Meeting between ITS and School Computing Officers 24 April 2007

Meeting between ITS and School Computing Officers
24 April 2007
The chairman welcomed the 27 attendees (11 from ITS and 16 from elsewhere) to the
third meeting of the group.
1. Matters arising from previous meeting
The minutes were agreed as a record of the previous meeting and the following points
Central File Store: shared filespace was being allocated to Schools. Each school was
invited to specify how their space was to be divided between groups within the
school. Documentation on accessing home directories and shared space was being
prepared. A request was made for documentation for linux users.
Classrooms: the new PC (Windows XP) classroom build, based on the current
windows 2000 build and taking into account changes requested by Schools, was
being prepared and would be ready for trial in the summer.
Wikis and Blogs: these were being investigated as part of general consideration of
internal communication. Only limited progress had been made so far. The use of
RSS was also being investigated
VPN: the number of VPN slots had been increased and the new configuration details
would be distributed. It was noted that at present VPN access was available to
anyone with a University computer account and that once connected via a VPN
users had full access as though directly connected to the University network. This
situation was to be reviewed; some restrictions might be considered necessary and it
was likely that users would be required to seek special registration before being
given VPN access.
Authenticated SMTP: this was not yet ready to be rolled out as some problems
remained to be addressed.
Certificates: the University had subscribed to a UKERNA-sponsored certificatesigning authority. New certificates were being introduced for Webmail and other
web services. The University’s certificates would therefore be recognised by
properly configured browsers so that users would not be asked to accept them when
accessing the University’s servers.
Module Management Sysytem (MMS): Contrary to what was said at the previous
meeting, the School of Management had not adopted MMS. It was noted that MMS
was being made available to Schools as a service: development work was by the
School of Computer Science; user support was expected to be supplied by BI and
SALTIRE; the hardware would be provided and maintained by ITS.
ITS staff reported that only limited feedback had been received on points raised last
time. Requests for space on the CFS were still welcome.
2. PC Classrooms and Seminar rooms
Fault reporting: faults in PC classrooms should be reported through the Helpdesk.
Faults in the PC and AV equipment in the seminar rooms should be reported
through the Helpdesk. The Helpdesk Manager would discuss liaison with Media
Services staff.
ITS asked that classroom PCs and other fully managed PCs should not be turned off
at the mains, since this caused problems for users and ITS: subsequent would-be
users would think the equipment was not working, and it was impossible to re-build
the PCs remotely. In making this request in future ITS would reassure users that
energy-saving measures would be incorporated in the new PC build.
3. Email
Performance: most of the performance problems (delayed delivery and inadequate
spam checking) identified earlier in the session had been resolved. There were still
some problems in connection with delivery of messages from mailing lists; these
were being investigated.
Email client issues: Many users had been helped to transfer from Eudora to
Thunderbird, and most of these had also started to use IMAP rather than POP. The
Helpdesk as well as School Computing Officers had been involved in the
installation of Thunderbird and importation of messages and addressbooks. A web
page of hints and tips had been written and was regularly updated. It was noted that
version 2 of Thunderbird had been released, and on the whole had been well
received, but ITS advised users not to be in a hurry to upgrade.
4. Information Interchange
A program of upgrades to network equipment was underway, which upgrades the
backplane capacity of our core routers from 256Gb/s to 720Gb/s, and allows for the
introduction of new IPSEC vpn blades.
A second link to Dundee was being constructed, to provide resilience for our JANET
Agreement had been reached on ITS’s long-standing request for two new server
rooms. These would also provide space and connectivity for School’s equipment
Shibboleth (as, amongst other things, a replacement amongst other things for
ATHENS) was to be introduced as part of the Identity Management project
The Swallowgate PC classroom was to be re-developed as a staff training facility
The wireless network was to be extended. The new JANET roaming service (JRS)
would entail changes to the method of connection to our wireless network. JRS,
which is part of the international Eduroam Federation, will allow visitors to the
University to access our network by authenticating with the username and password
issued by their own institution – provided their home institution is also a participant
in JRS/Eduroam
ITS was obliged to pay strict attention to network security. To this end a network
connection policy was being framed. ITS had also issued warnings to some 700
students with insecure passwords, requiring them to change them. Those who did
not comply within 14 days had had their passwords re-set and would have to apply
to the Helpdesk before using their accounts
Actions for ITS
Provide documentation for use of the Central File Store, including for linux users
Investigate and document the use of communications software (blogs/wikis/RSS)
Introduce authenticated SMTP
Complete the introduction of properly signed certificates
Liaise with Media Services over fault reporting procedures for teaching rooms
Consider issuing advice on energy-saving in connection with PCs in public areas and
in offices
Resolve on-going problems with mailing lists and investigate possible replacement
of the majordomo system
Date of next meeting: to be announced – in August or September.
Sheila Smart
Joseph Easson
Mike Arrowsmith
Bram Boskamp
Raymond Moir
Jennifer Ker
Lesley Mead
Jackie MacPherson
Patricia Heggie
Neil Tolland
Natalia Biletska
Mary Woodcock-Kroble
Ian Taylor
Jim Bews
Phil Le Feuvre
Alan Vaughan
Andy Braid
Phil Robertson
Allan Whyte
Malcolm Bain
Ray Parkinson
Birgit Plietzsch
Ray Schiavetta
Brenda Dobie
Jon Callan
Ian McDonald
Julian Crowe
Philosophy, Anthropology & Film Studies
Modern Languages & English
Art History & Classics
ITS (Chair)