1. What is the relative location of Zimbabwe?

1. What is the relative location of Zimbabwe?
2. What other countries are included in this area of Africa?
3. Botswana shares borders with which southern African countries?
4. What is Botswana’s capital?
5. Which river forms Botswana’s border to the Southeast?
6. Describe the great society located to the northeast of Botswana that was prosperous from the 1200’s to 1400s.
Please include the name of this place, the name of the people who established it, why it became prosperous,
and how it fell apart. (4 sentences minimum)
7. Which society followed the above great society?
a. How did this society become prosperous?
8. Which European imperial powers were heavily involved in southern Africa in the 1600, 1700, & 1800’s?
9. Which of these powers ended up winning after a clash during the Boer War in the 1890’s?
10. When did Botswana gain independence?
a. Who did they gain their independence from?
11. What mineral is a valuable resource in Botswana?
12. However, what is the most common profession in Botswana?
13. What percentage of Botswana’s population benefit from the diamond trade?
a. How would you describe the economic situation of the lower, middle, and upper classes in Botswana?
(Also add into your answer how farmers are forced off their lands).
14. By 1999, what two countries were the most AIDS-afflicted in all of Africa?
15. How much did life expectancy decline in Botswana between 1995 and 1999?
16. P. 403: What desert comprises part of Botswana & southern Africa?
17. P. 404: What is the former colonial name of Botswana?
18. P. 406: Note that the Top Gear hosts don’t cross through many cities. Describe Botswana’s population density.
19. P. 407: What two languages could the hosts of Top Gear expect to hear predominantly in Botswana?
20. P. 419: Botswana’s economy mainly depends on:
21. The lambs in the 5th minute illustrate which of the answers for question 20?
22. Roads, such as the one the hosts first travel on, are essential parts of a nation that allow for transportation &
communication & aid daily life. What is the term that we apply to this? __________________
23. What is the term for the type of topography the hosts first witness in Botswana?_________________
24. Were any of the cars the hosts are driving built in Africa?
a. Where were they built? Give the three countries.
b. What phrase regarding human geography refers to this spread of ideas from place to place?
i. _______________________
25. The main challenge of the episode is for the hosts to cross what?
26. How big is this geographic feature?