Challenging the Systems Research Project Guidelines Due: April 25th

Due: April 25th
Challenging the Systems
Research Project Guidelines
There are several real-world problems that are occurring everyday in today’s society. Identify a
problem within a system to study and investigate. The problem should be a real-world problem (heart
disease in humans, the thinning of the ozone layer, erosion of beach dunes, water pollution from catfish
farms, etc.). Depending on the topic of research, the system could be biological, physical, environmental,
social, or other. Investigate the real-world problem and create realistic solutions to solve the problem.
1. Research
Develop questions to guide your research. The following questions must be answered during the
research process:
What is the problem?
What are the causes of this problem?
What factors contribute positively or negatively to the problem?
What are the consequences of this problem?
What are some solutions?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each solution?
How could the solutions lead to new problems?
As you are conducting research you will also develop additional guiding questions to further guide
your research. Based on your findings from your research develop a hypothesis or some possible
answers to the questions.
2. Proposal
The proposal will be completed in two parts.
Abstract/intro (Recognize the Problem)
Background to the Problem (Given Information)
Research Design (Guiding Questions)
Gather Ideas/Data
Rank Ideas/Data
References (4-6, 2 with statistical data)
8th grade TPSP – Challenging the System
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Due: April 25th
3. Article or Letter
You, as a student, show what you have learned through one of the following written products.
*You, as the student, are responsible for identifying the appropriate person or organization
responsible for the problem or solution.*
1. Write a professional letter (Microsoft Letter Wizard-full block) to a person or organization with
responsibility for the problem or solution. In the letter, you will describe the solution that would
best solve the problem and give research-based reasons on why this solution is the best of all the
available solutions. You may wish to include supplementary materials (such as graphs, tables,
and/or visual depictions of the system) with the letter and will mail the letter to the appropriate
person or organization. The student will share any response from or additional communication with
the person or organization.
2. Write an article that summarizes the results of the research. You will use graphs, tables, or
visual depictions of the system to illustrate the research process, results, and conclusions. The
article will be submitted to a publication (e.g. school newspaper, community newspaper through a
letter to the editor, teen magazine, online journal). You will share any response from or additional
communication with representatives from the publication.
A copy of the letter/article will be turned in to the teacher.
4. Presentation Product Choices:
You are responsible for presenting your research findings aided by one of the following original,
student-created presentation product choices in a 5-10 minute formal presentation. The presenter may
not exceed the 10 minute time limit.
Recorded TV broadcast
Other –teacher approval required
8th grade TPSP – Challenging the System
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