System Landscape/TransportStrategy for BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR BUSINESS INFORMATION WAREHOUSE A plan to build a system landscape for running SAP´s BW 2.0 Document Version 1.0 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR Table of Contents 1 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE / TRANSPORT STRATEGY ........................................................................... 3 2 RECOMMENDATION FOR BUILDING A SYSTEM LANDSCAPE ...................................................... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 RECOMMENDED SYSTEM LANDSCAPE ................................................................................................. 3 SETTING UP THE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 4 INSTALLING SYSTEMS BY COPY OF EXISTING SYSTEMS......................................................................... 4 TRANSPORT STRATEGY .................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 CONNECTING SYSTEMS...................................................................................................................... 5 3.1.1 Development system OLTP (O1) / Development system BW (B1) ......................................... 6 3.1.2 Consolidation system OLTP (O2) / Consolidation system BW (B2) ........................................ 6 3.1.3 Production system OLTP (O3) / Production system BW (B3) ................................................. 7 3.2 STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.1 Preliminary steps ..................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Categories of transport requests.............................................................................................. 8 3.2.3 Technical background .............................................................................................................. 9 4 UPGRADE STRATEGY ....................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 10 4.2 STRATEGIES ................................................................................... 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BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4.2.1 Upgrading BW system from 1.2A to 1.2B in conjunction with the upgrade of extractors on the OLTP starting with development systems ...................................................................................... 11 4.2.2 Upgrading BW system from 1.2A to 1.2B in conjunction with the upgrade of extractors on the OLTP starting with a copy of production systems to quality systems ........................................... 12 4.2.3 Upgrading BW production system only .................................................................................. 12 4.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS .......................................................................................................................... 12 5 LITERATURE ....................................................................................................................................... 13 6 OSS NOTES ........................................................................................................................................ 13 1998 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 1 System landscape / Transport strategy This paper is a recommendation for building a system landscape for running SAP´s Business Information Warehouse. This paper is intended to describe the differences between the CTS in an R/3 environment and BW environment. It gives you hints for the transport and upgrade strategy within a BW system landscape. 2 Recommendation for building a system landscape 2.1 Recommended system landscape A typical system landscape consists of a development, consolidation and production system both on the R/3 and on the BW side. For each R/3 OLTP system there should be a BW system. Furthermore it is possible to access the R/3 systems and BW systems via an ITS server (The connection R/3 – ITS is not drawn in the picture below). There is only one ITS server, but multiple virtual instances are running on the ITS server. Each instance has to be assigned to one R/3 or BW system. There are no transport routes among the virtual ITS instances. If one ITS service is defined for the development system, it has to be checked in into the corresponding R/3 or BW system. This service will be transported to the next R/3 or BW system and from there it will be checked out into the corresponding ITS instance. . 1998 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 3 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW 2.2 ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR Setting up the system The following steps should be performed after an installation of BW in order to setup the change and transport system, these steps are the same steps as in a R/3 environment. Check, if not done prior to the installation, if the transport directory has enough free space Initialize WBO with transaction SE06 Configure the transport management system (TMS) with transaction STMS 2.3 define systems of the transport domain define transport layers and routes Installing systems by copying existing systems It is common practice to install an R/3 system with the help of a database backup of another R/3 system. In a BW environment this procedure needs some additional steps as transfer structures and communication structures are generated using the logical system name of the BW system. If a BW system is setup this way several BW specific steps have to be performed: Delete the R/3 source system in the AWB (administrator workbench, transaction RSA1) in the BW target system (Table RSBASIDOC should have no entries with values <logical BW System> in field RLOGSYS and <logical OLTP System> in the field SLOGSYS). Delete the target system from the transport domain Perform the database copy with all the usual follow up work Disable the existing RFC connections once defined for R/3 and BW systems in the copied systems by deleting the RFC connection. (Attention: In the 1.2B release, don’t delete the RFC destination just remove the IP address or host name. Otherwise the next step will fail, because the function module to delete the source system looks up the RFC connection) Delete the old logical system of the old OLTP system, in order to do this use the function module RSAR_LOGICAL_SYSTEM_DELETE. Check in the AWB that the source system is deleted. Create a new logical system and assign it to the source client (The system has to be restarted for the new values to take affect) Alignment of number ranges for EDIPORT in the new BW system with its R/3 source system Create new RFC connection Create new R/3 source system in the AWB Redefine mapping of source systems Update InfoSource metadata 2000 SAP AG 4 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR An alternative would be to copy a pair of systems. You can copy the BW system and the connected R/3 system. 