversity statement at the university senate meeting reflecting our ongoing campus dialog on this issue.
The Diversity Committee is using the university senate and other opportunities to seek input into the adjustment of the original Diversity Plan submitted to SGOC on March 31, 2015. The statement and plan promote a more focused view of what diversity at LSSU means and what needs to occur within the campus to promote that understanding. The committee wants to seek input through the use of intentional prompts that faculty, staff and students will be asked to respond to through a type of gallery walk. On November 17-19, 2015, large display boards were set up in the Walker Cisler Center and the Kenneth J. Shouldice library ( include pictures) where the prompt was stated and those wanting to respond were given an index card to fill out anonymously for the appropriate prompt. That information, along with the information collected from the university senate meeting is being used in the development of an adjusted diversity plan. Areas of the Diversity Plan currently include: changes in the general education curriculum; bringing back a visiting professor to focus on diversity by using King Chavez Parks funds from the State of Michigan to conduct a diversity audit and campus climate study; and conducting an annual forum on diversity for students, faculty, and staff to focus on diversity needs. However, the Diversity Committee values and wants to use the input from the university community in its diversity plan that will show the future path of diversity at Lake Superior State University.
The Campus Life staff is the catalyst for a full range of dynamic and engaging campus community activities. The Laker Get Involved Guide (GIG) highlights some of the activities characteristic of this supportive environment and the annual Laker Life publication provides students an introduction to the full spectrum of institutional activities as evidenced through an compendium of Campus Life events , programming and student engagement activities that are produced in conjunction with the Diversity Committee . The activities have ranged from
Lake Superior State University - MI - Assurance Argument - 12/1/2015 speakers, such as Terri Houston , on critical and current issues (e.g., Trayvon Martin, bullying, racism, and Ferguson) to cultural displays (e.g., spoken word poetry and exhibits on racism) to celebrations of the lives of those who have taken a stand against oppression and racism (e.g.,
Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman). SafeZone Training has also been provided for Resident Assistants , Area Coordinators and other staff on Title IX, including training on sexual assault prevention, has been provided at the annual Professional Development
Days as evidenced through the programs from 2012-2015.
Diversity related student organizations have also assisted in programming efforts. The Campus
Life office, working with the Shared Governance Diversity Committee, re-established a fall student convocation event in the fall 2015. Important to that event was a new “Laker Pledge”
(fall2015 student convocation laker pledge.pdf) that stressed, in part, the importance of personal responsibility with the statement “I will help foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that values DIVERSITY.” Student organizations such as Gay, Lesbian, Or Whatever ( GLOW ) and
Student Advocates Against Sexual Assault have sponsored and led discussion on diversity programming beneficial to students, faculty, and staff. Activities Board
, Presidents’ Council and
Student Government are additional LSSU organizations which have led the way with both planning and sponsoring efforts to provide more diversity related programming on campus.
2013-2014 Diversity Events for HLC
2015 LSSU Commencement Program - Program15
2015 LSSU Commencement Program - Program15 (page number 7)
Ash Beckham info cds_13_14 LSSU Common Data Set 2013-2014
Diversity Committee Statement Sp 2015
Diversity Event information
Diversity Plan
Diversity Statement Draft 4NOV2015
Gallery Walk Prompts
GLOW sponsored funding
Lake Superior State University __ Admissions __ Applying to LSSU couldn't be easier
Lake Superior State University __ Faculty & Staff Directory __Sabatine
Lake Superior State University __ HLC Accreditation __ HLC Materials
Lake Superior State University __ James Norris Physical Education Center __ Taffy Abel
Ice Arena
Lake Superior State University __ News & Information __ Community invited to hear
Terri C
Lake Superior State University __ News & Information __ Sabatine appointed director of
Native American Center
Lake Superior State University __ Office of the President __ LSSU Mission and Vision
Lake Superior State University __ Office of the President __ LSSU Values Statement
Lake Superior State University __ Office of the President __ Strategic Plan and Goals
Lake Superior State University - MI - Assurance Argument - 12/1/2015
LSSU Native American Center
Professional Development Day Programs 2012-2015
Public University enrollment demographics 2014-2009 (1)
RACA Training Topic List
Safe Zone Letter
The Lake Superior State MISSION Retrospective 1967-2015
The Lake Superior State MISSION Retrospective 1967-2015 (page number 1)
The Lake Superior State MISSION Retrospective 1967-2015 (page number 4)
Lake Superior State
University - MI -
Assurance Argument -