9th Grade path: feeling Ex: empathy Def: the ability to understand the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of someone else When my best friend told me she was getting married, I became as excited as she was, and we shed tears of joy together. path: feeling Ex: apathy Def: lack of enthusiasm, interest, or concern Voter apathy is at an all-time high this year. path: feeling Ex: telepathy Def: communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses Some people believe twins share a telepathic connection because they are always in sync. ped: child Ex: pediatrics Def: branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases Volunteering at a pediatrics ward is highly rewarding. ped: child Ex: pediatrician Def: a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases Pediatricians must have the ability to make children feel calm and comfortable. per: through, throughout Ex: perennial Def: lasting for a long or infinite amount of time She is a perennial optimist, so it’s unusual for her to be in a bad mood. per: through, throughout Ex: perpetual Def: never ending or changing; occurring repeatedly After she suffered a stroke, her face was in a perpetual grimace. per: through, throughout Ex: permeate Def: to spread throughout something The smell of the burnt popcorn permeated the small office. peri: around Ex: perimeter Def: the outer boundary around a figure or area The perimeter of the concert stage was roped off to hold back over-enthusiastic fans. peri: around Ex: periodic Def: appearing or occurring at intervals The professor took a periodic pause throughout the lecture for dramatic effect. peri: around Ex: peripheral Def: of, relating to, or situated on the edge of something I don’t like the President because he is focused on peripheral issues instead of the pressing ones. sacr/sanct: holy Ex: sanctuary Def: a place of refuge or rest, a place where you can feel at peace, or the holiest part of a temple or a church. The sanctuary is quiet now, but soon it will be filled with devoted worshipers. sacr/sanct: holy Ex: sanction Def: a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule; official approval for an action The principal threatened to sanction the homecoming dance if the students’ behavioral problems didn’t subside. sacr/sanct: holy Ex: sacred Def: entitled to honor or religious respect by association with divinity or divine things; holy This is sacred family ground because our father is buried here.