3 Transport strategy 3.1 Connecting systems You must ensure that the relevant release-dependent extractors are implemented on the R/3 systems, either the so called PI or PI-A (The BW-BCT extractors won’t work). It is recommended to use the most current version of the extractors. Transports are only possible between R/3 systems (O1, O2 and O3) or BW systems (B1, B2 and B3). It is not possible to transport between R/3 and BW systems. The communication between R/3 and BW systems during the upload process takes place via RFC. As of release 2.0A the transport management system (TMS) in the BW system is switched off by default, it is not possible to switch it on. If objects are created in a BW system they will be assigned to the development class $TMP, as a result of this fact they will be created as local objects. No pop up for a transport request will occur. If an object should be transported, its development class has to be reassigned to a none local development class and the object has to be linked to a transport request. To do this assignment choose transaction RSA1 GOTO Transport connection. 2000 SAP AG 5 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR In this transaction it is possible to choose the objects via drag and drop. Just drag the objects to be transported from the window “all objects” (left window) to window “collected objects” (middle window). The major advantage of this method is that all dependent objects will be collected in the transport request automatically. If , for example, an info cube should be transported, not only the info cube has to be transported but the info areas and info sources belonging to this cube as well. Once an object is linked to a none local development class this link persists – if not changed manually. If such an object will be changed, the user will be asked for a transport request. From now on the behavior for this object is like in an ordinary R/3 system. 3.1.1 Development system R/3 (O1) / Development system BW (B1) The BW development system is connected to the R/3 development system. Ensure that the development systems are identical to the production systems with respect to customizing settings and metadata content. Adjustments to the R/3 production system must be reflected in the R/3 development system. Extractor enhancements (like view names used in RO* tables) and metadata changes are recorded automatically in transport requests. These changes have to be transported from the development system to the consolidation system and further on into the production system. 3.1.2 Consolidation system R/3 (O2) / Consolidation system BW (B2) The BW consolidation system is connected to the R/3 consolidation system. As the consolidation systems are for consolidation issues only, the servers on which these systems are installed can be servers with smaller configuration. The customer can check / test in these systems the influence of transports to the functionality of the system. 2000 SAP AG 6 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR Ensure that the consolidation systems are identical to the production systems with respect to customizing settings and metadata content. Adjustments to the R/3 production system must be reflected in the R/3 consolidation system. 3.1.3 Production system R/3 (O3) / Production system BW (B3) The BW production system is connected to the R/3 production system. If available, the extractor enhancements from the R/3 development / consolidation system must be imported into the R/3 production system. A metadata upload must be carried out in order to make any new metadata available in the BW production system. It is not possible to transport the uploaded metadata from the development BW system into the following systems. This is done because a transport of these metadata could lead to inconsitencies in the target system if later a meta data upload will be performed in the target system. The no change switch for the R/3 system ensures that no repository objects can be changed in the production system. 3.2 3.2.1 Strategy Preliminary steps During metadata upload the metadata will not be assigned to any development class, the uploaded metadata can’t be transported between BW system. The metadata upload has to be done for each pair of systems (R/3 OLTP – BW) separately. Before transfer structures can be transported between BW systems you have to maintain the conversion table RSLOGMAPSYS (via menu in RSA1 –> Tools –> Mapping of the source system names). The conversion table is maintained in the target BW system, into which the transport will be imported. InfoSources mapped to a source system are converted during the transport using this conversion table. Before the first transport between the BW systems (B1, B2 and B3) takes place, a metadata upload from the connected R/3 systems to the BW systems should be done in order to avoid possible errors in the transports. For example: If a TransferStructure is transported it can only be activated if the relevant DataSource already exist in the target system. 2000 SAP AG 7 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR If enhancements are made to extractors on the R/3 side, these enhancements should at first be transported from R/3 development to R/3 consolidation or R/3 production system followed by a metadata upload to the connected BW systems. 