AQR Syllabus (Bring back signed)

AQR Syllabus (Bring back signed)
Teacher: Rhonda Weldon Room 224
Conference: A day 4th block
E-mail: Phone: School 940-369-2140
Course description:
This AQR is a two semester course. This course extends the concepts learned in Geometry and Algebra 2.
Curriculum Outline:
The mathematics TEKS set by the state describe what a child should know and be able to do. You may view the TEKS at
Please remember that math is not a spectator sport. You must actively participate in order to succeed. Also math
problems do not generally disappear on their own. The longer you wait to ask for help, the harder it will be to get caught up.
You can be successful if you commit to doing your every night, participate in class study for tests, and ask for help.
1. Two #2 sharpened pencils
2. Folder to leave in the classroom to store notes and classwork (Notebook with braids)
3. Denton High School Agenda (provided by DHS)
4. Antibacterial lotion
5. 4 “AAA” batteries because we use graphing calculators everyday
6. 2 boxes of Kleenex
Grading Policy:
Major Summative 70%
Minor Summative 30%
It is recommended that each student keep their homework in a binder or folder. I will have a bin for them to store
the folders in my room. This notebook will be extremely useful when studying for exams.
Make-up Work: Test, quizzes, and homework that are missed due to absence must be made up within a week of
returning to school. (Assignments that were due the day you were absent are due the day you return.) Get your make-up
work immediately upon your return to school even if you don’t have this class that day. Assignments will be posted at the
back of the room in a tray. You need to plan on attending tutoring to get help. The longer you wait to ask for help, the
harder it will be to get caught up. Students that are absent due to a school activity must get assignments in advance. They
should be current with the rest of the class when they return. This is school policy.
I allow retakes on test. For the retakes, the student will need to produce all of the classwork completed for the
subject in order to complete the new test.
Please become familiar with the new Denton ISD Academic Integrity Policy that is found in the Student Code of Conduct.
Tutoring: After school help is available Monday through Friday.
Calculators: Students will be assigned a graphing calculator to use during class. These calculators have to remain in the
classroom. The calculator is a TI Nspire. There is no need for you to buy one ($150). The students can come in before
school by appointment or after school on any day if they need extra time to finish their work. The library has calculators
they can check out and use at home. On my website is a link to an online graphing calculator.
Classroom Procedures:
Respect everyone and be on time.
Have your supplies ready when the bell rings. (Pencils sharpened, calculator, book and paper out …)
Follow all school and district rules.
With in a six weeks, a student will be given one warning each week for breaking any procedures. After that, the student will
follow the consequences listed below.
Student File: I maintain a file on every student in each one of my classes. The file contains any and all items that I have
received on that student. This file will be made available for all parents to read per their request.
The time BETWEEN classes is when you take care of personal errands to your locker, office, restroom, …
Please provide the following information to help me better serve you and your child in the upcoming school year:
Student Name_______________________________________(1 Name Preferred ________________)
Address: ________________________________________ City: ______________ Zip:_______
Phone#: (_____) ________________________
Student’s e-mail: _____________________________________
Student lives with: [ ] both parents [ ] mother [ ] father [ ] legal guardian
Father/ Legal Guardian’s Name:_________________________________________
Home ph (___) ___________________ Work ph (___) ____________________ Cell ph (___) _______________
Father’s e-mail: ___________________________Employer: __________________________________________
Do you communicate using text messages? ______________________________________________________
Mother/ Legal Guardian’s Name:_________________________________________
Home ph (___) ___________________ Work ph (___) ____________________ Cell ph (___) _______________
Mother’s e-mail: __________________________ Employer: __________________________________________
Do you communicate using text messages? _______________________________________________
To be filled out by the student.
Tell me something special about you: (abilities, talents, interests, future plans, etc.)
Tell me anything that you think that I should know about you that might affect his/her performance in my class.
Parents please review this handout with your child. I have provided 2 copies of the handout. Please sign the bottom of
this handout and return it to me. The other copy is yours to keep. If you have an email address, I would appreciate it if
would write it down for me, along with any phone numbers that might be helpful. I can then use this to communicate with
you throughout the year. Thank you for your help.
STUDENT NAME _____________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE _____________________________
PARENT NAME _____________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE _____________________________
BEST TIME FOR YOU TO BE CONTACTED ________ CHECK ONE Email_______ Home ph_______ Cell ph _______
A copy of this can be found on my webpage on the DHS website. (
If you need a paper copy, check here. ______
The Denton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color, and or notional origins in its educational programs.
Admission to career programs is based on age, grade, interest, aptitude and ability. Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admissions and
participation in any educational programs.