3.2.2 Categories of transport requests We logically distinguish between 3 categories of transport requests: Transport requests for “normal” BW objects Transport requests for Roles Transport requests for all BEx objects The transport behavior for “normal” BW objects has been described above. However, the behavior for the other two types of transport requests differ slightly from the described behavior. Roles are client dependent objects, thus they have to be recorded in customizing requests. The transport of these customizing requests has to be performed in the same way as in an OLTP R/3 system. For the first time a BEx object will be transported the behavior is like for “normal” BW objects, they will be assigned to the $TMP development class. As soon as the BEx objects are assigned to a non local development class the behavior differs from the behavior of “normal” BW objects. All BEx objects are always recorded into one special transport request, which has to be created by the system administrator. This has to be done in the transport connection within the AWB. As soon as the the BEx transport request is released the administrator has to create a new one. This behavior is designed this way to avoid to choose transport requests when the user works with the frontend. 2000 SAP AG 8 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW 3.2.3 ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR Technical background BW uses logical transport objects, so called TLOGO objects, defined in transaction SOBJ. These objects are listed in the table below. Where entries numbered with A# are objects which are not specific to BW, but used by BW as well. 2000 SAP AG Nr. TLOGO Objekt TLOGO 1 Currency translation type CTRT 2 InfoArea AREA 3 Application APCO 4 Routine ROUT 5 InfoObject IOBJ 6 Hierarchy HIER 7 InfoObject Catalog IOBC 8 ODS Object ODSO 9 InfoCube CUBE 10 Aggregate AGGR 11 InfoSource transaction data ISTD 12 Communication Structure ISCS 13 Update rules UPDR 14 Source system LSYS 15 File DataSource ISFS 16 Transfer rules ISMP 17 Transfer Structur ISTS 18 Info Package ISIP 19 Info Package Group ISIG 20 Element (Report) ELEM 21 Report Agent Setting RASE 22 Report Agent Package RAPA 23 BW: RRI InfoCube Recipient RRCA 24 BW: RRI Query Recipient RRQA 25 Workbook XLWB 26 Event- Administration Chains EVEN A1 Authorization Object SUSO A2 Authorization AUTH A3 Authorization Profile SUSP A4 Role ACGR A5 ABAP Query: User group AQBG A6 ABAP Query: Functional area AQSG A7 ABAP Query: Query AQQU 9 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR 4 Upgrade strategy 4.1 Requirements BW upgrade You need BW 1.2B with 4.5B Kernel (and Oracle 8.0.5 if you have an Oracle database) for upgrading to BW 2.0. The upgrade of a BW system works in the same way as for an ordinary R/3 system, the tool R3up is used for the upgrade. The only difference is that for a BW upgrade always strategy A_off is used. 4.2 Requirements R/3 OLTP upgrade Performing an upgrade of an OLTP system with an installed extractor is a bit more crucial. Consider the following system configuration: OLTP R/3 release 3.1H with BW-BCT extractor. After the upgrade the system should be an OLTP R/3 release 4.6B with PI-2000. If such an upgrade has to be performed, it has to be done in multiple steps. 1. Upgrade BW-BCT extractor for release 3.1 H PI-2000 for release 3.1H 2. Upgrade R/3 3.1H R/3 4.6B, bind the PI-2000 upgrade CD to the upgrade, as a result of this binding the PI-2000 for release 4.6B will be installed. 4.3 Strategies Before starting the upgrade you should backup the system you plan to upgrade. You should follow the transport route of your system landscape. That means the upgrade should start with the development system. It is recommended to start the upgrade with the BW server, in long running phases of this upgrade it is possible to upgrade the extractors. After the upgrade, please install the language CD and the released patches for BW 2.0A/B. 2000 SAP AG 10 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR 4.3.1 Upgrading BW systems in conjunction with the upgrade of extractors on R/3 starting with development systems In this scenario the whole functionality of BW after the upgrade can be tested. After the upgrade you can redo modifications. 2000 SAP AG 11 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR 4.3.2 Upgrading BW systems in conjunction with the upgrade of extractors on R/3 starting with a copy of production systems to quality systems The advantage of this scenario is, that tests after the upgrade can run with mass data. At first create a full database copy of BW and R/3 production systems. After copying the production systems to the quality systems disable the existing RFC connections once defined for R/3 and BW production systems in the copied systems. At first start the upgrade of the copied BW system. When the upgrade is finished you can redo modifications in BW. Then test the functionality in BW (Analyzer, Web Reporting, Queries, Admin.Workbench, InfoCubes, etc.) In parallel you can do the upgrade of the extractors on the copy of R/3. After this upgrade is finished you can redo modifications, enable the RFC connection and test metadata and data upload with mass data. 4.3.3 Upgrading BW production system only At first create a full database copy of the BW production system to a standalone system. After copying the production systems to the standalone systems disable the existing RFC connections once defined for R/3 production systems in the standalone system. In this environment you can only test a limited functionality of BW after the upgrade. As there is no connection to an R/3 system, data upload from R/3 can’t be tested. 4.4 Known problems Known problems concerning the upgrade to BW 2.0B are published in note 183396. This note is related to all databases, there are special notes for each database. 2000 SAP AG 12 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE/TRANSPORT-STRATEGY FOR BW ASAP FOR BW ACCELERATOR 5 Literature and Training Additional information concerning the Change and Transport Organizer can be found in the online documentation of BW and in the online documentation of R/3. SAP offers a 3 day training course (BC325) concerned with the setup of a system landscape. Please also note the course TABW90, covering this topic especially for BW. 6 OSS Notes Check OSS from time to time concerning notes corresponding to CTS and BW. Especially there is an OSS note for every available BW support package. Make sure to read these notes before applying the support packages in order to avoid known problems. The following notes exist so far for patches for a BW 2.0B system: 213081 BW Support Package 01 213141 BW Support Package 02 Furthermore check the following notes: 176143 Q&A Transfer BC, transport connection, Object Browser 130691 gives a general overview of all BW related notes 2000 SAP AG 13